Kalashnikov launches liquid weapon

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Dec 25, 2002

Kalashnikov launches liquid weapon

Monday, September 20, 2004 Posted: 12:57 PM EDT (1657 GMT)

LONDON, England (Reuters) -- The creator of one of the world's most famous guns, the AK-47 assault rifle, has launched another weapon in Britain -- Kalashnikov vodka.

Lt. Gen. Mikhail Kalashnikov, who invented the AK-47 after being shot by German soldiers during World War II, said Monday he wanted to continue "the good name" of his gun.

"I've always wanted to improve and expand on the good name of my weapon by doing good things," he told Reuters Television.

"So we decided to create a vodka under my name. And we wanted that vodka to be better than anything made, up until now, in both Russia and England."

The Kalashnikov rifle has become the weapon of choice for guerrillas and gangsters across the world. But Kalashnikov said his original intentions for the gun were purely patriotic.

"I did not create the gun for international conflicts, I created it to protect the borders of my country," he said.

"It is not my fault that it has been spread all over the world. It is its reliability and its simplicity that have taken it all over the world."

Promoters of Kalashnikov vodka, which is 82 proof, say it is "made from grain harvested in Russia and water drawn from Lake Ladoga north of St. Petersburg" and is best drunk with friends.
Now if he could just come out with a line of cigarettes. He would cover all three of the big vice bases.

It would be so cool to walk into a store and see an AK bundled with a bottle of vodka and some ciggies.
This comes up every few months....has anyone ever been able to actually find a source for this yet? Closest I came was some English online liquor outlet, they wanted something crazy for it, like 150 pounds, which is over 200 bucks!

I'm almost expecting this to turn out to be yet another internet myth... :(

which is sad, cause I really like good vodka, and of course, the AK bottle is too cool!
The vodka was bad, but the bottle was cool.

Now if he could just come out with a line of cigarettes. He would cover all three of the big vice bases.

I fail to see how an interest/possession of firearms is a vice.

So, in your opinion, owning an AK is a "serious moral failing," an "immoral habit," or a "evil conduct?"



1. An evil, degrading, or immoral practice or habit.
2. A serious moral failing.
3. Wicked or evil conduct or habits; corruption.
2. Sexual immorality, especially prostitution.
1. A slight personal failing; a foible: the vice of untidiness.
2. A flaw or imperfection; a defect.
4. A physical defect or weakness.
5. An undesirable habit, such as crib-biting, in a domestic animal.
1. Vice A character representing generalized or particular vice in English morality plays.
2. A jester or buffoon.
I fail to see how an interest/possession of firearms is a vice

For a satirical look at Washington Politics see Christopher Buckley's Thank You For Smoking. It's been a few years since I've read it, but I recall it having some amusing descriptions of the outcasts of Washington advocacy groups, the Merchants of Death; ie, the lobbyists for the alcohol, tobacco, and firearms industries.


I am not a politician.

(Minor editing for grammer)
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That is what I was thinking of...the big three as they called themselves would meet at a bar every now and then to bitch and moan and compare what worked and what didn't.
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