Joining the NRA = Worst thing I have ever done

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Joining the NRA = Worst thing I have ever done

Boy, it is really tough to take the high road with hyperbole like this. :banghead:
Armedbear and several other have said it better than I can.

Go on line and check the box to stop the flood. :neener:

Those that send you junk from a mailing list (like NRA is the ONLY organization doing that?) usually include self addressed and postaged envelopes. Tear their stuff in two and send it back to 'em in their own envelope. :D

Just my 2 cents. Of course, it and another $11.95 will get you a box of good 30.06 ammo... Maybe...:evil:

Uhh, just ask them to stop sending it.

I get 3 or 4 pieces of mail a year from NRA.

+1. I called and within a month or so the mailings stopped. In the 5 years since becoming a life member, I received exactly TWO phone calls after being taken "off the list".

Not renewing your NRA membership because of some bulk mail is a little silly IMHO.
WOW! Want some cheese with your whine (wine)?

I get maybe 1 or 2 pieces of junk/solicitation mail per month that I can directly tie back to the NRA (USA Shooting Team, for example). Same for e-mail... 1 or 2 per month (usually life insurance and NRA wine).

I have yet to get mail, e-mail, or phone calls begging for money aside from one asking me to renew (which I did).

Jeez, some of you make it sound like the NRA is like those pushy Kirby vacuum salesmen or punks selling magazines door to door for $30/year/subscription.

I got junk mail long before I joined the NRA.
I meant that they were selling our private information/membership information. Address and stuff like that

And I am not overreacting at all, but your going to say what you want

Sure I am a pussy, think what you want, sure I am acting like a kid

Thing is if I would have known that they would sell my information to make a quick buck or send me crap all the time asking for money, they I would have never joined

Well to correct you, you are overreacting. And how do you know that they sold your information to all of those third party companies. By the way, its a good thing that before you tried to fix the "problem" you decide that you will never join again.

But I guess you have a point, the piece of mail I get every other month is so aggrevating and hard to put in the trash, that I just won't join again. And if you don't want the mail and want to support them still, send them some donation.
I know that they gave it out because it states on all the mailings > "special deals for NRA members"

How else would these other companies know that I as an NRA member? Did they drive behind me in my car and see my membership sticker

And why do I have to be overreacting, maybe you see it that way, I don't

I knew that posting something like this would be worthless
I'd be willing to bet your Homeowners insurance/Auto insurance companies, Mortgage company, Apartment management companies and ANY other magazine you may have subscribed to, your cable company, your gym and plenty of others have sold your information off as well. The only reason you can tell if your junk mail is associated to the NRA is it referrences the NRA. I agree it does get annoying sifting through 15 pcs of junk mail EVERY day, but I guess I've just accepted it as fact. Into the Recycle can it goes. I can pretty easily spot the junk mail and the 'real' mail while flipping through my stack of mail.
There are lots of people in other countries that would love to have junk mail be such a big problem in their lives that they need to write about it on the internet. But they are too busy trying to survive in 3rd world hell to complain about it.
I knew that posting something like this would be worthless


You posted on a huge gun forum that joining the NRA was the worst thing you ever did and now you realize that people would retaliate this way. What did you think? The only thing that makes sense in your argument is the fact that they keep pestering you for more money. And even thats a stretch because nobody said you have to pay them more stuff.

I don't belong to the NRA, just because i have to pay money to be a part of it. But I have more important things to spend money on. I appreciate what the NRA does to fight anti gun whackos and someday i will probably be a part of the society.
My question is....Junk mailing has to be expensive. If membership is only $25, how much does really go to supporting our rights? Isn't it more cost effective to just order stuff from Midway and do the NRA round-up and let Midway donate the $ to NRA?

In that way, with the number of orders I make from Midway per year NRA gets about $10 to $12, and no trees have to die and the US Postal Service has a lighter junkmail load.

I don't like having my name sold to 3rd parties. I joined, but there is a lag time until the no junk mail request takes effect.

