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Ladies of THR

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May 28, 2005
Hello folks. Apparently there are bunches of women of all ages who enjoy target shooting, hunting, carrying for self-defense, ect. But the truth is, I've never met one. Just about every girl I've ever met is very anti-gun or if not that, she's just plain not interested in firearms in any way. The only exception to what I said above is my own teenage sister who sometimes (not often) wants to come shooting with me. Because of this, I've never really had the chance to discuss anything firearms related with women of any age who knew anything or cared anything about firearms.
So....as you can imagine I'm very curious.
1. Just how many of you ladies are here?
2. How did you start up with the shooting sports?
3. Do you have to deal with other women who don't like your pastime?
4. Do you have to deal with men who are either anti-gun or couldn't care less about your hobby?
5. Do you plan on teaching your daughters or sons to shoot?
6. Do you have sizeable firearms collections or is this just a guy thing?
7. Are men you date intimidated by a lady who carries?
8. Do any of you enjoy shooting massive handcannons? ( I do:D !)
Wow. That was more topics than I originally intended to bring up. I am not joking when I say I have never met a woman who admits to enjoy shooting though I have met some who went shooting because their boyfriend wanted them to come along. I've gone target shooting with plenty of various guys and have a good understanding of the various male opinions and habits. But as for the ladies...:confused: I'm clueless as to your opinions. Please feel free to cure me of my ignorance and speak up as to the fairer sex's take.
My wife is an NRA life member, treasurer of our local Friends of the NRA, an AZ G&F Hunter Ed combo Instructor, Sporting Clays Instructor, NMLRA Muzzleloading Instructor, Range Safety Officer and has her CWP. She loves shooting shotguns, rifles, handguns and blackpowder, reloading, hunting birds, waterfowl and big game, fishing, camping, four wheeling and ME.
It took a while but I found a keeper


The dog is almost a cute as yer wife. Congrats!

BTW...the second pick couldn't possibly be in AZ....there's mud, which Mr. Wizard tells me requires water.
She say's thanks for the compliment. We're in Northern AZ, Sean and it's raining again right now. Amazing isn't it?
I have a fairly large circle of women friends who shoot with me. In fact <glances at clock> I'm meeting one of them at the range in an hour or so.

Women as a group are about as monolithic as men as a group. That's because we're people, just like guys are. There isn't one gun that's perfect for all guys, neither is there one gun perfect for all gals. There isn't one reason all women who shoot got into it, nor is there one reason the guys who shoot got into it. Lots of different paths into the shooting world, after all.

i lived in christopher creek az when i was a kid. near payson but 1000 feet higher up the mountains. right under the mogollon rim. never got above 95 degrees and in the winter it got as low as 23 below zero. we used to have 7 feet of snow at a time. plenty of mud around.
1. Just how many of you ladies are here?
2. How did you start up with the shooting sports?
3. Do you have to deal with other women who don't like your pastime?
4. Do you have to deal with men who are either anti-gun or couldn't care less about your hobby?
5. Do you plan on teaching your daughters or sons to shoot?
6. Do you have sizeable firearms collections or is this just a guy thing?
7. Are men you date intimidated by a lady who carries?
8. Do any of you enjoy shooting massive handcannons?

[I'm sure there's a better way to quote posts than cut-n-paste, but hey]

1. Dunno. There's only one on my couch right now. ;)
2. Hunted as a kid, military as a grownup.
3. Not too many. It's just another hobby. I interact with women who don't run or obsess about their dogs all the time. Same thing. My Mom has finally just resigned herself to the fact it's another weird thing I do (much like dressing up in camo and wearing sturdy boots). I AM continually surprised by the number of women who are INTERESTED when it comes up that I'm into guns.
4. See #3.
5. I have stepkids. They all shoot. I'd love it if they grow up and love it, too, but I'm more concerned with getting them "gun safe" so they don't turn into statistics doing something stupid. If I ever have children of my own, same policy.
6. Not as sizeable as I'd like it to be. :D And THAT is a guy thing. If my GUY didn't think we should spend money on other things, my collection would be bigger.
7. I married a jarhead, and not much intimidates him. Being married also prohibits me from dating anyone, regardless of whether or not he'd be intimidated.
8. I enjoy shooting almost anything at least once.

