Long lost Randall

Mar 19, 2007
I purchased a Randall no 1 yesterday. The owner had his name engraved on it so I found him and had the deputy sheriff go to his home and have him call me. He described the knife to me and I'm certain it's his. I bought it for one of our sons and gave it to him last night as yesterday the owner didn't want it back. This morning the owner reached out to me and would very much want it back. I talked to our son and it's fine with him so I'm sending it back as soon as I can determine shipping costs. They guy bought it from Randall as he was to ship out to Viet Nam and thankfully he never had to go.
Good for you, but I have to ask why wasn't he still in possession of it. Had it been stolen?
He told me that he took it to a gun show in a bag and laid the bag on a table where someone took it. I figured he took it there to trade or sell and maybe it just disappeared. A lot can happen in 30 or 40 years.