Looking for a new desk

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Dec 28, 2004
How does this have anything to with guns you ask? Well I'm wondering If anyone has any good tips on a desk that a gun lover would...well...love. :D I guess what I mean is a desk with lockable drawer(s)/cabinet(s) and maybe something solid to facilitate the mounting of a shotgun underneath.

Any ideas would be great, thanks!

I dont have the money for a fancy claymore... I was gonna go with a simple IED. :neener:

I dont mean to have the shotgun in a firing position, just out of the way yet ready to go.

Why would you want a shotgun mounted under a desk? Most shotguns are 4'-5' long.....
It would work great sideways... Like I said before I just want it ready to go. I just need something that isnt that fake hollow Ikea wood.

Don't go to Ikea, Office Depot or the like. Contact, not an "office supply" store but a contract systems furniture dealer who deals with, say Steelcase (the industry leader).

They get trade-ins and one offs, wood and high-end steel, all the time and will usually sell them at discounted prices. This stuff is designed to be moved or reconfigured a dozen times for top shelf businesses.
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