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Kids have to remove "firearms" from toy soldiers in school!

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Ah, to hell with the public school system!
Send your kids to a good Christain (nondenominational) or Catholic school.
My school allowed us to bring in wooden sword, etc, for Greece, Rome, Egypt, and Medieval studies.
I donated a statue of a knight with a big hunking sword.
I can't remember howmany times I took rubber band guns in my backpack in fourth grad, wasn't caught, but the punishment would've most likely been a slap on the wrist.
A friend walked in with a small squirtgun, headmaster took it but gave it back.
My friend was walking over when I was in piano and got busted with a toy hatchet, again taken away but given back.
We've played Airsoft in the nature preserve.
People brought in shovels, hammers, and axes for their service project and didn't get expelled.
We brought in Airsfot guns for a middle school assembly skit.
I even brought in a slingshot once for show and tell.
But every school has its blissninnies, somebody tried to get me expelled, director didn't cave.
I didn't like the director for a variety of reasns, but he was fairly pro "weapon". He majored in American history.
Man am I glad I live in Kansas. Make fun of Toto if you wish. When our kids were in high school they took off every opening day of deer season to go hunting. One year a new principle came in and announced that anybody taking off that day was going to be suspended. Parents were angry and to make a long story short he is no longer there. Our kids did their work diligently and their grades proved it. Our youngest when he was a junior did not go that year because he was a member of the football team and everyone was told regardless if they did not show up that day they did not play. Like I said the principle is gone.

As far as the topic of this thread I can't say anything more that hasn't been said. I'm pissed. Sorry to those that live in a communist state, city, town or county.

I would be thrilled to have the chance to set up a school, staff it, and run rings around the socialist indoctrination centers.
I put my kids in an Episcopal school and it DOES run circles around the public schools. One of the reasons I am determined to stay where I am is the availablity of serveral good private schools that I can afford to pay for. I do not want my kids educated in the public school system!

I wrote an e-mail to the principal of that school. The subject line was "Toy Soldiers" and I enclosed the link, so there would be no ambiguity. My letter simply said, "People like you are the reason I put my kids in private schools. I weep for the future."
Reminds me of the time in 5th grade we were each assigned an amendment from the constitution to illustrate (except certain ones that would be akward to draw, like the 9th or 10th I guess, it was years ago gimme a break) but those who were assigned the 2nd Amendment couldn't draw guns. Both students who got the 2nd merely drew a guy standing there saying "I own a gun." I was only 12, but I still weeped on the inside.

But remember: YOU are your child's best teacher. Let them learn them there numbers and fancy words in school. Schools are good for facts (sometimes), but only parents are good for values and character-building.
The public schools these days are all about teaching secular humanism, moral relativity, self-esteem without accomplishment and preparing students to take standardized tests. They have been completely over-run by leftists and hippies to the point where even good teachers have trouble doing their jobs well.
Thank heaven there weren't any little plastic dinosaurs involved, they eat people, don’tchaknow.
Is it too late to give Cal. back to the Mexicans (or have we already)?

Wow. Some of this stuff is just unbelieavable, especially Hemiram's post, and I live in NJ. They really called the cops over a 2" screwdriver? Was it one of those evil, black, assault screwdrivers?

I'll tell you what. I already have a screwdriver for eyeglasses. If someone would care to donate a bag of green army men, I will forcably overthrow the socialist governments of California, Ohio, NJ, NY, Illinois, Wash.DC, Maryland, Mass., and Canada. I will then return them to the peaceful, freedom-loving peoples of England, France, and Mexico.

Speaking of this insane Zero-Tolerance stuff. When she was in 4th grade, my own daughter brought a bottle of nasal-mist to school, because she had a cold. The teacher freaked out and sent her to the principal's office. She dragged her down to the school nurse, who called my wife and started ranting about the school's "zero tolerance" policy regarding drugs. My wife pretty much let her have it for wasting everyone's time with such nonsense, and they almost suspended the kid.

This country is going straight to hell. :fire:
"Zero Tolerance" arises from the PC crowds penchant to "think" in slogans but resist thinking itself. Following the slogans helps them "feel good", they consider themselves elit because they let their betters do the thinking for them. And they do run our schoools.
If the teacher sees them expect to get a phone call.
My son will probably do his T-rex impersonation and bite the upper bodies off before a teacher could confiscate them:D

We did get a note home one day when he pretended a banana was a gun.:banghead:

He's 4.5 years old, and pretty well immunized against anti-gunism already. For Father's day, I took him to the range today to shoot CB caps through the .22 and to shoot the pellet gun for the first time. He did pretty good with each and has been walking on clouds since.
It's a good thing the kids didn't make a Bang bang gesture.
If they did that, I suppose they'd want to kick the child out of school or amputate their finger! :cuss::cuss::cuss::banghead: I am so tired of this bullsh*t!
I wish Cracked Butt lived next door to me! :D I can't wait to hear how this one comes out. The child can eat them and deny everything--I love it! :D :evil:
A total convergence, if you will, of Democrats, left wingers, blame America firsters, aclu, nea, majority of America news media, and traitors to America - and this is what happens.
I remember waaaaaay back - in 1985 - we had an after Christmas show and tell day at school. I took my fully armed and armored half-track in... http://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/85/snowcat/ And didn't have any problems.

