Let's stir the pot....what is the limit for gun rights (typology of gun)???

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Really? You honestly think that would happen?

Why didn't it happen back when there were no restrictions?

Why are criminals NOT using rifles with high capacity magazine now?

You are engaging in the same sort of fantasy the anit-ccw crowd is.

Yes, I honestly think that if you empower EVERY gangsta to get a chopper easily and cheaply, no questions asked, no restrictions at all, they will use them. They use what they have on hand, and that's mostly common legal guns. Whatever choppers they have are conserved due to the amount of heat they draw down when they're used. Remove the heat and the scarcity............

The few gangsters in the Roaring Twenties using gats were a very much smaller subculture than the very widespread thug culture we have today, and they didn't mow people down just for grins and "cultural revenge" and "rapid fire reparations".

They ARE using rifles with high capacity magazines whenever they feel like it. I've heard 30 round mags being emptied rapid fire while sitting in my living room watching TV.

I'm totally against the anti-ccw crowd. I want a ccw myself but can't afford the ridiculous training class charges around here at this time. Sometimes I carry anyway if I absolutely have to go in harm's way. I just don't want to HAVE to carry all the time due to the odds of getting caught in some gangstas' crossfire at the grocery store. :D
Great, everyone has to go around strapped and ready for combat at the drop of a hat. Everyone has to be combat trained and have a killer instinct. Mad Max World.
Our culture and society has developed beyond Mad Max World, and not because of restrictions on weapons.

If you have to justify a 'need', it turns from a 'right' to a 'priviledge'. Why to you 'need' to own personal property when you can just use state-provided and owned clothes/tractors/etc.?

Yep. I like to call "permissionism" the idea that things people shouldn't have (or can be arbitrarily denied) things they don't "need." Usually applied only to aspects of life in which the permissionist does not have any stake, but (sadly enough) not always. There are plenty of gun owners out there who are pure hobbyists, rather than necessarily pro-freedom. (The kind who would read Bill Ruger's thoughts on the ammo needs of an "honest man" and be puzzled why anyone would disagree.)

Slight tangent: You know, one thing I found out as an exchange student 18 years ago is that in modern-day Germany, if you move to a new town you must register with the local authorities, saying basically "I've arrived." That rankled -- if you move in the U.S., while you will most likely (and practically) let people know that you have a new address etc, including agents of the government, you need not "check in" with anyone. Maybe a smaller difference than I make it out to be, but I was never very good at the "it's not better, it's not worse, it's just different" thing when it comes to certain aspects of life.

A .50BMG rifle is very good for long-range target shooting, and for hunting large game with the appropriate loads. Self-loading designs can help reduce felt recoil.

Like a lot of other things, though, people who aren't interested in doing this get the beached-fish look (the old "But why would anyone want to do that?!" ) when you suggest that such an activity could be enjoyable, or that people uh, pursuing happiness is a good thing worth defending. Pleasure and happiness are not entirely interchangeable as words go, but they overlap far more than they differ.

And from a certain perspective, nearly anything even fairly large numbers of humans like to do can be defocused into absurdity. Take, for instance, the kind of dancing that happens in nightclubs, the kind that to me basically looks like aerobics in Hell. Imagine what *that* would look like to a observant, intelligent being from another planet unfamiliar with our Earth Ways. Or, for that matter, the kind of dancing that happens at staid weddings and country clubs, which is what happens in Hell when aerobics is cancelled. (YMMV :))

The controlled power of shooting a gun, esp. when it means meeting a challenge of some kind to your skill (improving groups, hitting the pingpong ball, etc), is something that many people just don't feel a rush from. On the other hand, I can understand that some folks want to ride horses every day, and get a similar psychic boost from it, whereas for me the occasional trail ride is perfectly pleasant and perfectly sufficient ;)


"First, it won't shoot down an jetliner like the Brady Bunch claim. That's a stupid and ill-informed notion."

