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Jon Stewart clashes with the Brady Campaign!

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Dec 10, 2006
Albuquerque, NM
This was posted on the another forum and I thought it was worth posting here as well.

But that’s not all. Last Tuesday, September 21, 2010, Jon Stewart was a guest on Oprah to promote his Rally to Restore Sanity. During the interview, the topic of school shootings arose and Stewart proceeded to proclaim that “Guns are not the problem … crazy is the problem” to thunderous applause from Oprah’s audience.

Speaking of which … Paul Helmke at the Brady Campaign (described tongue-in-cheek in a previous Daily Show Episode as a ‘Well funded hate group’) was quick to react to Stewart’s comments, chiding him for daring to disagree with the Brady’s plan to legislate the Second Amendment out of existence. In an Opposing Views column, Helmke repeatedly asked ‘Really Jon?’ as he trotted out his tired and failed arguments about why Americans should be stripped of their civil rights.

I wonder if Mr. Stewart got himself a carry permit, and realizes he's glad he can get a gun because of all the crazies out there...
He, like Dennis Miller, had an epiphany. They realized that a free society must bear certain costs in order to remain truly free.

No, The Oprah is for very expensive and well armed security teams covering her every move.

My daughter and I were on her show a couple of years back. We were checked out better than a visit to the White House. When she came into the Green Room to meet us before the show, a guy with a bulging left coat label preceded her, checked us out, checked out the bathroom, then stepped into the hall and let her in.
Jon Stewart has eased up quite a bit on the gun issue in the last few years.

I'm going to think that maybe he thinks for himself enough to notice all the news of criminals committing crimes, but the utter lack of law-abiding people or unattended firearms doing the same.

Or he got himself a carry permit (which I'll put money on either way) and doesn't want to look like a hypocrite.
He may be leftist, but I know quite a few people who believe we have the right to own guns. He seems reasonable enough, and I do watch his show from time to time. Go Jon, and don't give in to the Brady Bunch!
Im glad there are moderate left leaning people in the country that support RKBA. This makes me rethink my opinion of Stewart. I cant stand to watch his show, its just not my kind of comedy.
I was surprised to learn this as well. Sometimes I watch his show, mainly just waiting for Colbert to come on. I have noticed his show has been pointing out the faults in the leftist groups/individuals as well. He went on O'Reilly and even had O'Reilly on his show. I think he is now starting to develop in to a true "liberal" in that all the amendments in the Constitution are important and must be protected.

Anyway, good for him. I will watch his show with less disdain.
I think he is now starting to develop in to a true "liberal" in that all the amendments in the Constitution are important and must be protected.

Agreed, the word "liberal" is thrown around like it is a dirty word. I wish folks would do a little more research and a little less parroting what they hear.
I don't watch his show but I'm very happy see he is pro 2A. He appears intelligent and thoughtful so I'm not surprised he isn't another knee jerk liberal.
One simple comment from a guy who turns like a chameleon dependent on his ratings doesn't do much for me.
Dennis Miller has been walking the path since 9/11 and has spoken often enough to be believable.
Jon Stewart and his buddy that follows him are circus clowns looking for attention.
Well,where I live it IS a dirty word and any politician hoping to be elected will go to great lengths to avoid being labeled as one.
Perhaps you should look at the definition for yourself, then see if you hold the same opinion. Folks on this board are always so quick to point out how the masses behave as sheep, only to turn around and follow their own flock in a different direction.
John Stewart is a supporter of Michael Bloomberg. He is either anti-gun or severly conflicted.
Well, RKBA may just not be high on his priority list, and could support Bloomberg for policies in other areas more important to him. While everyone here believes the RKBA is extremely important, Stewart may support the cause, just not as ardently as other political positions.
While Bloombergs view of firearms is downright offensive, the issue is not black and white, as few things in life are. There are other issues out there other than RKBA issues. It isn't necessary to align perfectly in opinion with a candidate you support. No one would ever get elected.
Actually I have and I do.

Hmmm, because liberalism at its core respects the rights of individuals above all else. You may wish to re-check your sources and their credibility.

Interestingly, your part of the country has a reputation for racism and descrimination.
Interesting, because liberalism at its core respects the rights of individuals above all else. You may wish to re-check your sources and their credibility.
That definition worked 150 yrs ago.
You may wish to re-check your sources and their credibility.
I have no need or desire to do that. I am confident in the definition I've known for over 40 years. I don't think it's changed even though attempts have been made to do so. BTW,I'm glad Jon Stewart is giving the brady Bunch a hard time but I still won't be watching his show anytime soon.
It is the definition still today, just not as fox news portrays it.

I'm glad to see Stewart make these comments, maybe some closed minded conservatives will realize that this isn't as polarized as they would like to make it. People don't fit into neat tidy boxes that hold all of their values and beliefs. I can be Pro second amendment and a liberal.

have no need or desire to do that. I am confident in the definition I've known for over 40 years
A PERFECT illustration of why the voting public remains ingrained in ignorance. If you are not willing to examine how you came to conclusiuons that shape your views, you can not experience personal growth.

BTW I don't care for his show either, but I watch from time to time just to hear a differing opinion and think about how I formed my own.
There is liberal (adj.) and a Liberal(n.). Two different things.

Ususally people who identify as a Liberal in this country and age do not have liberal views on gun ownership.
So let's review our world according to Hgnhtr. We're stupid, we're racists, Fox News is bad, Alabama has a bad reputation, and we will never grow. How sad we are.

I haven't the status to draw such conclusions.
I think he said he had a gun (quietly) during that interview, I remember replaying it to make sure he I heard it correctly. Nothing about him carrying though.
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