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Man Shot, Killed In Apparent Road Rage Incident

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Dec 28, 2007
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Video: Man Shot, Allegedly Killed In Self-Defense

Man Shot, Killed In Apparent Road Rage Incident
Shooter Opened Fire When Attacked With Baseball Bat

POSTED: 11:45 pm CST January 1, 2008
UPDATED: 9:03 am CST January 2, 2008

SAN ANTONIO -- One man was shot and killed Tuesday morning, but the man who pulled the trigger will likely not face charges, police said.

Two vehicles were on Huebner Road, but when they both reached the Fredericksburg Road intersection, one man got out of his vehicle and began attacking the other with a baseball bat, police said.

When the man with the bat tried to attack the driver, investigators said, the second driver pulled out a gun and shot the first driver twice.

The man with the baseball bat died at the hospital. His identity has not been released.

The shooter – whose identity has also not been released – had a license to carry a concealed weapon and investigators said he acted in self-defense and will not immediately face charges.

The case will be sent to the district attorney’s office for review.
Copyright 2008 by KSAT.com All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

This will be interesting. I was once in a similar situation. I just drove away and left the guy (I presume) to steam.
Likely, there is more to this story
Likely, there is more to this story

Why does there have to be more to the story?

One guy attacked another motorist and got shot for it.

That's pretty much why we carry isn't it? To protect against just that sort of thing?
He (the shooter) might have had an issue before September 1. There is no requirement to flee any longer thanks to the Castle Doctrine. The poor sap's family may not sue for damages either.

TexasRifleman hit the nail on the head; I don't think there's any more to this nor does there have to be.

FWIW, and I don't want to sound like a lawyer because I'm not, whether or not the shooter had a CCL makes not a tinker's damn. As to whether or not he could legally possess a gun in his vehicle or whether or not he could employ it in self defense is irrefutable That piece of information is irrelevant.
To clarify: In the situation that I had, the fellow angrily got out of his car and approached mine with a bat (at a 4 way stop). It was easy to avoid further escalation by just driving away. I was just wondering why that was not possible in this case. Therefore my reasoning that "there must be more to the story."
Ahhhh ,yeah I see what you mean now. I guess there are lots of questions but still, after September 1 there doesn't have to be an attempt to dive away. Might be the smart thing to do as you say however.
If you're into conjuring up different scenarios, here's one against driving off from it: The thug could get back into his car and chase after you 'road rage style' and kill/hurt innocent people in the process. If someone is that 'bent' to get out of their car at you with a bat, they just might follow you too. If that thug did not want to get shot at, then he shouldn't have gotten out to hit someone with a bat.

Perhaps the guy with the bat was blocking the intersection with his car, and perhaps the guy with the gun didn't have time to put his car in reverse, back up, and perform some evasive maneuver to avoid the guy with the ball bat.

Besides, as was stated, state law does not require that a person RETREAT from a place where they are legally entitled to be. That means that if you are somewhere legally and someone comes at you with a ball bat with intent to harm you, you are not required to flee. You can stand your ground and defend yourself.

That sounds like a pretty good law to me because it would tend to discourage attacks on other people who are not threatening you in any way. BTW, if someone gives you the finger or calls you a name, that's not an "attack", but if they get out of their car and come at you with a ball bat, that IS an attack...... or at least the threat of an imminent attack. You don't have to wait for the agressor to hit you over the head with the bat before taking actions to defend yourself.
Another problem with just speeding away, when at a stop sign or stop light.

By then blasting through an intersection in which you DO NOT have the right-of-way, you very well might hit an oncoming car, or you might in turn be hit by an oncoming car. You might kill an innocent driver/passenger, or a driver with the right-of-way might kill or seriously injure you and your passengers.

Who wins??? The criminal from whom you were trying to escape, rather than fighting. :cuss:

Just a thought.

Another thought about just driving away -- the other guy may have written down your license plate number. You might think or hope that a rational person would get over their mad and let things die off -- but we know how many irrational people there are out there today: a LOT.

So you drive away today, and tomorrow he sees your car again -- only its your wife or daughter who's driving it. ...
The intersection of Huebner and Fredericksburg is frequently a parking lot. It is not unusual to sit through 2 or more lights. There would be no way to drive away from an attack.
I try to leave room ahead when at a traffic light.

But if I'm parked in on all sides, WHERE DO I GO?

Do I ram the 3 ton Hummer out of my way with my Yugo?

Is that really gonna work?

When six lanes of traffic are whizzing past on the cross traffic, WHERE DO I GO?

If the vehicle of the lunatic behind me outmasses mine, what advantage is there TO ME, in having a ten mile road-warrior battle?

