Legislators to interrupt recess for 9/11 hearings

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Dec 26, 2002
Michigan, USA
So much for the countdown of legislative days left for the AWB to expire.


From the article:
"Reacting to the Sept. 11 commission's call for urgent intelligence reforms, key lawmakers on Friday announced that the Senate will interrupt the August recess for hearings focused on some immediate legislative proposals. "

I'd expect someone to try to tack on some AWB extension or expansion onto this, given the opportunity...
Instead of calling it the Assault weapons ban, they will call it the "terror weapon ban".

Call me a pessimist, but I think this is going to be the vehicle to which the AWB gets renewed.

According to the article, it is not the Senate which is coming back from recess; but just some Senators. They are holding hearings and preparing a report for the Senate floor for an October 1st vote.

If it is just a hearings by a special commission, then they have no authority to pass legislation.

"Designated by the Senate leadership to head Congress' action on the commission's recommendations, Sens. Susan Collins, R-Maine, and Joe Lieberman, D-Conn., told reporters that the goal is to report legislation to the full Senate by Oct. 1.

"Because of the urgency of this task we will begin work right away, and we will hold the first hearing the first week in August," Collins said. "So no longer will it be a sleepy quiet August around here."
It appears they updated that article - it wasn't so specific when I first posted the link.

On the way home from work I heard that it would just be certain committees that would be meeting, not the entire Legislature.

I'm still a bit concerned, though. AWB as a rider on an anti-terror bill might be harder for Republicans to oppose...
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