Mak grips

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Apr 9, 2003
Got a Mak, need grips. I'm looking at the Handall, but would prefer an actual grip replacement in rubber. I'm going to check out , but would like any info you knowlegable people can provide me with. Thanks.
I'll second the Pearce grips ... they make the Mak most comfortable to shoot. Only downside is if you want to CCW with your Mak ... the Pearce grips are quite bulky (which is why I got rid of mine and got some wood grips).
The Pearce grips are a bit wider than the plastic grips, but they feel quite confortable when used at the range. And that's all the gun has seen.
I have the Makawrap (from on mine. They seem to work fine (no problems in 3 years) & keep the profile slim if you are thinking about ccw.

Looking at the site right now I see that they have walnut grips available. If they were available when I was shopping years ago I probably would have gotten them (but that is probably for aesthetic reasons more than anything).

I use Pearce and MakaWrap grips on my Makarovs.

The Pearce grips are the more comfortable choice for the range.

It took me a little while to get used to the MakaWraps, but now I really like them. They are thinner and I like the front finger grooves.

The only ones I can say I don't like are the hard Red Star models that came on both of my Circle 10's.

Sorry if this isn't of any use to you.

I have learned the hard way, that I can only relly know what is best for me.

Both options are relatively cheap.....experiment!!
I'm sticking with my "Star" grips. I have tried others, but they make my Mak too fat. I use my Mak for CCW, so thin is good...
I have Pearce grips on my Bulgarian Mak and find them very comfortable. I don't find them overly fat for CCW, either.
Depends on hand size...

...I have the Pearce on one...shown here.


I take a medium size glove and it fits me fine. Others like the Star grips or the East German plastic ones (if you can find them) because they are smallish. is a great place for all things Makarov, and you might drop Karl or George a note if you have any questions...they've been terrific to me.

Good luck,

For fiddy cent and ten minutes I think I am going to blaze my thumbrest off on a beltsander, do a few other minor reshapings and then cover with skateboard tape.
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