LGS selling reloads as factory ammunition

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They may be all factory rounds but there is no way to tell.
There are actually tell-tale markings which would give you a better idea...I'll bet that is what they are going to look at when you take them in.

If you're lucky, they'll turn out to be a bunch of loose shells that were just put into a handy box for sale.

I would personally not shoot reloads that came from an unknown source...time impart some wisdom on your son about the meaning of "as-is"
Take it back. The law is on your side. Fl has a 3 day rule on anything you purchase, check your local and state laws. Also he is misrepresenting it if he is telling you it's "new" and it's not.
I never thought my reloads were wonderful and everybody elses were Bubba loads. However, I know my reloads are safe. I'm not too sure about everybody else. If you can't get a refund, I would advise you not to shoot them. Pull the bullets, salvage the components, and put the powder on the lawn. YMMV.
Actually a little knowledgeable inspection should confirm easily if they are reloads or not. Estate sale, as is, etc should have thrown up some flags on buyers part but I can understand dealing second party through son and excitement on finding some ammo got things moving without enough investigation. If owner said to come in and talk it sounds like he is willing to work with you. Personally I would assume mixed factory ammo unless there was a ton of reloading gear with the estate property which should have sent off another buzzer. I can look at a round and tell if it has been fired, run through a sizing die and all the processes of reloading just once. On 9mm there will still be some indication of extractor and ejector marks, slightly different shape where the sizing die stopped and did not go all the way to the head of case. If you can't see these with a close inspection my guess is your o.k. or too inexperienced to be buying something from an estate to begin with. The evidence is there. You just have to look. Can you post some pics?
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