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Kerry blames defeat on Bin Laden

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Oct 19, 2003
Arlington, VA
Mr Kerry said he was proud of his presidential campaign

US Democratic Senator John Kerry says a video message from Osama Bin Laden sealed his defeat in a presidential race dominated by the 9/11 attacks.

Mr Kerry told NBC TV his opinion poll lead over President George W Bush fell away after the tape was broadcast.

He said national security was the decisive issue in the November 2004 poll, won eventually by President Bush.

Osama Bin Laden's video, shown days before the vote, urged Americans to back neither Mr Bush nor Mr Kerry.

"Your security does not lie in the hands of Kerry, Bush or al-Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands," said the al-Qaeda figurehead, claiming that the best way for the US to avoid fresh attacks was to call off its "war on terror".

Ratings loss

Mr Kerry said he was proud of his presidential campaign, claiming it had brought "millions of new voters" into the political process.

"Many Republicans say we beat their models by four or five points," he said.

The Bin Laden tape appeared just days before the vote

"I won the youth vote. I won the independent vote. I won the moderate vote."

But, Mr Kerry said, he had faced a difficult task in persuading a country at war "to shift horses in midstream".

"I believe that 9/11 was the central deciding issue in this race," he said.

He said the impact of Bin Laden's message was evident by the dent in his ratings that followed its appearance.

"We were rising in the polls up until the last day when the tape appeared. We flat-lined the day the tape appeared and went down on Monday."

Attack on Rice

Mr Kerry also renewed attacks on President Bush over his handling of the conflict in Iraq.

He argued that a new Iraqi security force was not being forged rapidly enough and that the government's attitude had made the US less safe.

"I believe this administration has set back America's interests and security on a global basis. And over the next few months, I intend to lay out very, very clearly exactly how they've done and how we can do a better job."

Senator Kerry recently attacked Condoleezza Rice in the run-up to her confirmation as Secretary of State.

He told NBC she was the "principal architect, implementer and defender" of a policy that had made the US less secure.

"I urge all of my fellow crazy-ass Islamic terrorists to put the mental back into Fundamentalist and get out the vote for our man John Kerry."
My campaign sign

In the last ten days of he past election, I had a red sign with yellow letters on the front of my house that said "Who would Bin Laden vote for?"

Some folks gave me a toot and a wave of all five fingers. The ones who had figured out the answer gave me the one finger wave.

Funny. My Liberal "friends" quit speaking to me.

Funnier, I thought.

Mr Kerry said, he had faced a difficult task in persuading a country at war "to shift horses in midstream".
No, Mr. Kerry, you faced a difficult task persuading us to get off a horse and get onto a sheep in mid-stream.

He still doesn't get it. Personal responsibility Mr. Kerry, not Osama. :banghead:

TFL Survivor
Kerry in the same interview, poo-poo'd the recent Iraqi election as if it was not anything significant. He said we should not "over-hype" it.

The election was a victory for the Iraqis and vindication for Bush. Kerry shows that he is small minded man. No surprise there.
Excuse a month club

So the excuse this month is Bin Laden and in November it was the "moral right" or christian voters, Anybody remember what it was in December? there was a newspaper article (posted here?) that said it was the women voters. 3 months, 3 excuses. Hey look, only 45 excuse till the next election! :D


Kerry knows why he lost: the Swift Boat vets.

Wrong. Kerry lost because of Kerry. Plain and simple. If the Swift Boat vets did not have a case (due to Kerry and his actions) they would not have been a player.

You can say that the Swift Boat vets told the truth about Kerry, but in the end it was Kerry who caused his own loss.
Leatherneck, darn it: you've got your

adverbs mixed up again. That should be "...into...," not "...on to...."
I am sure that Kerry feels a deep sense of betrayal by one of his best friends and supporters. It must pain him greatly that such a friend of the Democtratic party would voice his support at an inopertune time.

i think that the Democrats would do a lot better if they could just get their biggest fans to keep their mouths shut.
"Mr Kerry said he was proud of his presidential campaign, claiming it had brought "millions of new voters" into the political process."

A pity so many of them voted for Bush, isn't it? :evil:
Here ya go, Car Knocker. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6886726/

He said national security was the decisive issue in the November 2004 poll, won eventually by President Bush.
First of all I disagree with this statement. Exit polls showed that the number one issue issue was "moral issues", not national security. Secondly, let's assume that he is right. Does it think it vindicates his campaign that he lost because of national security? I guess he thinks the issue is not important.
Kerry was such a weak candidate, on so many levels, that I was quite suprised he did as well as he did. Karl Rove ran a rather poor campaign IMO, Kerry should have lost by 20-30 points.
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