Maybe. I agree that it's not a good argument against any particular caliber of gun, but ... there are edge cases where if it were my goal to destroy an aircraft, I'd rather have a .50 than (say) a .223. It's also hard to *disprove* the notion that a .50 *could* be used to do this. A lucky shot as a plane takes off or lands, perhaps? Not to rely on "lucky" *too* much, though: if you were in a plane I was shooting at (or, even worse for you, someone with decent aim were shooting at), would you rather it be with a tiny .22LR pistol or a .50BMG rifle? (I know: you'd prefer it be a tiny .50BMG pistol ;))

"Third, the rifles hit only one point. If you actually want to snipe at innocent people, what advantage does a single 50 caliber round have over a standard hunting round. I would suspect that smaller rounds, generating less recoil, could be fired more rapidly than the large rifle. Area fire, such as from machine guns, may be more evil, but a point weapon really doesn't need to be all that large."

Spot on! I would FAR prefer snipers (if they're not aiming at me specifically) to be firing .50BMG than nearly any other caliber, for just that reason. Heavy rounds, expensive, bulky, slow-to-point guns, no way to carry them conspicuously on the person ... maybe we could require that sniping with any smaller caliber require a permit, because it's more dangerous! If Charles Whitman had been firing a .50, fewer people would have died in Austin, I bet.

All individual weapons. I draw the line at crew served weapons or weapons which require a tank, aircraft or submarine. If you can't bear it, you can't keep it.
"They can do just that now with any kind of legal or illegal weapon they can get their hands on. They will continue to do that with any kind of legal or illegal weapon they can get their hands on, no matter what anyone does."

Precisely! So what good would restrictions do, if it doesn't keep them out of the hands of criminals? All restrictions do is keep them out of the hands of the law abiding. You don't have to worry about the law abiding because THEY DON"T BREAK THE LAW!

"I can't see empowering them to be vastly more dangerous and destructive than they already are."

Are you serious? They are already dangerous and destructive! What good are resrictions if the criminals ignore them as you have admitted they already do?

Gasoline is unregistered. Any bad guy can go to a gas pump and get gallons of gasoline and burn down pretty much whatever he wants. How is that any less dangerous than a full auto gun which despite Feinstein's claim, you need to possess a fair amount of skill to consistently put hits on target?

NOTHING WHATSOEVER will keep NFA weapons out of the hands of criminals and crazies. I'm only advocating a background check on the purchase of NFA weapons at a store or gun show. Just a yes/no background check on whether a person has a criminal record of sufficient concern to warrant denying them a traditional purchase. Joe Gangsta will just shrug and go get one on the black market, same as now, same as always everywhere. Maybe put an over-18 only restriction on the purchase to keep the bullied 15 year old from very easily getting his revenge on 100 people rather than the usual 4 or 5. Of course, if there's a chopper in everyone's closet then the bullied kid can just borrow Dad's, just like they're now borrowing Dad's pistol.

If John Q. Citizen has demonstrated he's civilized and responsible, by not having a felony record, then he's good to go. Joe Gangsta with an interesting rap sheet should not be able to walk out of Wal-Mart with a cheap machine gun, no questions asked, no restrictions whatsoever. There's nothing but financial and availability issues to prevent any and every gangsta from packing a machine gun of his choice. If they can't afford the street price for a gat, or don't know of any that are available to them, they'll just continue doing their drive by's with the 9's and SKS's. Take away the cost and availability barriers and you can have Water World full auto shootouts whenever and where ever some dudes feel they been dissed. They can sorta, kinda, maybe do that now but few gangsta go around strapped with a MAC. They're too scarce and expensive. Take away the barriers and every goon with an attitude can hose the 'hood whenever he wants to.
It got quiet all of a sudden. I guess I wore everyone out. :D

It's been fun debating the issue, as usual. Most folks see no problem with the equivalent of giving hand grenades to children. So be it. I'm done with this subject.

Dumpster Baby out. :neener:

The only limit on the 2nd Amendment is ... the 2nd Amendment.
You do something stupid with what you've got, others will solve the problem with what they've got.

So you think that if you can afford it you should be able to get an F-22 Raptor with all the goodies??

If you can afford an F-22 with all the goodies, you're smart enough to not do something stupid with it.
NOTHING WHATSOEVER will keep NFA weapons out of the hands of criminals and crazies. I'm only advocating a background check on the purchase of NFA weapons at a store or gun show.
The first sentence just kinda nullifies the point of the second, now, doesn't it? Why hassle the law-abiding who are NOT the problem, when those who ARE the problem will simply bypass the hassle?
Most folks see no problem with the equivalent of giving hand grenades to children

Well as a wise man once said, if most folks don't see a problem then maybe you need to re-evaluate the situation.

