Magpul's Move to WY: Just another pig at the taxpayer' trough

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oink oink. have to go somewhere to make money.
wish all of them would move this way.
Do you really think of the taxpayer as a farmer raising businesses as livestock?

I have heard a variation of that theory espoused where the taxpayer is the livestock and the rulers and businesses together are the farmers. The basic thrust is that hundreds of years ago the ruling classes had serfs that were directly bound to the land. That turned out to be difficult to scale up. To grow beyond some vague size, the serfs are "freed" and then husbanded like livestock.

I don't really buy your view. I think the government of WY thought that they would eventually make more money in taxes than magpul saved, which supports your view of magpul as livestock, but I disagree with you that "taxpayers" are really the farmers. I think taxpayers and businesses alike are pigs in your lingo, farm animals being raised and tended for their long term tax revenue potential.
I disagree with your view of the situation. 90 new jobs at 25k a year (probably more) puts 90 people to work for as long as Magpul lasts and puts $2,250,000 a year into the state's economy. Much better than keeping 90 people on unemployment and/or welfare.

If Magpul does well there will be more than 90 new jobs over the next few years. Its not all just about taxes.
I disagree with your view of the situation. 90 new jobs at 25k a year (probably more) puts 90 people to work for as long as Magpul lasts and puts $2,250,000 a year into the state's economy. Much better than keeping 90 people on unemployment and/or welfare.

If Magpul does well there will be more than 90 new jobs over the next few years. Its not all just about taxes.

There's no/little net change in the total number of jobs. I suspect most will relocate from CO -- Cheyenne, WY is not that from from Erie, CO -- 82 miles.

An $8.3M grant is a HUGE day at the pig trough for a company the size of Magpul and they pulled this move off under the guise of liberty/freedom! An $8.3M grant, down from $13M because their professionals/office workers are moving to Texas instead of Wyoming. I suspect they hit TX up for some grant money as well. I wonder what Magpul as a company is even worth?

No matter how you spin it, this was a huge amount of taxpayer slop for Magpul.
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The state is also getting a lot of publicity/advertising out of the deal. Other companies may follow and some may be from overseas. You never know who is thinking about relocating or opening another location.

Locally, here's one that looks to be bigger than the Amazon warehouse that opened. Sometimes things snowball after the word gets out.

"June 19, 2014 - Chinese manufacturer Shandong Tralin Paper Co. will invest $2 billion to open a new "tree-free" paper mill in Chesterfield County over the next six years."
I don't fault Magpul for moving to a more welcoming environment, nor do I fault the state of Wyoming for offering the incentives they did. I'll continue to support Magpul and buy their products, because, I agree with their stance, aside from them offering a great product at the price point its offered at.
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