Like Pax said, women are no more a homogenous group than...well, men. We're slightly more than 50% of the earth's population, you'll find a wide range of views on anything between us.
We all got into it for different reasons, I'm sure. I grew up rural and everybody hunted so that's my excuse.

I've met a few women who were just horrified that I like to shoot but I've managed to talk at least two of them around. :D Guys are either shooters or interested. I haven't met an anti guy who would admit to it (IRL, anyway).

I don't have kids but I did teach my BF's kids how to shoot.

I'm more intersted in accuracy than total destruction but I did have a good time at a machine gun shoot once. :)
I'm getting my girl into shooting, she's shot a .410, and I've been lettin' her shoot my 10/22. She really seems to enjoy shooting the .22 which is cool with me, but I'm going to have a hard time trying to get her to shoot the AR when I finally get it. Sadly, she is not a member of thr.
:neener: A firearm was just like a hammer to me growing up. Dad gave me my first firearm at age 18 to keep me safe at College and driving back and forth and such. Really got a collection when I got older and had the money. I love firearms as they are a beautiful thing. I have no one who really disapproves although I have friends who want alot of gun control but hey they are liberals by birth. I have never been around a guy who would say anything bad about my firearms. If they did I think they know they would be GONE. I do not tolerate girley or metrosexual men. I have no children but make sure my nieces and nephews are at least not scared by firearms. Some are still too little. I only have one family member who is very slightly lib and he is a girly man married to a niece. He thinks all he needs is a baseball bat. Problem is I do not think he would be able to use it as a weapon before someone had it beating the life out of him. Although I have never told him that.
I only have one family member who is very slightly lib and he is a girly man married to a niece. He thinks all he needs is a baseball bat. Problem is I do not think he would be able to use it as a weapon before someone had it beating the life out of him. Although I have never told him that.
LOL Kim, why don't you tell us how you really feel your niece's husband?
1. Just how many of you ladies are here?
2. How did you start up with the shooting sports?
3. Do you have to deal with other women who don't like your pastime?
4. Do you have to deal with men who are either anti-gun or couldn't care less about your hobby?
5. Do you plan on teaching your daughters or sons to shoot?
6. Do you have sizeable firearms collections or is this just a guy thing?
7. Are men you date intimidated by a lady who carries?
8. Do any of you enjoy shooting massive handcannons?

Well I'm kind of here, I frequent my birth/breastfeeding/childcare/nutrition boards more, but read posts that my husband sends me- since he's far more active here.
I really got started by going hunting with my husband when we were engaged-- unfortunately, I hit him instead of the squirrel. (don't worry, he's fine, but I had to learn hunters safety and will never live it down)
I tend to associate more with like-minded women just by inclination... Last monthly mom's night out was a few of us admiring my new Coronado carry purse, trying it on and "copping a feel" of the piece inside. (Did I mention I love my husband for getting this for me so I can carry reliably?)
Being a music major, I have been around more than my fair share of men who were scared silly by the idea of guns- let alone of a woman using them. Sissies.
Our daughter is almost two, so I'm starting to work with her on Eddie Eagles rules, but she will be going hunting with daddy and she loves when mama and daddy *bang* off the back deck. I assume she'll be interested in learning to shoot, herself.
I think our collection is pretty mutual, but I admit to agreeing with the "you can never have too many guns"
Being as how I only date my husband, I would say the men I date are most definitely not intimidated by me carrying.
Massive handcannons? oooh yeah- sign me up.
Quote from Kim:
I do not tolerate girley or metrosexual men.

Hallelujah!!! You have no idea how good it is to hear of a woman with that policy. Not saying I haven't met a few, but they seem to be pretty rare in my neck of the woods. Though I have met a few women who hunted here, mainly with their dads.
Got interested in weapons because of my workplace. Found out that I really liked it and was pretty good at it. Most people know I carry and some think I'm crazy but....that's their problem. Only problem hubby has is I can outshoot him! :D Started when I was 53 years old too and I love the S&W 500! I have several female friends who shoot and I also taught a basic shooting class for ladies. I guess that just about answers everything.
Remind me again why calling someone a girl is insulting?