It seems that some big advertising company has a seat on the NRA board. How can we get the message through to them that many (most) of us would rather they use our membership money more wisely?
I get a lot of junk mail from a good many sources. I must be a really bizarre and unusual person because I have never had any problem with junk mail. I simply throw it in the circular file (ie., trashcan).
I belong to the NRA, and throw a lot of their mailings away. Once in awhile they offer a "gift" if you give them a few bucks. So far I have acquired a cute little jacknife and a pretty decent compass.
But I still junk more of their mail than anything.
And, um, if no one has noticed, other gun rights organizations send $$ requests out, GOA, RTKBA....Second Amendment Foundation, et al.
I can't really believe people get all bothered by junkmail.
My question is....Junk mailing has to be expensive. If membership is only $25, how much does really go to supporting our rights? Isn't it more cost effective to just order stuff from Midway and do the NRA round-up and let Midway donate the $ to NRA?

I heard that they make $ on every mass mailing.
sounds like you are overreacting. The NRA and more importantly, the NRA-ILA is one of the more powerful pro-gun organizations (if not the most powerful) in the world. So if you want your guns rights protected, how can joining be the worst decision ever?

If the junk mail annoys you to the point of tears, call and have your name removed from the mailing list.
Maybe you should read more clearly, how is it that you know that they sold, not just gave out, sold your information? I am not saying they didn't just want to know how you know these things.
You have no reason to defend your decision to anyone else, especially not on the Inter-web.

I never made your mistake and actually sent money to the NRA in the first place, and I'm glad I never have. I prefer to use my money on local, grass-roots gun organizations that do a little bit more useful stuff with it, rather than constantly eroding our rights by compromising with the gun-grabbers.

I think you made the right decision, and I hope you instead decide to use your money next time to support one of your local gun-rights groups.
I can't wait to see a mod come in here and lock this thread. 20 bucks says it will happen before the night ends.
How else would these other companies know that I as an NRA member?

Like, because the membership rolls are public information and updated on a regular basis maybe? They are a public organization after all.

Why do you insist on making this so difficult for yourself? If it's such a big deal to you, a subscription to "LifeLock" or a similar company might be just what you need.

Just trying to be helpful....:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Have you actually read that "junk" mail they're sending you? For example, one of those "junk" mailings is the ONLY way I found out about the United Nations attempts to ban guns within the United States, and that John Bolton stood between us and an international treaty giving up our Second Amendment rights and subjecting us to International gun control law. The mainstream media certainly didn't trouble itself to tell me the UN wants to come grab my guns.

It also gave me an education on the importance of caring who our Ambassador to the United Nations is, and exactly what we have in the person of that corrupt hypocrite Kofi Annan. You know, the one who wants to take your wife's pistol away, yet has a gaggle of armed bodyguards to protect HIS personal self.

I can't afford to send much money in response to these mailings. I read them, learn from them where the battle front is in this war on my right to protect myself with a gun, then throw them in the trash. If I can't send money, at least I stay abreast of what the NRA is trying to do on my behalf. But you can reject them, get mad and leave the NRA because of them, and then be surprised when the UN troops come traipsing through banging on your door demanding your guns. At least I will have expected it.

For the love if whatever god or force you might believe in, get your priorities straight.
You have no reason to defend your decision to anyone else, especially not on the Inter-web.

I never made your mistake and actually sent money to the NRA in the first place, and I'm glad I never have. I prefer to use my money on local, grass-roots gun organizations that do a little bit more useful stuff with it, rather than constantly eroding our rights by compromising with the gun-grabbers.

I think you made the right decision, and I hope you instead decide to use your money next time to support one of your local gun-rights groups.

Ya I hear about those local organizations doing so much for us all the time in the paper. Its just overwhelming how much they do.

Ya the NRA does compromise some, but they do help us out....but that mail is just...I can't get over how annoying it is to move to the trash.

20 bucks says it will happen before the night ends.
Would be surprised if you are wrong.
The NRA mail barrage is adaptive.

The more $ you send them, the more they ask. If you stop sending them $, the thing winds down to a trickle.

If you really want to help, call them up, and have them put you on their low volume list. While you're at it, toss them another $25 for an ILA membership, because it's the ILA that does all the legislative heavy lifting. The NRA per se is constrained from political advocacy.
Error 611: Civility Failure

Pulling the eject lever here.

This thread is pretty much in a nose dive, and I don't see it pulling out.

Keep your elbows and feet in tight, away from the edges of the canopy.

Grab that thing there . . . right there . . . yeah that . . . put your head back, and yank.

See you on the ground.
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