Ah, a parallel with children. I knew the real problem would come out eventually. I'm not a child, I'm not an evil/irresponsible/criminal type person, and any attempt to group me in with such folks is a overreaching statement that goes too far, is insulting, and will be met with resistance.
You forgot an IMPORTANT little detail....military aircraft sold to the public (even John Travolta own an F-4 Phantom, Larry Ellison, the patron of Oracle own a Mig 21) MUST be stripped of ANY weapons and sensitive electronic equipment as per FAA regulations....they just become very fast civilian aircraft...

Actually there are no federal regulations regarding the armament of aircraft. When I was in college in my aviation law class my paper's focus was going to be on that very topic. A couple of phone calls to the FAA revealed they had no problems with it if it was installed and documented properly on equipment list and the weight and balance was updated. The ATF didn't have a problem with it other than that paperwork and permits for each state the aircraft flew over would have to be approved and local laws complied with. Expensive and paperwork intensive but doable while not really practical.

To be demil'd and surplussed, they have to be stripped of sensitive electronics and weapons, not to be flown if you can get the weapons back.
What I don't believe in is making it dead simple easy for everyone to pick up that dead serious bullet hose at Wal-Mart, with no questions asked, on their way to a confrontation with their classmates, coworkers, neighbors, rival gangstas, whatever. They can do just that now with any kind of legal or illegal weapon they can get their hands on. They will continue to do that with any kind of legal or illegal weapon they can get their hands on, no matter what anyone does. But, making any and all kinds of firearms and destructive devices readily available to everyone with no restrictions at all is a recipe for disaster. You don't give a crate of machine guns to a bunch of kids on the playground, and that's essentially what the 100% gun rights folk are advocating - any kind of weapon for anyone, no questions asked.
The only people who can't get their hands on illegal guns now are people that don't want to break the law. Being illegal doesn't make them harder to obtain. The guy with 10 pounds of drugs in his trunk isn't worried that he has an illegal gun. The guy that plans to kill 30 coworkers doesn't care that it would be illegal to modify his AK clone. The only thing the law stops is me from ordering a different FCG for my ar from brownells, and that really doesn't keep society safe because I wasn't a danger in the 1st place.

Everyone seems to think "X isn't happening on the streets now so X won't happen in the future, and even if it does I'm pretty damn good with my Glock". I invite them to go to Mogadishu and look all those khat stoner zombies with the AK's and RPD's in the eye and see if they can still say "no problemo".
This is a lot like what we hear from anti's all the time. Guns do not cause problems, you need to dig deeper into the social and economic causes for violence. Take for instance Rwanda where half a million to 3/4 of a million people were slaughtered, largely with big knives.

Yes, I honestly think that if you empower EVERY gangsta to get a chopper easily and cheaply, no questions asked, no restrictions at all, they will use them. They use what they have on hand, and that's mostly common legal guns.
So these gangsters, people who make the large bulk of their money through the sale of illegal drugs....how do they get their drugs? Why can they get heroin but not a machine gun?

NOTHING WHATSOEVER will keep NFA weapons out of the hands of criminals and crazies. I'm only advocating a background check on the purchase of NFA weapons at a store or gun show. Just a yes/no background check on whether a person has a criminal record of sufficient concern to warrant denying them a traditional purchase. Joe Gangsta will just shrug and go get one on the black market, same as now, same as always everywhere.
So why are we spending money on a program that doesn't actually do anything?
I got flamed REAL GOOD at ar15.com over my opinions on this subject. I and everyone else envision a world where we can just drop in to our local gun store, or hardware store, or Wal-Mart, and buy any kind of automatic weapon we want, like a $75 Sten or a $150 M16 or a $200 M249 machine gun. Or a grenade launcher, RPG, mortar, or TOW missile. Wouldn't that be cool?

The problem is, if WE mainstream folk can do that, then so can all of the MILLIONS of habitual criminals and mentally disturbed folks we have.
Sorry man but that dog just don't hunt. Here's why:

News Flash!

