Looking for a Massachusetts Gun Owners' Forum

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Aug 8, 2004
Wabash IN

I'm looking for a site for gun owners in Mass. I cannot find one on Google, and am wondering if any of you could provide help?

Thank you,

Josh <><
Thanks folks.

I'm a Hoosier, but I need to collaborate with some people from Mass. as my brother lives there and is wanting a house pistol. The draconian laws are giving me a headache. Looks like his first choice, a large capacity 9mm, is an "assault weapon" and illegal.

I currently have him looking at 4" revolvers, since it won't be carried. He's not a "gun person" and don't want to get him discouraged with guesses as to what their laws mean.

Josh <><
. Looks like his first choice, a large capacity 9mm, is an "assault weapon" and illegal.

That's incorrect. High capacity handguns are legal in the state, as long as the magazines where made before 1994. The reason is we still have a state AWB in effect. New handguns will be 10rds only, but if he can find pre-ban magazines then they will be legal. For example he can buy a new Beretta 92, then buy per-ban(1994) high capacity magazines for it. Now on the flip side, if he wants the New Smith M&P pistols, then he will be restricted to 10rds mags, because they are no pre-ban high capacity magazines available. He will also need a Class A LTC to own high capacity handguns & all capacity long arms. Not all cities/towns issue them to citizens. Now if he just want's a revolver or 10rd pistol then he only needs a Class B LTC which will allow him to own low capacity handguns, regular long arms, and high capacity long arms. The FID is the the third license but its only good for low capacity max 5rds long arms, and no handguns. All licenses are the same $100 cost for five years. Most people go for the Class A LTC with no restrictions since it has the least restrictions on it. He can apply for a license through is local Police department. Most towns in this state will automatically issue an LTC A with no restrictions, allowing one to CCW. But many of the larger towns/cities especially around the Boston area can be very restrictive on what they issue. I probably confused the hell out of you, so as others have stated best place to look for info on Mass gun laws is www.goal.org and northeastshooters site.
That is the mass section or opencarry.org. I imagine there isn't a lot of open carry discussion, but they do have a bunch of threads on various topics, and people from the state who could probably help you navigate the laws there.
www.northeastshooters.com is the best place to go for anything related to Mass. gun info.

There are separate forums for each New England state and there are several firearms lawyers who are active members of the forum.
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