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Man Shoots Wife's Lover, Wife gets charged

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Aug 8, 2006
I ran across this article this morning:


Texas Wife Indicted After Husband Kills Lover Killed

Mar. 31 - Darrell Roberson came home from a card game late one night to find his wife rolling around with another man in a pickup truck in the driveway.
Caught in the act with her lover, Tracy Denise Roberson thinking quickly, if not clearly cried rape, authorities say. Her husband pulled a gun and killed the other man with a shot to the head.

On Thursday, a grand jury handed up a manslaughter indictment against the wife, not the husband.

In a case likely to reinforce the state's reputation for don't-mess-with-Texas justice, the grand jury declined to charge the husband with murder, the charge on which he was arrested by police.

"If I found somebody with my wife or with my kids in my house, there's no telling what I might do," said Juan Muniz, 33, who was having lunch Friday with one of his two small children at a restaurant in the middle-class suburban Dallas neighborhood where the Robersons lived. "I probably would have done the same thing."

Tracy Roberson, 35, could get two to 20 years in prison in the slaying of Devin LaSalle, a 32-year-old UPS employee.

Assistant District Attorney Sean Colston declined to comment on specifics of the case or the grand jury proceedings but said Texas law allows a defendant to claim justification if he has "a reasonable belief that his actions are necessary, even though what they believe at the time turns out not to be true."

Mark Osler, a Baylor University law school professor and a former federal prosecutor, said the grand jurors evidently put themselves in the husband's place: "I can see one of them saying, `I would have shot the guy, too. I was just protecting my wife.'"

The December night before the shooting, Tracy Roberson sent LaSalle a text message that read in part, "Hi friend, come see me please! I need to feel your warm embrace!" according to court papers. LaSalle apparently agreed.

Darrell Roberson, a 38-year-old employee of a real estate firm, discovered the two, his wife clad in a robe and underwear.

When Tracy Roberson cried that she was being raped, LaSalle tried to drive away and her husband drew the gun he happened to be carrying and fired several shots at the truck, authorities said.

Darrell Roberson's attorney did not immediately return a call for comment.

His wife also was charged with making a false report to a police officer for allegedly saying she was raped and could get up to six months behind bars on that offense. It was not immediately clear whether she had a lawyer.

She had not been arrested as of Friday afternoon.

What a mess. At least the guy didn't get indicted for murder (but was charged). A lot places would have nailed the husband too. I'm not sure it's legally justifiable to shoot the guy as he flees. However, if the wife goes to jail it all ends with a sort of poetic justice.
I think he exercised bad judgment shooting at someone who was in the process of trying to get away--even in the event that he was raping his wife, the threat had ended at that point. (Edit: The point at which he was driving away) I realize emotions were probably running very high though.

I do believe the wife should be charged; lying about something like that is not a trivial thing at all. If someone is accused of that it is nearly as bad as being convicted. Had the UPS man survived, he would have had to deal with the fallout from the accusation and it would not have been a picnic at all.
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even in the event that he was raping his wife, the threat had ended at that point.

WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :what: :what: :what: :what:

Maybe you didn't mean that to read the way it does.... gawd, I hope you didn't.

Are there any other men here that would sit still and not shoot while their wife was being raped? :eek: :eek: :eek:
The wife and lover were doing the deed inside the lovers truck. It is very likely that she was still in the truck when the lover tried to drive away.

At that point, it was reasonable for the husband to believe that his wife was being raped and was now being kidnappped.

Texas law permits the use of deadly force in a case like that. The fact that the husband had been mislead by the wife does not change what the husband thought was true at the time of the shot.

The Grand Jury had all of the facts and agreed that the husband was reasonable in his use of deadly force.

The rule in self defense is the honest belief of a reasonable person
that there is a threat of imminent death or bodily harm.

The honest belief can be mistaken. The issue appears to be
motive of the shooter. If you are deceived into believing there
is a threat of bodily harm (how many rapes end up as murders--
a lot--and rape involves physical and psychic harm), then the fault
lies with the deceiver.

