Joe Horn segment on O'Reilly tonight

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Apr 2, 2003
Just sitting here watching the "Is It Legal" segment on O'Reilly, where Lis Wiehl and Megyn Kelly are discussing the Joe Horn case.
From what I understand from research before today (and I assume why this case was dropped), what Joe Horn did was legal under Texas law.

'Course, as usual Megyn Kelly seems to have it correct, and Lis Wiehl is wrong (again)!
Just Googled Lis Wiehl since I wanted to see the history of someone who seems to regularly get her lunch handed to her by Megyn Kelly on these segments.
I knew she was a former federal prosecutor (scary enough in itself based on the number of incorrect stances she takes on these segments), but after reading her Wikipedia bio it’s REALLY scary (kinda like Obama formerly teaching Constitutional law)!

Just for kicks, check out the video of DC v Heller from a few months back on O’Reilly’s “Is It Legal” segment (Wiehl vs Kelly)
I watched the debate also. It was obvious from the beginning that Lis Wiehl had not read the statute. She actually brought-up the "castle doctrine" and self-defense. :cuss:

For those of you that don't know, Texas statutes provide for the use of deadly force in the protection of property. The grand jury clearly followed the law.

If you're going to debate legal judgements on national TV, I suggest a reading of the law beforehand.
If you look at the statements of the police officer who witnessed the shooting, the two thieves ran toward Joe Horn at an angle. He thought they were running away, but ended up running toward him and onto his yard triggering him to shoot out of self defense. Since it all happened fast and they were moving at an angle, he ended up shooting them in the back. I wouldn't be surprised if the decision was not about protection of property, but self defense while he was still on his own property.

Staying on my own property while I yell at the guys robbing my neighbors house is certainly something I can see myself doing. I doubt I would go beyond that.
Mr. Horn was justified in shooting the guys under several statutes.

Self defense, defense of a third party, stopping the commission of a burglary... The debate over this just shows how poorly most Texans understand their own laws. It's sad really. What in the heck are we teaching our kids in schools? Frankly I think the vast majority of people in TX who actually comprehend the laws in this case are CHL holders, lawyers and LEOs.

One woman I heard calling into a radio show on this topic this morning said Joe Horn was a "murderer, plain and simple". We are all so accustomed to being victims that we cannot understand the concept of doing anything other than hunkering down and hoping the bad guys will go away.
beyond the legal issues involved is the fact that both were illegals, with purchased I.D.'s from Puerto Rico. one of them had been deported before when caught. (if I can believe what I've read) there is some evidence that both may have been part of a large gang in the U.S. of Colombians that have organized a house-breaking theft ring, in particular looking for guns as well as jewelry.
Mr. Horn may well be truly lucky he was not faced with 2 armed perps - he could have been involved in a real shoot-out.
I'd be happy to have him as a neighbor myself.
Megan Kelly was all over it and actually read the statue.

I saw another show on Fox hosted by Heather Nauert (another hottie BTW) where she was interviewing Jeanine Pirro (fomer NYS DA and judge) on the 2A Heller decision. Nauert announced that both her and Pirro where both active shooters and pro 2A. Shocked the heck out of me.
Mostly, Mr. Horn was justified in shooting those guys because it would violate common decency and the spirit of the law for him to have gone to jail over this.

There was a segment on Anderson Cooper about Joe Horn last night as well.
Surprisingly, Judge Napolitano on Fox got it wrong, too, as if he had neither read the Texas statutes regarding Mr. Horn's grand jury deliberations, nor had any concern other than possible moral implications of the actions.
We are much better off with the two illegal aliens not sharing our oxygen. We need to put more fear into criminals - increase the chances of them not surviving criminal activity.

Too many people believe in the catch and release program for everything.
We are all so accustomed to being victims that we cannot understand the concept of doing anything other than hunkering down and hoping the bad guys will go away.
Ain't that the truth! That is a perfect description of Anti's and Dogooders'/Socialists' attitudes. "We'll take care of you!" Far too many Joe Sixpacks wander through daily life fully engrossed in such a way.

Thanks, but no thanks. I'll pass.

What happened to American self reliance, independent thought and self determination? (I.E. Rush's "Rugged Individualism"?)

So sad.

Hmm...I think Criminals are going to be more afraid of citizens than the police.

Good Deal!

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