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Kansas governor to extend tuition aid to illegals

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Jun 8, 2003
Oddly enough, a downwardly-plunging firey handbask
Posted at my blog:

Kansas Gov. to sign illegal immigrants tuition bill

TOPEKA, Kansas (AP) -- A bill offering some illegal immigrants a tuition break at Kansas' public colleges and universities cleared the Legislature on Tuesday and headed to Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who plans to sign it.

The House voted 68-54 for the measure, which won Senate passage earlier this year.

The proposal extends in-state tuition -- which is much lower than tuition for nonresidents -- to illegal immigrants who have attended a Kansas high school at least three years and graduated or who earned a general educational development certificate in Kansas.

Ok, lets look at one thing first: Aiding and Abetting.

  • A person (including a group of persons, business, organization, or local government) commits a federal felony when she or he:
  • Assists an alien s/he should reasonably know is illegally in the U.S. or who lacks employment authorization, by transporting, sheltering, or assisting him or her to obtain employment, or
  • encourages that alien to remain in the U.S. by referring him or her to an employer or by acting as employer or agent for an employer in any way, or
  • knowingly assists illegal aliens due to personal convictions

I would say that most of the Kansas legislature just committed number three. Don't get me wrong, I welcome those who immigrate here legally with open arms. But they are called illegal aliens for a reason.
:banghead: :cuss: why are people trying to accomodate illegals? DEPORT THOSE BASTARDS!!!!

not too long ago there were stories about jebb bush passing a bill to let illegals in FL get a drivers license.
Yeah ... lets give criminals free/cheap education, but for the love of God we can't let the surfs carry guns

:banghead: , :rolleyes: or :fire: I can't make up my mind
I work with a young women (US citizen) who's working her butt off to put herself through nursing school, and she hasn't been able to get any tuition assistance! Makes my blood boil!!

To those politicians who use my tax dollar to pander votes with this kind of foolishness; I won't forget it when I'm in the voting booth! TAKE CARE OF OUR OWN FIRST!!! :fire:

Great idea!

Ain't it grand. To get a good deal on education in Kansas, simply drive to Mexico and let your kids swim across that well known river and Presto! And it beats filling out all that paperwork you have to turn in to be told you get no tuition assistance.

I'll bet it would work for the gal trying to get through nursing school.

What a concept!

This was a pandering bill to the illegal "Mojados" who mow the lawns in the liberal Golden Ghetto of Johnson County.The Limo Liberals of that area plus the Free Range Rinos can now feel good about what they have done "Para los ninos".And so it goes in another episode of Massachussetts on the Prarie.Boy,do I miss Oklahoma.......
Same here. If I was to describe my feelings about how to correct this, or how to ensure that there wouldn't be repeat performances, it would likely get the thread locked or deleted.

Laws? who needs em. Apparently they are made to be broken by the very people who made them.

Let me see whether I've got this straight: that idiot believes citizens have no right to protect their lives and property, but illegal aliens deserve tuition breaks? Is that it?

That's just plain stupid!
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