Las Vegas Gun Show - 9/4-5/04

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Senior Member
Dec 20, 2002
The show is at Cashman Field this coming weekend, September 4 & 5.

Is this usually a good show?

Anyone from THR going? I'll be in LV from Ohio this weekend and would like to stop by to check it out.

I will certainly be there on Saturday the 4th.

I don't have much to compare it to.
When I was a kid my dad used to take me to gun shows in Columbus. This show would be about 1/8th as big as some of those shows. But this was 30 years ago.

If you are already in town, what have you got to lose ?
I'll be in LV for my 15th wedding anniversary. Is it a bad sign that I'm planning to leave my wife in the casino to wander around a gun show for a few hours?

I'll be sure to wear my TFL/Molon Labe shirt.
Have you got transportation ?
I can give you a ride and buy you breakfast if you would like.
I will be getting off work at 0700 and have a couple hours to kill before the shot opens, so I usually eat breakfast prior to the show.
I usually go to the show to just look around. I normally pick up a few trinkets here and there but nothing major. As a result, I don't usually spend all day there.
News to me. Does anyone have a link to the people that are hosting it? Is it going to cost as much a Clyde Halls :banghead: ? Am I going to need a loan....
444 - Thank you very much for the offer. :) Breakfast sounds good, but my wife has plans to go jogging every morning (with me!) :eek:

I'm planning to be there around opening time (9 a.m.) Saturday. Might have my bro-in-law along too (he's a 'fence-sitter'). I'll contact you with my cell# so we can get in touch on Saturday a.m.

Being out of state, we'll probably model our purchasing habits after yours - cruise the floor for a couple hours, pick up some accessories and then meet up with the wimmenfolk for lunch.

Finch - It *is* a Claude Hall show. Cost of admission (last I checked) was $11. (Twice the price of an Ohio show...)
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