John Farnum's quips and comments

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Rats - LOL! :D I had replied to a handgun shipping thread and forgot to clear my cut and paste.

The link is correct now. Thanks robear!
John is a well respected firearms trainer who is fairly low key. No smoke, no mirrors, just good training. We've had him here in Columbia.
I been reading a lot of his quips. Good stuff, even tho he seems to dislike Berettas quite a bit :scrutiny:

Well, they work for me, so I'll stay with them.

Gotta finish up 2003, and read the other two years by the end of the day...slow day at work :D
John Farnam is one of the best defensive shooting instructors. I took his course some years ago and it was worth every penny. For all those new CCW types out there I highly recommend proper training . It can save you things like death ,jail, and money.
Who is John Farnum????

Why you silly boy, he's only one of the very best and most respected firearms instructors in the world. John authored The Farnum Method of Defensive Shotgun and Rifle Shooting , and his web site is John teaches police and military firearms instructors from all over the world (such as at at International Assoc. of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors training sessions) and the Pro Instructors listen most respectfully when he talks.
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