THEY - the criminals that is - ALREADY CAN!​

Here's the thing though. You're everyday average thug uses the most practical and efficient weapon for the job which isn't a grenade launcher, RPG, mortar, or TOW missile. Hardcore pro's who rob big banks (which is actually a pretty rare deal - most banks are robbed by your everyday moron thug type) may use a $75 Sten or a $150 M16 or a $200 M249 machine gun but I wouldn't bet on it because with few exceptions (there have been exceptions - less the machine gun) they tend to use small rifles or handguns.

It's a myth that criminal's preferred weapons are assault rifles and machine guns/sub-machineguns.
What about a nuke then.....some crazy billionaire get one and let's say angry at a board of directors that ousted him from his company fire it on a city....oops..we put him in jail but in the meantime few millions of people died...
Come on let's be realistic...

I've seen this type of argument used by Dems and anti's, "well if you think you should be able to own an AK then why can't everyone own nukes?" :eek: The link and point is "well an AK can kill a lot of people and so can nukes, so neither should be allowed." Overall, it is clearly an irrational argument and meant to blur the line between small arms and major weapons.

There is a "line" with what people should be allowed to own but I would advocate that line should be pushed as far as possible, otherwise it just gives Dems an "in" to take away rights a little at a time.

* However, I don't think anyone here is pissed off they can't buy Gustav Gun. :uhoh:


weight of gun 1,344 tons

length overall of gun 164 feet (49.98 m)

height overall of gun 35 feet (10.66 m)

weight of projectile with windshield 16,540 lbs

diameter of projectile 31.5 inches (80 cm)

weight of explosive charge 2,400 lbs. of RDX

length overall of projectile 11 feet 6 inches (3.50 m)

weight of propellant charge 2,500 lbs. in 3 increments

muzzle velocity of gun 2,500 ft per sec

maximum range 51,000 yds. 30 miles

maximum elevation 48 degrees


  • gustav.jpg
    17 KB · Views: 59
so who seriously thinks $50 sten guns would be a good idea on the open market?
apart from being a very ugly and not very safe gun.
the sort of inexperienced shooter who can be dangerous on a range let lose with an automatic weapon :eek:
Somebody walking around with a Sten Gun, or for that matter a UZI, MAC, or MP5 will be quite conspicuos and will draw police attention no matter what the law says. Most criminals dont want to draw attention to themselves. Everydaycrime most likely would still be comitted using normal Handguns or possibly machinepistols (Beretta 93 for example). "Gang wars" and drivebys are already fought using fully automatics so that wouldnt be much different from today.
I can see a one week waiting period, a background check and a tax to buy a fully automatic weapon, so that people dont buy them in the heat of passion, other than that, they are too much fun to keep away from the law abiding citizen, though Fully automatic assault rifles and SMGs are in my opinion too difficult to control while in full auto to be much use on the range, on the range you have more fun with an M60, M2HB or other bi or tripod mounted belt fed gun. The full auto option on Assault rifles or SMG are excellent for houseclearing though, and relevant for homedefense use, as are handgrenades.
I would love to have an AGL for range use, wonderful fun blowing away some junked cars.
Or a 84 mm recoilless rifle, firing High explosive rounds at gasbarrels.
I seriously think it. Whatever you can sell them for and make money.

This is something a lot of people just don't get so don't be surprised if you disagree or don't know where I'm coming from, but: Freedom isn't just a risk. Freedom has actual benefits. Tangible and intangible benefits. I know it's popular to frame any rights discussion in terms of the risks... if you "allow" $50 automatic weapons you are increasing your risks in some ways... but a far more important factor is the social, financial, and personal opportunity that grows from freedom.

If you reduce access to chemicals you reduce the risks that those chemicals will be used in a harmful way. You also reduce the opportunity for advances in chemistry, the opportunity for new businesses to open and explore novel and beneficial aspects of chemistry, the opportunity for those children who would be most motivated to learn about chemistry, and so on. That means your health is worse because new drugs aren't invented as fast, your finances are worse because economic development is stifled, your car wears out faster, your children are less likely to find and explore their full potential... your life is worse in countless significant ways. For what? Well, to make sure that Joe down the street comes home and gets drunk instead of coming home and getting high. To make sure some guy in the next town is unhappy enough that he wants to stockpile explosives in his basement...well, no, that last was an unintended consequence but it happens.

