What has the NRA recently done?

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I believe they filed the protest of the post-katrina gun confiscations in New Orleans that led to them being stopped. They also filed a suit in tandem with the SAF (another effective organization to look at joining if you decide the NRA is not for you) to force them to return the confiscated guns. Link

They've also put several million dollars toward passing concealed carry laws in your home state of Missouri. You can find many stories about this by googling "NRA missouri concealed carry" and similar phrases. They put a good bit of money (4 million if my memory serves me correctly) into the fight for concealed carry in my home state of Michigan, as well.
That is fallout from the most recent big win for 2a advocates, so it is foremost in our minds. But I do appreciate your snark so, yes they have only worked on those two things, ever.

Well good to know my money where my money would be going. :rolleyes:

Some more examples would have been appreciated instead of the responses I was getting.
I believe they filed the protest of the post-katrina gun confiscations in New Orleans that led to them being stopped. They also filed a suit in tandem with the SAF (another effective organization to look at joining if you decide the NRA is not for you) to force them to return the confiscated guns. Link

They've also put several million dollars toward passing concealed carry laws in your home state of Missouri. You can find many stories about this by googling "NRA missouri concealed carry" and similar phrases.

All of this is all fine and dandy - it's great things that they do on these fronts.

When it comes time to fight major legislation - when's the last real landmark AWB they've defeated? What legislation have they gotten repealed on the federal level?

oh... right...
Katrina, Shall issue, Florida Gun law (at work), Castle Doctrine, Heller... Not to mention that one guy with the malfunctioning m16.

In various states BTW.
If you lived in PA. you would see that without the NRA we would be buried in gun restrictions but instead we have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the nation.

On state issues, they're great. They're big enough to bully around state lawmakers.

Put 'em in front of congress, and they just don't cut it. PA and DC are completely different ballgames, that require different strategies. They just don't get it done on the national level.
They've put up legal challenges to gun laws in Chicago and San Francisco.
You mean after they opposed Heller and did everything they could to derail the case so the SCOTUS wouldn't hear it?

Gee thanks NRA. Glad you could join the party.

It's the same organization that did nothing when the government banned machineguns in 1986.

It's the same organization that backed the 1934 GCA.

It's the same organization that backed the 1968 GCA.

"The NRA supported The National Firearms Act of 1934 which taxes and requires registration of such firearms as machine guns, sawed-off rifles and sawed-off shotguns. ... NRA support of Federal gun legislation did not stop with the earlier Dodd bills. It currently backs several Senate and House bills which, through amendment, would put new teeth into the National and Federal Firearms Acts." —American Rifleman, March 1968, P. 22
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I'll make it really simple. Those of you who aren't NRA members are luxuriating in the protection being provided by the rest of us. You're welcome.

If ALL gun owners in America were NRA members, then they wouldn't HAVE to use spam, extreme marketing tactics, etc to get the job done. They would have so much clout, it wouldn't MATTER who was president, none would dare oppose them.
In Philly you could "beat the rap, but not the ride". You want to spend a night in a Philly lock-up? I don't. Besides it saved some honest street cops from getting sued when some "community organizer" would cause somebody to get arrested.

They filed and injunction and got the thing overturned. For once the legal system worked without costing a mint. Funny thing is the interpretation of the state constitution saying the right "shall not be questioned" isn't that tough for a non-activist judge to understand.

The NRA needs to be more hard core and understand the slippery slope goes downhill. Get a membership and vote for the board that will do that. I did.
Lawsuits - http://www.usatoday.com/news/nation/2008-09-10-gunsbans_N.htm

Youth programs -

Other training programs -

While they're not the only RKBA organization out there their impact is well established. Along with other RKBA organizations like the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, etc. they are responsible at the local, state and national level in helping to restore and ensure our 2A rights. If they're effective at the state level perhaps that's good thing instead of bad since other organizations don't seem to be as effective. I do know that they played a big role in the evolution of CCW in TN to remove specific handgun testing, liability bonds and excessive filing fees.

Again, if you don't like them for some reason join and actively support one of the other national RKBA organizations as well as your state RKBA organizations. Work on the state and local level as an advocate for RKBA.

Don't want to support any one of the national or state RKBA organizations or act as an advocate yourself? Then what do you want?
If you want a web site to go to and see what the NRA has done to uphold the 2nd Amendment, then go to the Brady web site or any other anti-US Constitution site and they will tell all about what the NRA has done to stop them and their "reasonable" gun laws.
I'll make it really simple. Those of you who aren't NRA members are luxuriating in the protection being provided by the rest of us. You're welcome.
That's pure BS.

I back organizations that don't sell half of the gun owners down the river to protect their precious hunting rifles. If you have a black rifle in your collection, you can thank ME and people like me, not the NRA.

