Lost and Found

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Jan 6, 2011
Hastings, Michigan
A few months ago, I lost my EDC, a Benchmade Barrage. It was not a cheap knife, about $125 as I recall, so I was really bummed when it disappeared. I thought I had left it at work and it got pocketed.

Anyway, I've slogged through various other knives in my EDC, but nothing really ever took the place of my Barrage.

Anyway, my wife told me this morning that she found a knife in the truck (which her dad had been borrowing) and asked if it was mine. My Benchmade didn't even register, as I had given up on ever finding it. She goes out and grabs it, and sure enough, my favorite knife!

It's a little dirty, and it'll need to be sharpened and polished, but I got it back!

I'm one happy guy.
My son lost his Benchmade out of his motoercycle leathers over a years ago.

After I bought him a new knife to replace it last month, it he found it under the cloths dryer!

A few years back I lost an Al Mar Eagle on a long run in my skiff... Ever since then I try never to use the nice clip that comes with many folders. Mine rode up over my waistband and was never missed until the end of a 22 mile run through the 'Glades. I make a point of keeping its replacement inside a deep pocket...
Pocket clips are okay. They are "fairly" secure and relatively quick to deploy. But as you found out, sometimes they fall out of your pocket.

That's why I prefer a small fixed blade in a sheath that holds them securely. I doubt they are any slower to deploy, but they don't fall out of my pocket.

I know there are some places you can't have fixed blade knives but can have folders. But if you are allowed to carry a fixed blade knife, you might give one a try.
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