Libertarian purity Test

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Dec 15, 2003
WHAT!! Another libertarian thread?? Don't worry, I am not trying to pick a fight. I just thought that you conservatives out there would be interested in this test, and see how you score!

I scored an 89, which makes me a "medium core libertarian"

Test is here.
54 here.....hmmm, I'd of thought maybe in the 60's or so....oh well, the last time I did the political compass thing my dot was right on the cross hairs.

I would love to try a pure libertarian society. I believe it would work.

It would be worth it to see all of our grants, subsidies and foriegn aid
pulled out of these worthless despotic countries.
157, only because I think that civilians killed in a bomb attack on a hostile armed target would be better classified as "negligent homicide" rather than "murder", which implies intent. :uhoh:
I took it a few days ago, and seem to remember getting a 105 or so.

I tend to think that a state is a necessary evil, when it comes to providing national security and a court system.

(and yes, I'm very familiar with the full-blown anarchocapitalist theories of how such things could work in the absence of a state. Let's just say I'm not convinced... yet)

Only a 71.

Hmmm . . . the problem is, some of the questions are all or nothing . . . answering "Yes" would really be favoring anarchy. I believe there should be SOME government, for things like providing for the common defense, sorting out disputes between the states, etc.

But we could do very well without 2/3 of what we have now . . . at both Federal and State levels.

In fact, I remember some years ago virtually all state employees in Minnesota went on strike. Other than students at U of M who had difficulty signing up for classes, virtually nobody noticed. In fact, if not for nightly news stories about the "crisis" most people would have been unaware of the strike.

Kind of tells you something about how much government we need . . .
52. Abolishing ALL immigration laws and ALL government and ALL military defense is just loony to me. We could give it a shot, but I'll stock up on ammo before that happens :).
65. We have to have a government for some functions, just not nearly as many as they have now. If the Constitution was a legally binding document, and not juat 215 year old toilet paper, we wouldn't need this...
I'll go back and take it when I have more time but my initial impression is that it is just too much yes/no, no intermediate ground. As such it does not take into account differing opinions and is pretty much worthless. Fun, but worthless.

Your mileage may vary.

S/he's right about friends wanting me to not talk to much :eek: (which is why I try to keep my mouth shut these days, since talking isn't tactical)
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