Letter to my congress critter who endorsed HR1022

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Apr 11, 2005
San Antonio, TX
This is the text of my email to the "Honorable" Mr. Kucinich:

Mr. Kucinich,

As a supporter of yours since the early days, I wanted to let you know that you have lost my support and I will be actively campaigning against you, both for reelection to your current office and the presidential campaign. It recently came to my attention that you co-sponsored HR 1022 "Assault weapons ban". This bill is unconstitutional and it has been proven through previous legislature that bills such as this one have no impact on crime, they only serve to restrict the rights of law-abiding citizens such as myself. Criminals do not care what laws are on the books, that's what makes them criminals. The vast majority of attacks take place in "Gun Free" zones using illegally obtained weapons. So tell me Mr Kucinich, How is more restriction and legislature going to impact these crimes?


SSgt Joe Smith <--Real name was used with the actual email
United States Air Force

This is my first attempt at activism, please feel free to comment. I need to know what I can improve, I have tough skin so be critical.
I just sent it out. If they reply, I will definitely post it on here.

If they do reply, it will probably just be a canned response anyways though.
Put it on paper, drop it in an envelope and send it to him.

Politicians ignore 'online petitions' and barely acknowledge email.

Phone calls are good, but you'll probably talk to an aide in their office.

Politicians love to get letters on paper, though.
I Liked it!

I thought it was excellent. I do agree, however, that mail carries more weight than electronic transmissions and telephone calls or face to face are the most effective. Mail a copy - it only costs you .41 --- today!

For really short messages, post cards at 26 cents each are pretty effective. I like to think that they also pickup readership along the way - who can resist reading other people's mail?

Good job.
Charlotte, NC
Dennis Kusenich?

Isn't he the spokesman for Ritalin? Or was that Howard Dean?

Regardless, I don't think either of them care about anything other than lording power over others. I think your time and energy were wasted.

Perhaps a present from http://dogdoo.com/Default.asp would be more appropriate? [not related with that website or business; I just send them a lot of money and like them very much]
If they do reply, it will probably just be a canned response anyways though.

I did an internship for my congressman a while back and sadly he never saw the mail. We opened it, and found the canned letter some staffer had written, punched in the address and mailed it off.
Not when he was a city councilman for Brooklyn, OH. It wasn't until he made state politics that his anti gun stance reared it's ugly head. I have been a supporter of his because he played a major role in getting a family member of mine elected to city council.

Perhaps a present from http://dogdoo.com/Default.asp would be more appropriate?

I'm actually considering sending him the poo poo platter with an attached copy of my above letter.
Good letter. +1 for dropping it in the mail.

This is my first attempt at activism, please feel free to comment.

Heavens! You ought to make a habit of writing your congresscritters regularly. If they get voted out, they at least ought to know why.

If you do make a habit of it, and I hope you do, research the proper format for a letter to a legislator. In other words, how the salutation should appear etc. Google it yourself - should be easy enough.
I like "Dear Congresscritter" better. Puts them in their place right away, shows them who's boss. Whenever possible I also talk about "sheeple" and throw in a "Molon Labe" or two. Keeps them on their toes.
my Congress critter is a supposed Republican. Can you spell RINO.
He just got elected and I have never gotten a response from him from anything I have communicated to him. I have used everything, e-mail, phone. snail mail and face to face.
But you know they call for money!!
He's gotta go.

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