In 1994, I had to take off a derringer cuff-link... It was about 3/4" x 1/2"... That from a teacher who gave us dull rusty single edged razor blades without handles for our dissections in Biology class... She wouldn't let anyone bring a stone in to sharpen them either. :fire: :banghead:

The shop teacher, however, appreciated my donation of a 6" combination stone, and let me sharpen some things.

I graduated in 1995.
Today out front of the HS at the school district I work for, our Outdoors class summer school students were learning the finer points of marksmanship with bows and air guns I believe were provided courtesy of the Missouri Conservation Department. Some of us gainfully employed in education still have our sanity.

If the school has a zero tolerance policy for weapons, then students should also be prohibited from putting any of the following on their caps as well: anything that can be thrown, anything that can be swung, hands, feet, heads, fingers, any form of rope/string/chain, anything that can smother/suffocate, any liquid, anything with a sharp edge, books, any type of ground, any hard surface, etc.

That is not a complete list. All forms of images, models/toys, or actual items are also prohibited. In fact, the caps themselves should be removed from the event!!! That will really teach our kids that violence never happens, nor can it be countered, nor can they express their feelings on such matters.

Actually, what really needs to be done is the words "gun", "weapon", "knife", "bat", "hit", "punch", "kick", "drug", "pill", etc. (you get my point) should all be considered blasphemy in a school, with sever penalties for their use because they advocate the action!!! THAT'S where this is going!!!

PS Much of the aforementioned is sarcasm. For the sake of space, I am leaving it up to the reader to determine which falls into that category.

When I was a kid we used to draw guns and play around with cap guns
and stuff all the time. Odd? Not really. But today my friends and I would
be punished and medicated. There's nothing wrong with the kids, there
IS something wrong with the school system.

It is no secret that the vast majority of public schools are a joke.
Who decided that government schools were a good idea, anyhow? I don't
want the government anywhere near my kids. This all started with Prussian
educational ideas that were adopted and implemented by his eminence, John
Dewey et. al.

The system is broken, but...


I'm 29 and pushing 30 - all of this "zero tolerance" garbage has been around since when I was in school. And I'm not *that* old. Blades of any kind were prohibited regardless of size. I was a straight A student that worked as a science lab aid for a class period. I routinely prepaired chem experiments for upcoming class periods and had real need of a knife much of the time -so I had to sneak in my 1" Victorinox Signature to complete the work my teachers had given me! "Zero Tolerance" really means "no due process" as this could have gotten me expelled. :rolleyes:

The pathetic part about the school system was the "school shooting" incident. One of the neighbors that lived next door to the high school campus was popping soda cans with a .22 against a dirt backstop. School officials freaked and locked the school down while every student was patted down and lockers were searched. The only thing they managed to find was some pot, cigarettes, a few lighters, maybe an Old Timer knife or two. Before the search my chem teacher asked for my knife, then gave it back after the search was over. (She was one of the most level headed folks I know) :D

The sad part is the search missed the "Arkansas Toothpick" carried by one of my classmates. I'll never figure out how they missed a 12" dagger but managed to find cigarettes... :scrutiny:

Weeks later it was deemed that wearing all-black clothing was gang affiliated and long coats could hide weapons. Both were banned. The next day I came to class in an all-black business suit with a long sport coat, polished black boots, fresh haircut - and I demanded to be sent home for violating school policy. Watching the vice principal come unglued was priceless. :neener:
I'm 29 and pushing 30 - all of this "zero tolerance" garbage has been around since when I was in school.

Must be different where you are from. I'm 30 and used to carry knives to elementary/middle/high school. My notebooks were adorned with doodles of Beretta M9s, RPG's, war scenes. Brought some of my pretty realistic looking M16, UZI, and Mac-10 toy guns for plays or skits (the red barrel tips of them removed or painted over with black, of course).
It's really gone downhill here in the past 10 years though (I shouldn't blame it on the huge influx of Californians, but I do anyway). Nowadays they lockdown the school if a kid had some gassy side effects from the cafeteria's chili.
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