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Lantern question while hunting/camping

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It's been a few years but I used to do a lot of catfishing at night. My Coleman propane lantern was my standby. I used it everynight. It could light up an entire pontoon boat. I also used to for coon hunting some but it gets a little heavy to carry that much. One of the things that I like about a lantern is that it is easy to sit down if you need both of your hands to work on something. Of course the big advantage of propane is that it has an automatic ignitor and with the propane bottles you don't have to mess with liquid fuel or trying to light mantles. Lanterns are hard to beat when you want to throw a good amount of light into a decent sized area.
I vote for Coleman propane. They're efficient and easy to use. Plenty of light. Have used one for years. Haven't had my white gas lantern out of the barn for probably ten years now, strictly propane for the convenience.
I vote for the white gas version, I like the hiss, and fuel is readly available, though I rarely use unleaded gas in mine, it is an option. These lanterns are garage sell buys. A little buffing and a new generator is usually all they need after years of storage. I have more since this photo.


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I keep a little oil lantern around the house as an alternate source during a power outage. I don't think I've ever even used it.

As for LED, my favorite is the Streamlight Siege. Good battery life, good output, and I like the option of pulling off the outer assembly and using it as an overhead dome light.
Propane is cleaner, and easier to use for most times. Propane will not work in extreme cold. Once it gets below zero, you will be better off with a white gas or dual fuel lantern. If you do use gasoline in a dual fuel, make sure you drain it when you are done, the gas will turn to varnish if left long enough.
I've got propane, gas, LED and candle lanterns. I've even got an old coleman that's in a green wooden box that I've never used. Got it from my great gramma when she passed away.

I spend a fair amount of time camping for work, and I've mosly given up on dealing with lanterns in favor of modern LED headlamps. Often I just put it around my neck upside down so that I can adjust the beam to point out in front of me. I'm usually alone, so it's not like I'm blinding my campmates. When I'm out with other people I prefer the gas lantern over the propane.

Also, those UCO candle lanterns someone else mentioned are nice. The beeswax candles put off a nice yellow glow, and you can also load them up with citronella candles that work fairly well to keep bug away. The UCO candles are kind of hit and miss with quality control though.
My vote goes to Coleman gas. Main reason is. . . . they're better!!
I've had as many as 60 at one time but now I'm down to about 12 or so. All of them are between the 1920's to early 50's. Don't care much for any of them newer than the 60's.

You can wet store them with Coleman fuel but use unleaded gas while in use. That way, you dont have to pay top $ for the Coleman stuff!! What most folks dont understand is all these gas lanterns are intended to burn gasoline. The feed sys. and burners are essentially the same as they were since the 20's. Coleman fuel didn't even show up till the late 50's or early 60's. If you run out of gas while camping, your car has it. Siphon some out (carry some hose in your trunk). What ya gonna do with a empty profane tank? (Yes , i said profane)

Same with stoves. All mine are 30's, 40's and 50's . 3 burners, 2 burners and compact 2 burners.

Above all, the liquid fuel is much more efficient.

45 Dragoon
Hey those UST-30 Day lanerns are pretty cool, even at 2 lbs. with the batteries, they give off the light of 2 candles on the low setting, but you can set them at higher brightness when you need it. No open flames either.

When I use a lantern, it's a candle lantern. An UCO Brand from REI, and they make a 3-candle Candle-lier if you need to triple the output, or for compact use of space one could use a Folding Candle Lantern from Garret Wade.

The problem with liquid fuel lanterns is fuel leakage and or spillage, not to mention the weight of the fuel, and if you are worried about scents in the woods when hunting deer, a few drops of kerosene or white gas on your hunting clothes or shoes will probably impact your hunt more than a beeswax or parafin candle. If you're not looking for the light output of a pressurized Coleman lantern..., I'd suggest you consider a candle lantern.

In any place farming or chainsaws are common in the woods gas has little effect on deer I have hunted with snow on so I could use a sled carried a chair set a kerosine lantern under the chair and wrapped up in an old wool banket stayed toasty till a deer came along :D
As far as gas lanterns go if you use it once in a while propane is fine if you use one every weekend liquid fuel is cheaper in the long run
I have a coleman single mantle kerosine lantern
I have a passion for Kerosene Lanterns especially the old Deitz products. (I own about 25).
However for camping etc. I prefer the Colemans and the Propanes in particular.
Funny, I forgot about the Kero Colemans! They are probably the MOST efficient of the liquid fuels. When working right, they are the brightest!!!
I dont have any because, the stoves are gasoline and i dont want to keep up with two fuels.

45 Dragoon
latest lantern aquired

I found this one in resale shop for 15 dollars. It is a 1962 model. Someone had filled the font with kerosene and it would not light. I replaced the kerosene with unleaded and it lit right up. All it needed was a new gasket in the filler cap and mantels.


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I have always found that while camping...Lanterns attract too many bugs. I actually use a head lamp now.
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