Letter to elected officials

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Dec 27, 2020
I would like to write my elected representatives but I’m not a very good writer and I’m hoping for some assistance in that regard.
This may also help someone out there who has the same needs as I do.
Can someone, with some expertise, write a brief paragraph or two that I/we could use to send to our reps in regards to gun control legislation that is coming down?
I’m from NY so I’m pretty sure it will fall on deaf ears but I truly want to voice my opinion on this matter but I don’t have “that way with words”.
Dear Sir / Representative X, Senator X ,

Some say you have already made up your mind on any gun legislation. I beg to differ, and would appreciate your time at listening to mine. I am forced to agree that any death is tragic, and, an appropriate place for government is to provide policies and guidelines that keeps the public safe. But to what extend, and, to what cost of freedoms? If a criminal is convicted in a court of law and is sentenced with a death penalty, is there not extra steps to preserve even the slightest possibility of innocence?
It is my opinion that rights, not being written down as needs or desires, serve the same strict scrutiny. And to bring it home, my rights to freely exercise my second amendment rights as I so see fit, guided by already decades of general guidelines that need no more clarification. Such as but not limited to; wearing safety glasses & ear protection, target shooting at an approved range or towards an approved backstop, or following decades of hunting rules and regulations.
I'll spare you rhetoric of ''I'll be watching your voting'' or, ''I'll donate to your opponent's campaign.'' I will leave you with this; I have grown very, very tired of the blame that should be placed on others being layed at MY feet, when I am in fact NOT responsible. If anything should and in fact can be done, blame the individual or others that are directly responsible for the evil. And, Sir/Ma'am, shooting someone coldly is just that, evil, and I DO NOT WANT TO BE HELD AS RESPONSIBLE FOR IT.

Sincerely , sign XXXXX

OK, howz that:)

And, WRITE IT IN A HAND WRITTEN LETTER and postage stamp it, mail it

AAaaaannnd (LoL) if you REALLY want to shake them at their liver, have a mere 20-50 ppl do the same
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