Marlin bolt action .22's....shoot anything but LR?

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Dec 26, 2002
Do marlins .22 bolt guns shoot shorts, CB's etc.? It seems like the tube fed guns should, but do they?
Thinkin about buying one, but I'd like something that handles more than long rifle.

What about the romanian training rifles?They only feed LR from the magazine right? I saw half a dozen of them at a store in town that were in good shape besides beat up stocks for $69. Would have bought one if it didn't require going all the way downtown in columbus to get a permit, and put myself on their list.
Oh well, I'll get one of them as a project when theres a gun show, or I can make it to a store outside columbus corporation limits :mad:

Just an off the wall thought also. If you can shoot .22LR and .22mag out of a ruger single six.....what are the chances of single feeding a .22LR through a bolt .22mag? Would this cause damage(to me or the gun)? or would it be about like shooting shorts in a .22LR, fouls the front of the chamber but nothing permanent? Mostly curious. Not something I would consider doing a lot of since you can buy both guns for about $200 if you look around. I just gotta know now that I thought of it though :D
You should be able to feed shorts, longs and long rifles through a tube magazine bolt rifle. The CBs and BBs should work, but they are getting pretty short...

You are not technically supposed to fire 22LR through a 22 Magnum and I doubt many here will recommend it. In a bolt rifle, I don't see what is likely to go wrong as the action is farily closed - accuracy may be degraded a bit as the 22LR will point down slightly as opposed to lining up correctly with the rifling. The Single Six comes with two different cylinders - one for LRs etc and one for Magnums.

For the Romanian trainers or any of the rifles with the stack magazines, more than likely only 22lrs will feed properly unless you modify the magazine with a spacer though if you were wanting to use CBs or BBs for whatever reason, you could feed them manually. Or you could use Colibris. Most uses for such cartridges would probably only require one shot anyway.

Understand I am clearly saying DO NOT FIRE 22LR IN A 22 MAGNUM but it is certainly possible.
According to the Marlin catalog the 22LR tube feed bolt action rifles can be used with shorts, long, and long rifle.

I know of people who have shot 22LR thru a 22Mag rifle. It does work very poorly and should not be done.
Thanks guys
Sounds good on the tube feed guns.

I wasn't intending to shoot .22LR through a .22mag really. I already have one .22 so if I were to get a .22mag there would be no reason. I was mainly wondering what would happen should someone else go to get one out and load it with the wrong stuff. Kind of like storing your 20 gauge and 12 gauge shells in the same spot. I can just see someone messin stuff up since "its all just .22"
IIRC the Mag case has more diameter than the LR case. Thus, when you shoot an LR in a Mag gun, you're shooting a cartridge unsupported in the chamber...yikes!
On the 22LR in a 22MAG issue, I have a older Single Six and I only have the Magnum cylinder. I loaned it to a friend telling him that it was 22 magnum only but I didn't emphasize that no 22LR should be fired in it. He shot it just fine for nearly a year using just 22LR. Said it was reasonably accurate.

Now I've never felt compelled to do it myself but I really doubt that any harm would come to the shooter, esp if shooting a bolt gun.

Again, for the record: DO NOT FIRE 22LR IN A 22 MAGNUM
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