Liberal media controls the Olympic games viewed on TV

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Dec 26, 2002
Delaware home of tax free shopping
Well after some searching I found that NBC will be airing some shooting sports:

Womens air rifle Saturday Aug 14 at 4:00 or 5:00 am on CNBC there are two different times on the two displaying screens and neither says DST or EST.

Womens Trap shooting Monday Aug 16 10:00 or 11:00 am. on MSNBC

Station:MSNBC Time:Tue, Aug 17 1:00 PM Events:
Aug 17 1:00 PM Events:
Shooting ? Men?s Double Trap Gold Medal Final

Station:MSNBC Time:Thu, Aug 19 10:00 AM Events:
Shooting Men's Running Target Gold Medal Final
Sport: Shooting

Sport: Shooting
Time: Fri, Aug 20 9:00 AM
Shooting Men's Rifle Prone Gold Medal Final

Mens Skeet Aug 23 12:00-1:00 am on Bravo.

All are gold medal finals which it is assumed will have US teammembers in the Gold Medal round.

This is a marked political departure from Australia when no shooting was televised. Maybe they will also show some repeat coverage in Prime time, who knows, with us being on a war footing the libs may think that they need to promote shooting so they can draft competent riflemen in the future to do their shooting for them (liberal mindset).:cool: :p
Thanks, MB, I'll turn the TiVo to those times. I don't expect a lot, though, maybe five minutes of competition per hour of "up close and personal" baloney.

Being close to Canada is nice, the CBC shows more competition and less interviewing. They show a wider range of competition since they are only contenders in a few sports. Like anything to do with rowing or curling, eh?

This is a marked departure from previous crap coverage where we here a ten minute human interest story about some third-world athlete who'd come in 190th in whatever event and he overcame a bad plane ride and lousy hotel food just to be fulfil lifelong dream. It's about damn time they actually started covering some SPORTS!
They show the sports that get the biggest ratings. I love the shooting sports but, not that many people in the states tune into the coverage especially when it's simultanious with something much more popular. I don't really think that politics has much to do with it.

For example there is no polital reason not to show all of the Greco Roman and Freestyle wrestling events, yet good luck finding decent coverage of those either.
NBC and all of its affiliates are supposedly gonna show 1100+hours worth of Olympic coverage with coverage of every single sport. How much coverage, I don't know but there will be coverage.
The very non-PC shooting events have as much chance of being televised as would somthing as non-PC as dwarf tossing, if that were an actual olympic event.

And dwarf tossing should be an Olympic event if synchronized swimming is allowed.
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I think the X Games need to make Bikini/Briefs Tactical shooting.
With corporate sponsors, and maybe some brief periods of nudity, like 'You hear glass breaking from downstairs, you normally sleep in the nude, so you have to put on a bathrobe, and your gunbelt before you go and investigate', that will pretty much guarantee that Hollywood would air it, and at prime time too. ;)
And dwarf tossing should be an Olymic event if synchronized swimming is allowed.

Now, now, I and my family like to watch the synchronized swimming .

The thing is that you or I can't identify with a professional basketball player for the NBA, but WE could be competitors in some of the lesser sports, at least in our imaginations anyway. Many of the folks in these other sports are just regular folks, who wont get an endorsement deal from NIKE, who have to pay their own way at the Olympics.

As far as getting ratings goes, if they put shooting on in prime time as filler between the sports that sell bud light, like basketball, more folks might see it and become fans or even participants, and it would get good ratings from the "bounce" of being on in prime time and next to the popular sports.

But I do recall doing the web search during the Sydney games in 2000 and finding no listings of televised coverage under the category "shooting".
This is definately an improvement.
What we need to invent as a sport is "Womens Beach Biathalon"

Combination of beach volley ball and shooting. That would get the ratings.

Maybe shooting while jumping on a trampoline ;)

freestyle points for in-air splits.. stuff like that.
Hmm, looks like I'm not going to be able to see any of those, I'll be at work. The shooting competitions are the only ones I really care about, anyways.
I am in Japan. I will have to watch (if I watch at all) endless replays of synchronized swimming. Japan has a 'good' team. Also endless judo and soccer matches.
I'm not denigrating the sport - I know I don't have the skill - but watching Olympic / ISU shooting is about as interesting as watching flying insects copulate. It just is'nt a visual sport.
Like any of the - shall we say - non-mainstream sports, shooting has a small following. I am glad to see it making the cable channels.

However, I don't have cable . . . so I'll have to do what I do every year and not watch any of it.

Like many sports, TV does not do shooting justice. I had the pleasure of seeing a Pentathalon (sp?) in Budapest a few years back. I was just taking an afternoon walk in a park and ran into the European championship. It was a blast to watch fencing and 10 meter air pistol.

I not shoot 10 meter air pistol for fun.

Like any of the - shall we say - non-mainstream sports, shooting has a small following.
The Norwegian national rifle matches last week were broadcast on national TV, more than three hours, some of it prime time. I made a post about here. It turns out that at least one of the broadcasts was watched by more than 400,000 people. That wouldn't be a lot to NBC, until you compare it to the size of the population. The corresponding number in the US would be more than 26 million viewers. Probably enough to make it worth interrupting the commercial breaks...
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