Learn about guns before you try to educate me on guns

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Yo Mama

Jun 4, 2008
It happened again yesterday while open carrying with an inside the waistband holster I had somebody compliment me on my nice XD. The person behind me however obviously did not like guns. She stated XD stands for extremely deadly. I laughed so did the clerk who said know that stands for extreme Duty. She then began to lecture me I should have the gun in the holster. I have had this happen before. I politely showed her that it was an inside the waistband holster and explained what benefits the holster has. She nonchalantly said oh yeah I know what that her husband had one.

I am glad my ten-year-old daughter is with me yet again to teach her the ignorance people show with firearms. There is no other part of your life where people feel that it's their obligation to educate you what you're doing wrong except when it comes to Firearms all of a sudden in 2018 where everybody thinks that they are all of a sudden an expert because of what they've seen on the news and tv.
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I had a lady lecture me on illegally carrying.
It was right after my classroom was shot up. I went to see a friend and his receptionist saw my PF9 under my shirt. It seems that as I was all worked up, I didn’t notice that my shirt had come up a bit when I had gotten out of my truck.

She told me I couldn’t just have a gun tucked in my pants and I couldn’t have it showing.

Like you, I tried to explain that it was in a holster, but she was the expert and wasn’t going to listen. She did listen long enough to hear me say that Va is an open carry state and I could have it out so people could see it. That calmed her some, but it still didn’t convince her she she “knew”.

I had another “expert” at the college try to flame me on the “gun show loophole” in a discussion group cluster. When I asked her if she’d ever been to a gun show, she said it didn’t matter she “knew”. She didn’t care about the facts. She didn’t care that I had recently been to one. All that mattered was I was wrong and we needed to end the loop hole.

Growing up, I came from a family that was very car oriented. Racing and working on cars is part of us. Trucks are part of the family business of construction. But like guns, I’ve had plenty of people tell me about cars and trucks who have never worked on one, never raced, or never even checked their own oil. Worse they’ll argue what they “know” because they’re experts.

So I guess I’ve grown leery of talking about cars and trucks with people. Until the shootings I gave up talking about guns with people who didn’t shoot. Unfortunately I think it’s our job to educate as many people as we can about guns and how the Anti folks lie and want to disarm us. If we don’t we’re doomed. So as much as I hate it, I think we need to find better tactics and get on the offensive.
I found there is no point in trying to educate the willfully ignorant, especially when I have better things to do. I was open carrying once, and someone asked me if I had a permit (not required to OC in NC, but I did have one). I asked the guy if he had a badge. Someone else I know was confronted by a stranger and told that its scary to see someone carrying a gun, and that he should not do it. He told the stranger that he didn't believe he was scared, because if he was truly scared, he would never confront an armed person, he would just move away from the scary situation.
I once had someone ask me very aggressively, "Do you know what it's like to be shot?"


"HOW do you know what it's like to be shot?"

"I have two Purple Hearts. How do YOU know what it's like to be shot?"

First off thank you for your service and sacrifice for our country. I would like to know more about what initiated this conversation. Were you carrying and somebody saw?
He wasn't trying to educate me, but I posted this in a similar thread a week or so back:

My head dispatcher at work, a firearms enthusiast himself, told me the other day that a female friend was telling him that "AR", in rifle context, stands for "Automatic Rifle." He seemed proud to tell me he educated her in that it really means "Assault Rifle."

He's even more educated now.
In my job, I'm mostly surrounded by gun owners. Today, while grocery shopping I had someone start on criticizing the NRA for 'letting people just buy automatic pistols and rifles'. The pharmacist on duty stopped what he was doing and came to the counter and told her that A: the NRA doesn't do the 'letting', the Federal Government does and B: Was he aware that there were some rather serious background checks on anyone that wanted to own a full-auto firearm and C: that the cost of a full-auto was in the thousands of dollars. The man stopped his mini-tirade and said "I didn't know that."
At least he listened.
There's ignorance and there's stupidity. Two totally different states of existence yet somehow anti gun nuts manage to be in both states at the same time.
The difference is, ignorance is remediable. When someone makes an error, that's ignorance. Tell them the truth and if they reject it, that's stupidity.
Anymore, when people say dumb stuff that they hear on the news, I just ask people:
"If I go into this in greater detail, will it make a difference to you?"

