Man tazed for wearing a baseball hat...

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Feb 13, 2006
In the land of make believe.
Student says he didn't struggle, was exercising rights
WJRT By Terry Camp

SAGINAW (WJRT) - (11/13/06)--The man who was TASERed at last week's Saginaw City Council meeting says he never attacked anyone.

Charles Littleton says he was only standing up for his rights -- rights he says society continues to lose every day.

That is what got 22-year-old Littleton in trouble. He didn't obey a rule inside Saginaw City Council chambers. That rule is that all men must remove their hats.

"It means more than just a hat," Littleton said. "It's like my crown. It's like asking a king to remove his crown."

Littleton had his Los Angeles Dodgers hat on at last week's council meeting.

He was dragged out of the meeting after being TASERed following what was described as scuffle with police, but Littleton says it didn't happen that way.

"I never kicked, punched, swung or anything like that," he said. "They are making it seem like I attacked the officer, then had to be TASERed because I was attacking them. That's not true at all."

The Detroit-area resident and Saginaw Valley State University student has now been charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor because of the incident.

He was attending the meeting to get extra credit for an urban sociology class. He was unaware of the council rule, which calls for all men to remove their hats.

"It's not about them trying to bring order to a meeting because my hat -- not its shape, form or fashion -- disrupted the proceedings," he said.

"They just want to control us and tell us what we can or cannot do. I will not bow down and bow out and follow blindly."

Littleton says he believes the rule discriminates.

"A Jewish man -- would you ask me to remove my Yamika? A Kofee? A turban? Anything like that?" Littleton said.

"But I guess a Los Angeles Dodgers hat is not a religious symbol. That is secular. You respect religion but you don't respect this."

Littleton plans on going to the Saginaw County Courthouse this week to be arraigned on the charges.

You can see the ABC12 report by clicking on the video icon above. You will need Windows Media Player to view this video. You can get it FREE by clicking here. NOTE: Video clips will only be available for 7-days from the date they were created. ALSO: Video clips may play in a separate window, without audio, on Mac OS X machines. is aware of this issue and is working with the video player vendor to correct it as soon as possible.Copyright 2006 ABC Inc., WJRT-TV Inc.

Link to video on Youtube.
One stop closer to a poliece state. Jeeze, the men who tasered the guy wearing the baseball cap are the ones that should be being charged with felony assult. Since when is wearing a baseball cap a felony? And since when do we have fashion poliece?
before you go bashing the cops maybe we should get all sides of the story. i just don't think the cops tazered someone because he wore a baseball cap. if it happened that way, then he's the luckiest man in the world because he'll be a millionaire.

somehow i think there is much more to this story.
He wasn't tasered for wearing the hat!

He was tasered after scuffling with police.

Was that an attempt at humor?

Jeez, i think you people would feel differently about this if the dude was white.
The UCLA kid who got tasered is a much more compelling case for cops abusing power and misusing the taser.
Is wearing a hat indoors during a city council meeting a law?

I dont understand.

Does anyone have a link to the kid who got yelled at over wearing a hat to the city council meeting in New Hampshire?
Strange how the media always publishes the words of a trouble maker or felon but not the version of the officers involved. Scuffling or fighting with the police will get you bruises, contusions or worse. :uhoh:
Just what is wrong with following a few simple rules. He** if he refused to take off his and refused to leave, then Taze him.
PS Being black has nothing to do with following a few simple rules. Being white I have to follow the rules and he doesn't . Is that what you are saying derringer user??
I remember in grade school back in the 60's that teachers and hall monitors would throw a FIT over anybody wearing a hat indoors. Violators would get sent to see the vice principal.

So why is it rude for men to wear hats inside, but appropriate for women to wear hats inside?

I still don't understand the customs.

"It's like my crown. It's like asking a king to remove his crown."

Looks like the King got his a** zapped. I'm OK with it this time.......

But I guess a Los Angeles Dodgers hat is not a religious symbol.

Did he lern dat in Publik skool?

has now been charged with two felonies and a misdemeanor because of the incident.

I'm bettin' the hat was not the problem.....

Sounds like he had it coming in every respect.
On our use of force continuum, Tazer comes right after verbal and before physical force/hands on. Having taken the ride and sprayed, I would much rather be tazed than OC'ed.

OC lasts for 30 to 45 minutes and burns, with snot dripping/slinging from mouth and nose.

A Tazer last 5 seconds and is done. (unless you didn't learn the first time) It reminds me of getting zinged with the electric fence in my younger days.
So why is it rude for men to wear hats inside, but appropriate for women to wear hats inside?
Because men are considered full citizens (if they own property) while women are just chattel?

//ducking and running away

IIRC, the custom of removing one's hat indoors is a sign of respect for the property owner/Lord of the Manor. Failing to remove one's hat indicates contempt and disrespect for the property owner.

I may be mistaken on that, since the wearing of hats went out of fashion before I was born.
I haven't heard both sides, but IF he was asked to remove it and refused and IF when he refused they asked him to leave and he said no, THEN I would say he was asking for it. However, if some dumb*** officer can't see he (the officer) is making a huge deal out of a minor infraction, he (the officer) deserves to execute for abuse of authority....something America should take more seriously.
Seems that Charles Littleton and his "crown" got treated like a King--Rodney King!

On a serious note, I am a bit curious in that Littleton claims he knew nothing about the Saginaw City Council rule, but yet was very outspoken about the rule and his rights. Seems he might have been attempting to become a test case. Gee, we've NEVER seen that in the realm of R2KBA.

The Saginaw City Police Chief was one of the officers removing Littleton, and he broke a finger in the process. Raises a bit of doubt over the claim Littleton didn't resist.

There was also an arrest warrant issued for Littleton on an unrelated assault case in Detroit. The plot thickens.
Once again we have everyone commenting based on their own personal biases and NO facts to evaluate.

This one is done.

Members should think about what information is available before they start a thread like this. It will consist of the same people, making the same arguments they always make. And no one will ever be proven right because there isn't enough information to tell who's right.

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