Looking for a reason to hunt squirrels

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Fried, with gravy.

The meat is the only reason I shoot them...freaking delicious! Way better than rabbit. Plus it's a lot of fun. But then again, tree squirells generally aren't really pests in AZ like I'm sure they are in other places. Pests are always justified in being shot...in my opinion.
I don't kill living things for "sport", so if it wasn't hurting me, I wouldn't shoot them if I wasn't going to eat them.
I don't kill living things for "sport", so if it wasn't hurting me, I wouldn't shoot them if I wasn't going to eat them.


I've never eaten squirrel but it sure sounds like something I should try! Plenty of them in MD, that's for sure.
Man you haven't lived until you've had squirrel and dumplings. Add lots of black pepper and a few dashes of Louisiana hot sauce. I'm getting hungry.
When the Gray Squirrel population grows too large, they not only destroy bird feeders and gardens, they start chewing their way into attics for lack of nesting space. The sure sign they're getting too numerous is when they start chewing the plastic nozzle-tops off of gasoline cans. They go for the oil-mix cans first, for some reason, I don't know why. That's when I know it's time to thin the herd. I use a 12ga Winchester Super-X M-1 26" IC with #5 hi-brass. Yeah, I know, too easy, but it's quick and effective... and a fun excuse to shoot a classic shotgun.

I shot a few squirrels that decided to take up residence in my attic last year. A big female grey had a litter up there, and they set to scurrying about and making a heck of a racket. Climbing up in my attic, I actually had fun "taking them out. It was like I was doing CQB because those little buggers sure can hide when they are onto you. I was using .22 shotshells in my Ruger 77/22, but soon I tried CB Longs and that was really so much better. Its funny how they growl like a dog sometimes.
Stalking a chattering squirrel is great fun. There is always an ongoing debate over shotgun or rimfire rifle for these animals. I've had great luck with both. Single barrel 16 gauge with low base #6 has taken many squirrels. But 22 MAG with 6X scope is very useful, too.

They are delicious fixed many ways.
They can be real nuisances.

I recently heard about a local feller who has some mad cow like sickness.

They mentioned his fondness for squirrel brains.
I don't know about tree squirrels, but grounds squirrels are a major problem for cattle ranchers. They dig all kinds of holes and when the cows step in 5them tehy have a tendency to break a leg. My friends and I used to have ranchers asking us to come out and shoot them all day, some even offered to pay for ammo.
ditto #30. simmer them awhile with a couple bay leaves then remove leaves when you add dumpling and make the gravy for.
fine table fare.
fryed w/gravy is good too but requires younger or female squacks, the ones by corn fields or orchards are the best eating.

Squirrels are sadistic.

Not only do they dig up tulip bulbs, they also wait til the tulips first bloom, bite through the stems just below the petals, flower falls to the ground, then on to the next.

Never eat them-just decapitate.

Check the garden on a spring morning-devastation.
i saw a snake eat a full size squirrel last year . snake got in the nest and knocked the mother out of the tree. while it was injured on the ground, the snake came down the tree and ate it. couldn't beleive it.

never thought about eating a tree rat but some of these recipes sound pretty good !
knocked the mother out of the tree. while it was injured on the ground, the snake came down the tree and ate it
I've seen squirrels fall from the tops of very tall oak trees and never even slow down while playing!
Squirrel meat is tasty. I cooked one up two nights ago. Only real problem is that you really need several for a decent meal. But I had fidgety boys in the woods with me so one is all we got.
I doubt that THR folks do much shooting of any critter "just for the hell of it". Squirrels are good eating. They're also pestiferous if in the wrong place and in too-large numbers--which makes them nothing more than edible varmints.
I don't kill living things for "sport", so if it wasn't hurting me, I wouldn't shoot them if I wasn't going to eat them.

I hunt for "sport", hell yeah! I've been hunting since the age of 7 and LOVE it. That'd be 50 years in the field. If I didn't enjoy it as a sport, I'd just go to walmart and buy meat a lot cheaper. :rolleyes: I eat most of what I kill, except coyotes, don't eat coyotes, but then I've never been a coyote hunter. They're targets of opportunity.

I don't eat grackles or cowbirds, but occasionally enjoy shooting them with my 10" .410 contender for the sport of it. They're pests and legal to kill in Texas. In fact, TPWD begs people to join the "cowbird control" program. I never read up on that, seen it on their site, just do my part to control 'em. :D Using the .410 pistol is fun and challenging.
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