Merry Christmas to All

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Feb 25, 2005
Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it. Happy Chanukah to those of you who celebrate it. Have a Merry and happy day to all others. You don't have to celebrate Christmas or Chanukah in order to have a Merry Christmas or a Happy Chanukah - you just have to go with the spirit of the season, a spirit of bestowing a gift to others. Whether or not it was God giving his son to mankind, or one person giving a gift to another, the true spirit of Christmas is that you give something of yourself to someone else, you give of yourself to better someone else. Enjoy the day, enjoy the spirit of the season.
Merry Christmas to everyone, and espically to our troops overseas who are not as fortunate to be with their loved ones as I am.

also a very Happy and healthy New Year to all.

Nimitz said:
Merry Christmas to everyone, and espically to our troops overseas who are not as fortunate to be with their loved ones as I am.

also a very Happy and healthy New Year to all.


big +1 here
Standing Wolf said:
Merry Christmas from an atheist!
I'm more of an agnostic than atheist. I'm open to the existence of something more, but not convinced of it.

As an ecologist (that's ecologist, not environmentalist), my 'special day' was winter solstice, December 21. It's the day when our sun reaches the furthest point in its ostensible migration into the southern hemisphere (ostensible, of course, because it has to do with Earth's tilt rather than changes in sun's tragectory, but that discussion gets too technical for this thread).

More importantly, it is the date of the longest night of the year. From then on, the days get longer towards spring.

Primal cultures celebrated it for millennia. Some still do.

But whatever. Happy holidays, whatever your spiritual persuasion.

Now, where's my egg nog? ;)

Let's not forget a Joyous Ramadan (if I have the date right, which I don't think I do) to our sysadmin, Derek Zeanah.

Aw, hell, whatever your persuasion, hope you're having a good time. That goes double for everybody who helps to keep THR running. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. Leave my chair, probably. ;)
Flyboy said:
Aw, hell, whatever your persuasion, hope you're having a good time. That goes double for everybody who helps to keep THR running. I don't know what I'd do without you guys. Leave my chair, probably. ;)
<Raises a glass of eggnog to sys admins>

May your servers overflow with cool bits & good vibes.

Thanks for keeping it flowing.


In keeping with the spirit of the forum and the holiday, a question:
what caliber do northerners use to hunt reindeer?

And what's the most common rifle used for it? Tikka maybe?

marry christmas

may no one have to fire a shot in self defense this year though i know it wont happen but in addition may you all walk away safely to continue to be with your loved ones and friends even us here at thr.
17 posters and 91 readers so far.
To both those who speak and those who observe,
It's so good to be among friends.
Good cheer to all.

Merry Christmas

Even TO the the PC buggers,
the Democrats like Feinstein,
President Bush and VP Cheney.

Especially to our soldiers over there.

And even to our enemies. In the end, we're all human, flawed creatures. May god have mercy upon us all.
Merry Christmas with peace and joy to all.
God bless our soldiers and keep them safe.

Let's not forget a Joyous Ramadan (if I have the date right, which I don't think I do) to our sysadmin, Derek Zeanah.
Nice thought but you are correct that yu don't have the date correct. Ramadan 2005 was in October, began October 4th and lasted approximately one month.
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