I have you, and people like you, to thank for the GCA of 1934 and the GCA of 1968. Gee, thanks a bunch.
I rarley post anything on topics and probally shouldnt since my memory and where I get my information get jumbled but here it goes and I already apologize for being wrong as I usually am cause I am married!! I am a member fo the NRA and always try to get others to join. The NRA keeps me posted on new bills/laws/legislation, new equipment, and I can remember not too long ago an incident in Kansas or Oklahoma I believe that a company (Texaco) I think had fired employees after searching the vehicles and finding firearms. Not stolen or otherwise illegal, just firearms. the vehicles were parked in the companys lot that was also for customers. Point being in the same place you could have a gun in your car but not if you worked there? I am not sure if/how the NRA was involved in the case but it didnt make headlines, so that says that most people are OK with the case. Also I beleive after the Katrina disaster I heard that goverment officials were disarming citizens and I heard the NRa stepped in. Even if the NRA just backs an already lawsuit it is still an attempt and action for 2A supporters. I am just 29 but have seen various bans on my black rifles, and not to mention the enormous amount of individual state laws. Dont fool yourself its just a slow ban, but the way it is going it will be an eventual complete ban. Banning all or part of my AK will trikle down to banning the Holland rifles and Perazzi shotguns. I LOVE my right to protect myself and family and every voice is needed and even if the NRA is just a single voice with a megaphone, I AM THE NRA. GOD BLESS. once again other than my opinions I apologize for any incomplete information that I have given.
Here's the deal.

The NRA is great for making sure that individual entities operate within the framework of the existing federal guidelines. This is a good thing, they should be commended for it, they're very good at it - and they deserve recognition.

However, it's still operating within those federal guidelines.

When it comes time that somebody wants to change those federal guidelines, who's fighting for us? Who's actually getting our side heard, our concerns addressed, and ensuring that the federal guidelines themselves are not an infringement upon our rights? It's certainly not the NRA.

The NRA is good at making sure the states don't over-step the confines of the law. They're not so good at making sure the laws themselves are not overstepping the constitution.
All of this is all fine and dandy - it's great things that they do on these fronts.

When it comes time to fight major legislation - when's the last real landmark AWB they've defeated? What legislation have they gotten repealed on the federal level?

You just got 10 reasons to join and its not enough!
What are you doing then? some secret organization we dont know about. They are a fabulous organization that is visual nationwide and they have convinced me that my graduate degree went to an intelligent man.
While they're not the only RKBA organization out there their impact is well established. Along with other RKBA organizations like the Second Amendment Foundation, Gun Owners of America, etc. they are responsible at the local, state and national level in helping to restore and ensure our 2A rights.

hso makes an excellent point. Many of the other posters have made a good point, albeit vitriolic and somewhat narrow, that if you're not in the NRA you're not doing your part for RKBA. I think it's more true that if you're not in some RKBA organization, that's the case. If you decide that you can't justify an NRA membership, I would strongly encourage you to look into the other organizations hso mentioned. My favorite is the SAF, they filed suit against the Chicago handgun ban minutes after Heller was handed down, and that case could lead to incorporation of the second amendment to the states, addressing the concerns gun owners like Sinixstar have that the NRA doesn't do enough to prevent laws from overstepping the constitution. I'm not a fan of the GOA, though many gun owners are, and there's the JPFO, too, who also have a no-compromise approach, not to mention the state-level organizations present in almost everywhere in the nation.

My personal preference was to join the NRA to contribute to its lobbying, its safety, training, and competition programs, and its legistlative action, then join one of the smaller organizations (SAF) with a more no-compromise approach, so I cover both practical and idealistic concerns with my money.
Just wondering? I am the member of 2 orgs and NRA is 1. Has sturm pointed out to me in a discussion much like this one GOA is good 1 to be member of also and may join there.
I watched the video, yep he's a Fudd. Dude I voted for McCain and got Obama! It's time to step it up, not back down.

On Veterans Day we need to think about real sacrifices and move forward. When the first wave at Omaha Beach was getting zapped the follow-up waves keep coming. Dealing with clowns like the video pales in comparison to what other did to keep us free.

If you prefer GOA or SAF great. Just fight the fight. Read my sig line, it's not cute, it's what I believe.
SAF is a great organization and I do need to send them some money. That will happen this week.

There's more to keeping our rights than supporting pro-gun organizations like the GOA and SAF. We need to organize demonstrations, send email and faxes to our representatives. Right now is the time to really put the pressure on our elected officials.
Hand written and snail mailed letters also. They take stock in the effort of a hand written letter supossedely it represents the veiw of 17 constiguents.
Some people see the glass as 1/2 full and some see it as 1/2 empty.
Then there are some who see nothing good in anything. You just waste your time talking to these people. I have a hard time dealing with people who are always negative.
Well yes they did that , BUT !!!!!!!
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