/rhetorical comment from someone who used to be a girl.
1. Just how many of you ladies are here? I've been reading on this board, but don't post much. Come to South Dakota, I can introduce you to lots of ladies who like firearms.

2. How did you start up with the shooting sports? My husband wanted me to try for years and years. I didn't really have an interest until we moved to WI (40 acres) and he shot a deer on our property - I LIKE venison! So I agreed to learn to shoot his Marlin 30-30, but I wasn't really interested, just wanted more meat in the freezer.

Then we moved to SD, and I met several women who like to shoot. Hubby bought me a Marlin 39A, and I actually started being more interested. Then Hubby made the big mistake - he bought me my first side by side (older savage). Then I found a second sxs (20 g) Then I decided I needed a semi auto .22 (marlin 60). Then a wheel gun started looking real good (.357 stampede) and then I needed a carbine to go with it (marlin 1894) and then . . . well, you get the point. Yes, I have a "thing" for marlins.

I think I'm up to 11, not bad since 4 years ago, I had never shot a gun.

3. Do you have to deal with other women who don't like your pastime?
I out rank them (hehehe!) I've never been much of a girly-girl anyway.

4. Do you have to deal with men who are either anti-gun or couldn't care less about your hobby?
They can take it up with my husband. Where I live, most guys think it's neat. My boss is a life member of NRA too.

5. Do you plan on teaching your daughters or sons to shoot?

Son just got a new "grandbaby" a Benelli super nova. He joined his tech school's trap club, and I didn't want him using my pump (marlin 120) because it's quite worn. He does not like the sxs, and I dont' own a o/u (yet).

Daughter has been promised her first handgun once she completes the required stuff (she lives in MN right now). She keeps saying she will - and she's a pretty good shot with my buckmark.

6. Do you have sizeable firearms collections or is this just a guy thing?
No, I do not have near enough firearms! I still have several on my "really, really want to have" list, even though I did just find a 9shot double action .22 revovler (want a break action .22 also).

7. Are men you date intimidated by a lady who carries?
I haven't dated for 27 years! Most of my hubby's friend think it's great that his wife likes firearms.

8. Do any of you enjoy shooting massive handcannons? I don't. And my husband has told my daughter that he is NOT buying her that Desert Eagle no matter how much "but Daddddiiieeee" she tries pulling on him. Even if she does like to carry a purse the size of a small suitcase LOL!

MOST all of the women I know, including my ex, like shooting. We still take our 12 year old grand daughter out together, on shooting outings. I'm taking her(grand daughter), and a 13 year old boy out this weekend. The boy's Dad was killed in a construction accident 18 months ago. His mom thinks, I might be able to help him. I'll give it a shot. Not meant as a pun.
SeanMTX said:
BTW...the second pick couldn't possibly be in AZ....there's mud, which Mr. Wizard tells me requires water.

It has been a wet, wet autumn, even in the driest parts of the desert. There were homes underwater in Lordsburg, NM (about 20 miles from the AZ state line) and flooding in Phoenix not long ago. There usually isn't much water in desert AZ, but when it comes, it COMES AND COMES... I can only imagine what it is like in Flagstaff right now....
Quote from macymarlin:
I've been reading on this board, but don't post much. Come to South Dakota, I can introduce you to lots of ladies who like firearms.

Hey macy, I'm in SD :D Young, single, broke and fresh outta flight school. Know any patient gold diggers who like to shoot? (I kid, I kid).
1. Where is the blasted quote button. Now to the topic.
2. Do we have spell check?

Quote from Kim:
I do not tolerate girley or metrosexual men.

Hallelujah!!! You have no idea how good it is to hear of a woman with that policy.

I may be going out on a limb here but redneck super macho men are on the other side of the ick scale like the ones Kim pointed out.

As to why I shoot. I don't know. I didn't start until this past November when I purchased my first handguns which BTW I didn't get to fire till the following Feburary. It may be because I spent time in the Army and got to fire just about every weapon the Army has right down to a Patriot. Who knows. The bug has bitten me so everything is just water under the bridge.
Today I was headed North on 620 in Austin, TX, and I passed a car with a woman driving . . . a large placard on the side door proclaimed the "Second Amendment Sisters." :cool:

Too much traffic to get her attention and give her a "Thumbs Up" sign, but if she's a member here at THR . . . :D
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