Or, if they are being a jerk, I'll be more insulting and say:
"I can educate you on why that's wrong, but if you're happy being ignorant I can not waste my time."

I've only said the second one once because you get more bees with honey.
I only conceal carry as I understand that firearms make some people uneasy; also, I do not want those around me to know that I am armed - that should be to my advantage if problems occur. I have heard all of the ignorant statements as noted here by others and have come to realize that I will not change their minds - I don’t want to cloud the issues with the facts when they have already made up their minds. No matter how pressured the blood gets in my neck, I have found it much more responsible to just be silent - I no longer have the patience and I no longer have to be right. Good shooting.
I only conceal carry as I understand that firearms make some people uneasy; also, I do not want those around me to know that I am armed - that should be to my advantage if problems occur. I have heard all of the ignorant statements as noted here by others and have come to realize that I will not change their minds - I don’t want to cloud the issues with the facts when they have already made up their minds. No matter how pressured the blood gets in my neck, I have found it much more responsible to just be silent - I no longer have the patience and I no longer have to be right. Good shooting.

I’m with you
It’s funny even though Virginia is an open carry state few do it. This weekend it was funny. Saturday morning my son and I went to Hardee’s to get some biscuits while there we saw TWO people open carrying. The first was an older gentleman. The second a guy in his late 30s or early 40s.

I was going to thank the older gentleman who I saw first but before I had a chance he left. I was going to let him know that I appreciated that people like him open carry as while some may not like it, it’s a great reminder that there are people visibly exercising their 2nd Amendment Rights.

The second was with his family so I didn’t want to bother him. But had there been a way to do so that wouldn’t have been rude I would have.
When I was in Virginia, the CCW law forbade carry in places selling liquor -- so you couldn't carry in a restaurant if it sold alcohol (and most of them do.) Then someone discovered the much older open carry law had no such provision. People going into a restaurant would simply remove their jackets, so they were open carrying while in the restaurant.
When I was in Virginia, the CCW law forbade carry in places selling liquor -- so you couldn't carry in a restaurant if it sold alcohol (and most of them do.) Then someone discovered the much older open carry law had no such provision. People going into a restaurant would simply remove their jackets, so they were open carrying while in the restaurant.
The law has since been changed. As long as you’re not drinking you can carry now.
I can't even count the number of times:

Random person: "Excuse me sir, did you know the hammer on your gun is back?" (or some variation there of)

There's only so many time you can politely thank a person before you degrade into a standardized response of looking confused and musing out loud how that could have happened.
It happened again yesterday while open carrying with an inside the waistband holster I had somebody compliment me on my nice XD. The person behind me however obviously did not like guns. She stated XD stands for extremely deadly. I laughed so did the clerk who said know that stands for extreme Duty. She then began to lecture me I should have the gun in the holster. I have had this happen before. I politely showed her that it was an inside the waistband holster and explained what benefits the holster has. She nonchalantly said oh yeah I know what that her husband had one.

I am glad my ten-year-old daughter is with me yet again to teach her the ignorance people show with firearms. There is no other part of your life where people feel that it's their obligation to educate you what you're doing wrong except when it comes to Firearms all of a sudden in 2018 where everybody thinks that they are all of a sudden an expert because of what they've seen on the news and tv.
I recently complimented a Sheriff's Deputy on her new M&P while we were standing in line at the gas station.

"Uh, thanks," she said, eyeing me suspiciously. After deciding that I was being serious, she added, "Maybe you can tell me, what does it mean?"

"Ummm........M&P? Military and Police."

"Oh, that makes sense then." :what::eek::confused:
Random person: "Excuse me sir, did you know the hammer on your gun is back?"
Or the US Air Force vs US Army variation:
Some random soldier "Sir, the safety on your M9 is off." Me (USAF) "Oh, thank you, please let me know if it's ever on, cause that would be a problem!"

This stems from differences in how Army carries M9 in garrison, to how AF Security Forces (MP, or SP in the old days) carry.
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