K31 chargers/stripper clips

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Dec 25, 2002
Pasadena, CA
Hi all-
I just ordered a Schmidt Rubin K31 through my FFL and I was wondering where I could get stripper clips/chargers for it.
Thanks for any info you can give me,
Let me tell you, those chargers for the K31 work smooth as silk. The ammo goes in the gun like a hot knife through butter.
You will be well pleased with them.
I have a really, really, really dumb question here. I haven't shot my K31 yet (just got the ammo yesterday -- whoot!) but....

If it's a detachable mag weapon was it designed to be loaded with strippers with the mag attached or detached? If attached was it ever practice of the Swiss Army to do mag changes or always load from strippers?

No, they fed them with chargers only. As it turns out, it's faster or equally as fast. Try it and you'll see what I mean.

The mag was serialized to the gun, if that tells you anything.

The Brit Enfields were exactly the same. You can load 10 rounds in a Lee Enfield action as fast as you can take the mag out.
The S-R's were among the first rifles with detachable mags, and you CAN carry your ammo in the mags. They're well made and can easily be loaded outside the rifle or in. Problem is, the mags cost as much as the rifles! I strongly suspect they were made detachable in order to assist with some drill or protocol, rather than to allow soldiers to carry a bunch of magazines.

And of course you don't need the stripper/chargers at all. I rarely use them.
The detachable mag in bolt action rifles made it easier and faster to unload it (the rifle not the mag) and allowed the rifle to carry more between reloadings. *IMHO*

Have you tried to unload a mauser in a hurry, almost any detach-mag fed rifle will do it faster and better.
"And of course you don't need the stripper/chargers at all. I rarely use them."

That of course depends on what you are doing with the rifle. Everyone's needs are different.
I shoot in a monthly Vintage Bolt Action Rifle match. Each stage requires 10 rounds. At least one stage is always timed. Some stages have a time limit: in other words you have two minutes to fire this stage. If you don't get your rounds off, you take misses for the shots you didn't fire.
For the last year, I have used one of my K31s. For most of the time, I used a spare magazine. In fact, I bought a second rifle just for the spare magazine because I didn't know where to get chargers for the 7.5 Swiss round. In the last couple matches I used chargers and it made a HUGE difference. It is much faster than changing magazines. And, as I mentioned before, these Swiss chargers work slick. In other rifles I have had nothing but problems using stripper clips including all my Russian rifles and my Enfields. I know someone is going to chime in and say theirs works flawlessly. All I can say is, that is my experience.
That I can see. Though I'm amazed they have a vintage rifle shooting club in Art Bell land when they still don't have one up here in the frozen north.

I just didn't want anyone to think you *had* to have chargers to load up an S-R. I've had several people assume mine took en banc clips of some sort, like an Austro-Hungarian M-95.
For anyone interested, we actually have two Vintage rifle matches per month. One on the first Sunday of the month at the Boulder City club. It is a metalic silhouette match using the old rifles. Then on the second Saturday of the month, there is one at Desert Sportsmans in Las Vegas. It is a match where you fire at steel plates out to 400 yards.
As far as I know, both matches require as issued military rifles made before 1950. You can have a trigger job, but that is about it. And the trigger must be done using stock military parts. I never shot the Boulder City match but as I understand it, the same rules apply only you are allowed to use a semi-auto rifle whereas the Las Vegas match only allows bolt guns.
I know they hold a few vintage rifle matches a year in the Phoenix area as well as vintage matches in the Salt Lake City area.
There is a guy that is sometimes on this board that puts on a vinatage rifle match in central California.
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