You ever have 4 drunks in an SUV playing tag with you on the Interstate? Not so fun.

A positive outcome is not guaranteed just because you are an unwilling participant.

"just run away" sounds so simple if you've never encountered a motivated nut.

its a parking lot at 130 am? darn bad traffic
i mentioned it in the closed thread but 2 young men at that time of the morning things can get ugly fast. things happen so quick its easy to overlook an option. glad the guys ok but your delusional if you think theres no hidden costs to something like this. been in that road rage deal twice myself once the guy had a bat other time 3 guys with tire irons.first time he thougt a 38 beat a bat had a change of heart second time i had a faster motorcycle than their car. both times involved my waving to them using less than all the fingers on my hand. i quit doing that in my old age.i often inspire road rage nowadays cause i drive so slow i let em by holler sorry. the only thing i need to prove now is that i can get home safe
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Oh, there will be costs, that's for sure. Emotional and financial to be sure. Before he get's no billed, he needs a damn good attorny. And during that time he's probably ready to puke on himself because he just took a life which only nut jobs don't take seriously. This guy just changed lives of many people, not just his and the guy he killed. That other dude has a family and friends, and people who depended on him. Now he's dead. I feel horrible for everyone involved.

Bad decision to attack someone with a bat. He got what he had coming unfortunately.
“its a parking lot at 130 am? darn bad traffic”

I didn’t see anything about 1:30 am, but it gets real drunk out here on New Years. Near the medical center on New Years it can get real busy.
There's a thread on Glocktalk that gives more details (if true). The attacker seems to have been harassing a car driven by the shooter's wife and may have ran it off the road or blocked it because she honked at him for something. The husband who was following here pulled into the incident and the BG started the ballbat attack.

Don't know if this is true or what but you can go there and look it up.
I see something off-putting (personally) about shooting someone to death because you legally can, and making that my default choice when it comes to fight or flight. Now I understand that flight possibly wasn't even an option. I just hope, if there was enough time, that a pointed gun and a verbal warning was offered, even though it isn't legally necessary.

Texas is cool.

What exactly do you find 'cool' about this story? The privilege of being able to legally carry a handgun is cool, the fact that they need to be used outright sucks.
i was wondering what role "it gets real drunk out here on New Years. " played here. thankfully the living young man was apparently sober otherwise his hill would be harder to climb.
it might sound a lil extreme but i think if folks that chose to carry could watch someone die up close and personal, not in halo, there would be a great many of them would go to great length to not have to use that weapon. and most if not all of the chest beating would go away.they used to make screw up teenage drivers go clean up a bad accident scene, before that became non pc. maybe riding along to a shooting fatality might not be a bad idea to season the tactically inclined. i mean if you'll spend the buck for the tools and training being readyh for the whole experience couldn't hurt. though no way to simulate watching the kids of a guy you hurt grow up fatherless. and damndest thing about fate unless someone leaves town it'll happen
I am all for giving warning and trying to retreat. I think most on this site would say the same regardless of the law. An incident in which the gun is not fired leads to much less grief of all kinds, personal and financial.

In this case, if GEM is correct, he may have been stepping in to defend a 3rd party which complicates the ability to retreat.

Also, if someone with a bat is attacking, you don't have a lot of time. Just like the 21 feet idea people talk about with a knife. If they are coming, you better make up your mind fast. You may not survive the initial hit to act. Even if he was still in the car, I doubt it would take someone more than a few seconds to bust through the pasenger window to hit you.
and 2 young men one of em defending his wife is not the ticket to calm. don't know what happened in this case but i had a real sweet lil g'f for a while who got me in a lotta stuff with her attitude and my hormones telling me what i HAD to do when she started something.
“i was wondering what role "it gets real drunk out here on New Years. " played here.”

Read the entire post and don’t quote me out of context. My point was that this was near a huge medical complex shortly after midnight on New Years. Traffic there is always heavy and may have been worse than usual due to an increased number of ambulances and other emergency vehicles. Therefore, the person being attacked may not have been able to drive away from the attack. You seem to be reading something into my post that was not there.
If one can drive away from such an incident safely, that is far and away the best option. Even if you are justified, you're still gonna be in for quite a ride.

Another thought about just driving away -- the other guy may have written down your license plate number. You might think or hope that a rational person would get over their mad and let things die off -- but we know how many irrational people there are out there today: a LOT.

It's a consideration, but not a likely scenario. It's a call one would have to make based on the events leading up to the confrontation.

You ever have 4 drunks in an SUV playing tag with you on the Interstate? Not so fun.

Not on my last road trip. Might have had something to do with what I was driving , though ;)


They'd have lost that battle.
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