Shooting a fleeing felon caught in the act is a little less
clear, because the felon could be accessing a weapon or
posing harm to others. If the felon is clearly fleeing without
posing harm to the defender or others, use of lethal force
is not justified. But it is the nature of self defense situations
be very unclear.
Use of deadly force against a fleeing felon in Oregon is justified IF:

1)Heinous felony against a person, i.e.
attempted murder
stranger kidnapping
arson of an occupied dwelling
violent sexual assault.
2)Known to you beyond a reasonable doubt to be the assailant.
3)You are clearly identifiable as someone who has the right to take him into custody.
4)Escape is open ended. Never a chance in the future to capture.
5)All other means have been try or failed or obviously impossible to apprehend.
6)His continues freedom presents a clear and present danger to human life.

Sounds like he was missing 5, but ya never know.
Maybe you didn't mean that to read the way it does.... gawd, I hope you didn't.
You were correct that I did not...I had read it under the assumption that he was trying to flee, and left the man's wife behind while doing so.

If he was trying to flee *with* his wife in the car, then that's a different story, because if his wife is screaming "rape" then it appears very much like a kidnapping.
Excerpt from: Bradenton Herald story 30 Mar 2007

Police have said that, in the early morning hours of Dec. 11, Darrell Roberson called his Arlington home trying to reach his wife more than a dozen times before his 7-year-old daughter finally answered.

A short time later, Darrell Roberson, who had been playing cards in Dallas, headed to his home in the 6100 block of Ivy Glen Drive, police have said.

When he arrived, Roberson saw his wife, clad in a robe and underwear, with a man in a Chevrolet Silverado pickup, police have said. After Tracy Roberson claimed that the man was trying to rape her, her husband fired four shots at the vehicle as the man tried to drive away with his wife, police have said.
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Seriously, your wife is telling you she is being raped. The rapist gets up zips his pants up and drives away (even sans wife) and there is a man among us on this forum who lets him do it? RavenVT100 too bad we can't vote you off our island......
Ah, in the earlier post on this it was not clear (to me) that they were caught in delicte flagranto (spelling) in the truck. I too thought the shooting had occurred while the alleged rapist was making his escape.

This thread clears things up. No problems with the shooting, but I feel bad for what the husband (of the cheating wife - the shooter) might be going through now.
Heat of the Moment

You pull into your driveway.

There is some commotion in a truck (not yours) in the driveway.

You go to high alert. Adrenaline dump.

Your wife yells rape.

Defensive subroutines engage, fueled by adrenaline.

You get a fix on the bad guy as he's trying to escape.

You fire to interdict a violent felon.

Your aim is good and you get a stopping hit.

"Honey! Are you all right?! God! What the hell happened?! Quick, call 911 and tell them to bring an ambulance!"

I can't call this a bad shoot.

He did what many of us would have done.

I mean, what idiot is going to pull up in his driveway, see the commotion, hear wife yell rape, and sit their wondering analytically, "I wonder if this is really rape; maybe they're having an affair; I should take this slowly."

Yeah, right.

I'm with the grand jury on this one.
I feel sorry for the guy, imagine shooting a guy thinking he raping your wife, only to find out she's having an affair.

Not really, they both deserve to die. The woman for cheating and the other guy for knowingly screwing your wife. Its one thing if he didn't know, but 99% do. Sorry, but I can't feel sorry the "victim".
Not really, they both deserve to die. The woman for cheating and the other guy for knowingly screwing your wife. Its one thing if he didn't know, but 99% do. Sorry, but I can't feel sorry the "victim".

No I mean I feel sorry for the guy that did the shooting, not the guy that got shot.
No I mean I feel sorry for the guy that did the shooting, not the guy that got shot.

Ya, but still, in the end he shot a guy who was screwing his wife. :D I wouldn't feel too bad about that. Maybe this will help him when he files for divorce. She gets the bed she more than likely desecrated on other occasions, he gets everything else.
I feel bad for the husband, and I totally think he was justified in shooting the guy. If my wife told me she was being raped and the guy was right in front of me when I'm packing, there would be no hesitation. Her life is in danger. If you let him flee, he could come back and do it again or go do it to someone else's wife. He's a violent criminal who deserves to be shot, IMO.

That said, the fact that he turned out not to be raping her makes it the wife's fault. I think justice was served appropriately--she was at fault for making her husband think she was being raped, which caused him to kill the man.

Whether or not he'd have shot him if he thought they were having an affair is irrelevant and cannot be proven. It's his word against hers. If she said rape, I believe he's justified in shooting.

