"Louisiana Homeland Security Emergency Preparedness"

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Moderator Emeritus cum Laude
Dec 20, 2002
Well, I've posted what the city of New Orleans was supposed to do in case of emergency, now let us see what the State of Louisiana was supposed to do.


In particular, this section:

I don't have the room here at THR to post the entire .pdf file, but there is much of interest to be read there.

On the drowned school bus issue, turn to page 9 (page 14 of the .pdf):

D. The primary means of hurricane evacuation will be personal vehicles.
However, school and municipal buses and, where available, specialized
vehicles will be used to transport those hurricane evacuees who do not have

Among other things.

The notification and marshaling process is so time consuming that it would be all but impossible to make that work. Further, try to make underpaid bus drivers (especially part time school bus drivers) who take no oath to protect the public to forsake their families to get out a bunch of evacuees. Ain't gonna happen. "Oops, I didn't see the news, get the call. . . I was out of town . . . ."

The only way that would work would be to give the keys to the National Guard and let them do it, but that involves another notification process.
I'm certain another part of the protocol involves mock drills. The NO city policy did.

All of which means that they didn't even begin to follow their own poilicy if they hadn't run drills. Having a policy for emergency response involves a lot more than putting a few pieces of paper in a file drawer. I remain of the opinion that the city and the state have NO cause to be faulting the feds, when both state and local authorities screwed the pooch big time in not even attempting to carry out their own response plans.
regarding the underpaid bus drivers, lets not forget those citizens who just wanted out... like that young man that bussed a whole crew to TX. forget relying on the state workers, give the keys to motivated citizens if the state workers won't do the job.

that SOB mayor I am so sick of him, always shifting the blame elsewhere for all his shortcomings... may he have his day come election day, and reap the karma for his actions in the future.
But...but...but....it's Bush's fault.



Isn't that what Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Sean Penn, Mayor Nagin and Pierce Brosnan have said?

They would never mislead me, and I am sure they know more than everyone else. :rolleyes:

It's funny you should mention election day, NHBB. Guess what, there may be some politicians with terms expiring in a few months, and no offices intact to register as a candidate or polls available for the non-existent population to vote at. This will be very uncharted territory. There may be an issue as to whether the state legislature can extend terms or whether a constitutional amendment would have to be approved to do it. Interesting times.
I just returned from the gulf coast.... and these are my feelings....if ANYONE is pointing their finger and playing the "blame game" they are FOOLS. EVERYONE blew it, and thinking someone else is responsible for you and your loved ones safety...is crazy. If your not prepared today, to take care of yourself, and your loved ones, your already far behind the game...and the loss will be your life. Choice and consequence is the meat of the issue. The elections will be interesting, to see such effort for more dead weigh, they care more about their own spin control, then the people, or the true question. I think america woke up, for a week after 911, then went back to sleep.... and with the gulf coast...my money is on america crawling back between the sheets, as soon as possible.
good point wyo...

I think we are due for more dark times over the coming months and see how this all plays out. I am glad to see a few solid well prepared people refusing to leave. could this be a spark to the ominous revolution some have predicted? I guess time will tell.
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