Maryland - MSI Membership Drive

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Mar 10, 2003
As some of you may know, September is the time to renew your membership in Maryland Shall Issue.

MSI's mission statement says:

"Maryland Shall Issue is an all volunteer, non-partisan effort dedicated to the preservation and advancement of all gunowners' rights in Maryland, with a primary goal of CCW reform to allow all law-abiding citizens the right to carry a concealed weapon; and to the education of the community to the awareness that 'shall issue' laws have, in all cases, resulted in decreased rates of violent crime."

While MSI's primary mission is to advance reform of Maryland's carry concealed firearm permitting process, they have established themselves as defenders of all aspects of the RKBA in Maryland and beyond.

Now's the time to make a commitment to join MSI and support this important organization.

Membership in Maryland Shall Issue is on an annual basis from October 1 to September 30. With the end of the membership year approaching, it is time for each of us to pay our dues. Regular Membership is $10 per year. Regular Members receive the MSI Update, participate in the annual members survey and are entitled to attendance at all regular meetings of MSI.

Executive Membership is $50 a year. Executive Members are entitled to all the benefits of Regular Membership plus are entitled to attend meetings reserved exclusively for Executive Members. The Executive Membership level is for those individuals who wish to have a more active role in the legislative and outreach activities of MSI without taking on the duties of an elected or appointed position in the organization. Those wishing to become Executive Members must pay their $50.00 dues and make a written request to be considered as such. The Executive Board will vote on each application on a case by case basis.

Dues may be paid electronically at or may be mailed to

Maryland Shall
P.O. Box 314
Libertytown, MD
Brother, you're always welcome in our parts.

You can take the cslinger out of Maryland......well you know the rest.
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