I think he exercised bad judgment shooting at someone who was in the process of trying to get away--even in the event that he was raping his wife, the threat had ended at that point.

:what: :eek: :what: :confused:

WOW! Just WOW! I hope you're not married!!!! Just WOW!
i have a hard time believing anyone would think that he shouldnt have done that. its bad enough someone is screwing your wife but you cant let someone rape your wife and just drive away with her in the seat. if you wont use your ccw for that then what the hell would you use it for? as far as her lying, she got her lover shot in the head and almost sent her husband to prison. i dont see how you could have any sympathy for someone like that. makes me wonder why I am not married:barf:
Call home multiple times with no answer

Daughter (The couple had a kid) answers phone wonder how that conversation went.

Come home, strange car parked in driveway

See wife, in nightgown and underwear, and a strange man with her. Only the husband and wife know exactly what position and how far along it was when they got caught

Wife yells rape

Said strange man, in said strange truck, attempts to drive away, with said wife in the truck.

Now right there it escalated in my mind. Man is now behind the wheel of a dangerous weapon, and is now in the process of kidnapping.

I think he was justified. The only thing I would have been worrying about is shot placement with my wife in the truck next to this guy. She got caught, she lied, is going to jail and caused the death of a person. I think the jail time and the pending divorce (I really hope this guy will be divorcing her) will be a fitting punishment
What she did to her "fling" was pretty much the same as putting a contract out on his life - just MUCH faster 'results!' :what:

I'm glad the system got it right for once. Throw the book at her, but not the guy who had every reason to think it was a justified shoot.

I heard someone else present the argument in HER defense that she was "acting in self defense..." :scrutiny: Said that she was probably afraid her husband would shoot BOTH of them if he knew it was consensual. :scrutiny: :scrutiny:

So much "Bravo Sierra" to call on that one, so little time....

I need to go find that guy again and give him a hypo:
Four guys are on a boat with four women. Ship is sinking, ONE lifeboat only, with a max capacity of four. "Women and children first." So the guys toss the women into the ocean to their deaths and take the boat. Were THEY acting in self-defense? :rolleyes:
WOW! Just WOW! I hope you're not married!!!! Just WOW!
That statement you are responding to was made in the context of the person trying to flee after the act, not during. When I said "even if he was raping his wife," I should have said "even if he had been." He was not in the act at the moment of the shooting. In any event, I upated my initial post for clarification.
Seriously, your wife is telling you she is being raped. The rapist gets up zips his pants up and drives away (even sans wife) and there is a man among us on this forum who lets him do it? RavenVT100 too bad we can't vote you off our island......
Vote me off if you must, but I don't believe there is anything moral or ethical about using deadly force against a person who is running away and who is no longer a threat. In that hypothetical situation, what is shooting going to accomplish? Revenge? You have already saved your wife; you have very possibly, in such a hypothetical situation, saved her life as well. What more do you want?

What you outline entails being emotional about a situation that demands as unemotional a response as possible, in order to ensure the safety of everyone involved. And yes, I am married. I am quite sure that my wife would rather have me by her side after such a tragedy instead of locked up.

I fail to see what is so controversial about not shooting a fleeing person. When I made my initial statement it was done under the assumption that she was not in the car with him, as I mentioned before. Shooting in order to prevent rape is not the same as shooting after it has occurred.

Part of responsibly carrying a weapon is being able to quell the urge to use it when your anger says otherwise.

Let me phrase it another way: Am I the only one here who would not shoot someone in the back who is trying to run away?
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Bottom line is shooting the alleged rapist while he fleeing is probably going to be charged as murder in most states. Shooting the alleged rapist while he is kidnapping your supposed victim wife would be a justifiable homicide in all but the most liberal states.

Being pissed off that the guy allegedly raped your wife is not grounds for deadly force. You could probably shoot the guy, lawyer up, and then say you thought he was pointing a gun at you. The problem would be that you would most likely go to trial where you would want to pray for a sympathetic jury.
bad decision, he should have been charged with manslaughter, if the wife wasnt in the truck.

That's the thing we don't know, and maybe the Grand Jury does.

The story says she was in the truck when the husband drives up. It never says she got out, or how far away the truck had driven before shots were fired.
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