Joining the IDF in two days, need your help

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The thing to do is to intimidate the instructors with your mental toughness. Challenge them or laugh in their faces until they back down with fear in their eyes! Interrupt frequently and point out better ways of doing things so they know you are smarter than them - which is true because those non-coms would be officers if they were smart, and be sure to point that out to them at every opportunity!

Above all, complain; loudly and at every opportunity!

Oh wait - all that advice is for civil service trainee's... For the military, maybe you should go with some of the earlier advice from others!

Good Luck!

I went through three months of basic along time ago.... and mainly learned,
Go with the Flow...they will tell you what to do.
Do not take it personal, they are turning individuals into a team.
previously mentioned several time(so it must be important), keep mouth shut and eyes open.
Yeah, they cannot kill you(in BT), but remember it is not combat....but that is what they are teaching you. Basics of survival!!
Any enforced calesthenics(in infamous 'bends and thrust') may seem like casual torture....but it has an actual application in combat(get down, lay low in same position-FAST) honed deeply into the subconscious by apparently casual torture. Attention to detail come in handy on patrol, looking for 'off' colors, and wayward lines that may represent a BG awaiting in normally means you only have to do the job once if you are paying attention.
There is a madness to their method, but it does seem to work.
I cannot speak from any experience with the IDF...never been to Israel YET! I dated a cute gal who had been in the IDF and thought it amazing when she said 'I was really disappointed that I couldn't bring my Uzi when I came to the states!" She was a Keeper, but she got away.
Serving your country is not a sentence of pain, it is an olbigation and a duty....learn, grow, meet a few new folks, and hopefully you'll never need to undergo the trials of combat.....that is the REAL pressure cooker!!
Semper Fi,
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