Man Shot, Killed In Apparent Road Rage Incident

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you trying to sell me ambulance gridlock?! i was thinking that the dim guy with the bat mighta had more than was good for him.tequlla made me think i was bullet proof.
Everyone loses in a gun fight! Everyone, and especially the family. While Castle Doctrine does not require one to disengage, Castle Doctrine is not going to pay your legal bills, nor the settlement following the lawsuit for the perp's disability. As Henry said, the best place to be in a gun fight is elsewhere.

Texas is cool.

What exactly do you find 'cool' about this story? The privilege of being able to legally carry a handgun is cool, the fact that they need to be used outright sucks.

Texas IS cool. Mostly for trusting her law-abiding citizens to take care of themselves and loved ones, as opposed to mandating that her citizens submit, cower in fear and throw themselves upon the tender mercies of whatever cretin-du-jour happens upon them.

(Any contrast to my prior state of residence, Illinois, is purely coincidental. And my previous residence, California...yeah, lots of coincidences in life...) :)

I forget who said it, but this sums it up pretty well:
"I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could"

Oh, and Doc, if it was a just shooting, there will be no lawsuit or settlement. That is Texas law, and another thing about Texas that is "cool".
s Henry said, the best place to be in a gun fight is elsewhere.

And there are times when you KNOW a fight is coming, and you need to be the FIRST ONE THERE rather than worrying about getting away.
Im not talking about starting the fight, I am talking about being the first one in fight mode. Most goofballs like this aren't really in "fight mode" when they come out swinging bats or whatever.

Being the second one to the fight is a bad spot to be in.
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well, it's one thing to get into a skirmish on the road, happens all the time, one person thinks they are in the right and the other is an idiot bla bla.

Like once when my wife was driving and turning left (both lanes turned left) driver in left lane next to her thought she could go straight, no. There was honking and cursing, and let's not forget quite a bit of bodily gesturing. The other woman was absolutely irate.

It is an entirely different story when you go from throwing verbal insults to using or attempting to use deadly force. Just try it on any police officer and you will get the same result.

There is a line that was crossed, simple as that, just like threatening to kill someone because they cut you off, but entirely different story once they pull out a bat and then come at you. Turning words into actions. Actions are what got this person killed.

Now all of that in hindsight, I wonder if it was a single shot or a double tap? ;) Caliber anyone?
but i think if folks that chose to carry could watch someone die up close and personal, not in halo, there would be a great many of them would go to great length to not have to use that weapon. and most if not all of the chest beating would go away.

^^ I believe that to be absolutely true.
The privilege of being able to legally carry a handgun is cool, the fact that they need to be used outright sucks.
It's not uncommon to need to use a gun for self-defense in Chicago, DC, or NYC too. You just don't have the opportunity. Is that morally superior?
I feel sorry for both families, the shooter might have been able to warn the guy off or maybe he did. The man will have a tough time sleeping:(
As I live in the UK I don't have the luxury of defending myself during a road rage incident.We have a dreadful problem with road rage and these crazies just loose all manner of control.I would like to know where all this anger comes from and why an individual would want to beat the living daylights out of someone because of a incident in a car.
Maybe if we could protect ourselves with a firearm these crazies may think twice about getting out of a car.
Where have the days of the one fingered salute gone....
but i think if folks that chose to carry could watch someone die up close and personal, not in halo, there would be a great many of them would go to great length to not have to use that weapon. and most if not all of the chest beating would go away.
I've seen more than one victim of blunt force trauma in the ER and EMS and that motivates me to NOT want to be on the receiving end of a baseball bat.
Not to make light of this, but there is a certain Darwinian aspect to these types of stories.
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