Restrictions mostly keep you safer from "newsworthy" events... the sort of strange occurrences that really don't happen all that often anyway. At the same time your life is just a little worse in every respect... but that's not news and your life is already pretty bad so your extra pain, shorter lifespan, financial problems, etc. don't scare you.

The same goes for the regulation of weapons. By regulating the manufacture and design of weapons with arbitrary rules and special licenses we make our lives worse in a lot of ways. Our taxes are higher, our banks pay us less interest for our savings, loans are more expensive, new designs and designers never get started because of the barriers, old good designs fade away, we lose our hearing and our shooting areas because of the lack of mufflers, guns go from everyday objects... tools... to magical talismans of power and a focus of dark obsession for a lot of mentally unstable people who would be better off obsessing about unicorns. We pay in all sorts of ways.

I realize this isn't a familiar way of thinking about the issue for most people but some of you seriously need to re-frame how you view permissiveness. You focus on the negative without considering the positive. That's natural... you are scared and the positives are fuzzy and speculative... but that negative focus is a real mistake.
Forgot to mention.. That isn't my Truck with the MG's in the back. Got the picture off the interweb:) But, I wish I had the Money,and also living in that area were there legal to own. That is truly a beautiful piece of Art.:p
The way I see it, most criminals don't want to get caught. Most criminals won't hang around just to have a shootout after robbing the bank. They use guns for intimidation, mostly. That said, some don't like to leave witnesses alive, or to even hassle with live people while they rob them.

Crazies and hit men are another story, though. Their behavior is either unpredictable or stealthy. It's best to be armed when one comes around I always say. And, since you never know when one or the other is going to come around, it's best to always be armed.

The same would apply to dictators and tyrants. If you're not armed in defense against them, you are not going to survive or remain free while waiting for the cavalry that may just write you off, or never rise to the challenge, or capitulate.

In the mean time, those who fear arms are at risk of becoming the next batch of slaves. Don't ask me to put myself at risk simply to assuage your irrational fear and distrust of law abiding citizens. I recommend therapy. I also recommend the people adjudicated to be dangerous to be kept locked up, institutionalized, or executed; and the immature under guardianship until they can be trusted with arms.


Look at your rights and freedoms as what would be required to survive and be free as if there were no government. If that doesn't convince you to take a stand and protect your inalienable rights and freedoms, nothing will. If that doesn't convince you to maintain your personal sovereignty, you are already someone else's subject. If you don't secure your rights and freedoms to maintain your personal sovereignty now, it'll be too late to come to me for help when they come for you. I will already be dead because I had to stand alone. B.E.Wood
bullet hose :rolleyes:

Heroin is completely illegal, but I could make a phone call and have as much as I could afford. What has the ban accomplished again?
I asked innocently to the shop owner, what is the realistic purpose for this?? and he said proudly..."remember is in our constitutional rights, if the government has it, we can have it.."

I find this answer flimsy at best...

It's an old argument (in gun enthusiast/2nd AM circles), but I tend to agree with it. What makes a conglomeration of individuals so special that they can do or have something that's wrong for a single individual?

If pressed, I'd put the line at weapons of indiscriminate mass destruction. Wrong for us as individuals, wrong for them. Nukes are for moving asteroids (and spaceships). If you can aim it, hit the guys trying to harm you, and miss the innocent bystander, you can own it.
I and everyone else envision a world where we can just drop in to our local gun store, or hardware store, or Wal-Mart, and buy any kind of automatic weapon we want, like a $75 Sten or a $150 M16 or a $200 M249 machine gun. Or a grenade launcher, RPG, mortar, or TOW missile. Wouldn't that be cool?

The problem is, if WE mainstream folk can do that, then so can all of the MILLIONS of habitual criminals and mentally disturbed folks we have..

Pre NFA, this was the case. We do not recall that era with horror.
The problem is, if WE mainstream folk can do that, then so can all of the MILLIONS of habitual criminals and mentally disturbed folks we have..

Um, why aren't these people locked up?

You can't plug a leak in a dam by capturing the water that leaks out only to pour it back in the lake!

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