Julie Banderas From FNC Just called Cho's 2 Guns an Arsenal

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Jan 2, 2005
Chesapeake VA
This is the second time I've seen her taking an anti-gun stance. The first was when a mayor in a PA town wanted all his residents armed.

Not only that, but its not like they were 2 Class III weapons - a 9mm and a .22 is about as weak as you can get.

Guess my 5 guns would be enough to overthrow the goverment in her twisted world.

Anyone have her email? Let her and her masters think of such unfounded statements.
Possibly FNC needs to think on how it will carry on WITHOUT this ladies services.
We can wish, but I doubt that will happen. I have trouble with people framing a debate in that manner. If two pistols is an arsenal...:barf:
What's "not an arsenal" then? Half a gun?

I thought an arsenal is where guns are made.
Heck, I've had people say he had HUNDREDS of rounds of ammo...... how and why could he possibly have that much? I had to explain to them that a couple hundred rounds of .22 and 9mm ammo would take up about as much room as a 6pack of beer and weigh about the same.

And if this guy had an "arsenal" then what did that guy who's house caught on fire in CA have?
Just checked the thesaurus: "cache" also referred to as a:

1) hoard
2) store
3) supply
4) accumulation
5) reserve
6) collection
An arsenal is a building where weapons are stored. It's like an armory, except an arsenal's weapon's aren't maintained generally for combat at any time.
3 handguns (including the evil, yet surprisingly inaccurate Walther P22)
4 rifles (two of them are Mil-surps, both of which have bayonette lugs)
Miscellaneous reloading supplies
2000 rounds ammo.

By the new arsenal definition, can I take over Grand Cayman now?
Cho was also decribed from day one as "heavily armed". If I must deal with a rampaging psycho, I hope he uses that .22LR instead of anything else. Not that I want extra holes of any size in me, but I'd rather he uses the less dangerous part of his armaments.
Dear Fox New Network:

What happened to "Fair & Balanced"?

What happened to, "We report; you decide"?

Doc2005 writes:

Dear Fox New Network:

What happened to "Fair & Balanced"?

What happened to, "We report; you decide"?


It died some years ago, likely about the time my hair started going gray. Of course, some folks never did respect that admonition.

I gotcher arsenal right here:
She's just an idiot with too much make-up. I say idiot because you better know what you are talking about if you're going to talk about something.
My goodness, if two small caliber handguns are an arsenal... What would she say about the average THR members collection?
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