Mexico: Walls won't stop migrants

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Dec 25, 2002
Tally Ho! Gotta love their spirit - it's resolve like this - combined the Bush "guest worker" program - that will have them taking this country over in another decade.

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (AP) -- The death of a Mexican man shot by U.S. authorities while trying to sneak into California proves that extending border walls will not curb illegal immigration, President Vicente Fox's office said Monday.

Guillermo Martinez died Saturday in a Tijuana hospital, a day after he was shot by a U.S. Border Patrol agent near a metal wall separating that city from San Diego, according to prosecutors in Baja California state.

Authorities said Martinez was on the Mexican side of the border at the time, but may have picked up rocks and made motions as if to throw them at the U.S. agent.

Baja California Gov. Eugenio Elorduy said in a statement that U.S. officials were investigating the shooting. But U.S. authorities on Monday could not confirm that.

At his briefing with reporters in Mexico City, Fox spokesman Ruben Aguilar said the government "laments and condemns" Martinez's death, and is demanding an investigation.

"This occurrence does no more than provide evidence that only a law that guarantees legal entry and is respectful of human rights can resolve the migratory problem both countries face," Aguilar said.

A bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on December. 16 would build more border fences, make illegal entry a felony and enlist military and local police to help stop undocumented migrants. (Full story) The U.S. Senate is expected to address the matter in February.

Mexico has bitterly opposed the House bill, which Foreign Relations Secretary Luis Ernesto Derbez branded as "stupid and underhanded." Fox has called it shameful.

Aguilar again attacked the measure Monday, saying "walls and police crackdowns never will resolve migration problems."
The Republic is dead. To bad King George and the rest of the nit wits in DC don't worry about are borders as much as they do the borders in Iraq. Over 1 million a year just walk into this country. All of the politicans and King George himself should be tried for treason. Brave Americans getting killed to protect the borders in Iraq and we have leadership that cares nothing about are sovereignty. With a million just walking into this country anyone really believe the war in Iraq has anything to do with Terrorism? I'ts all about control of their oil.
... i don't understand what people mean by "libery is dead" in relation to this incident. personally, i think a cheap 16ft chain link, barbed wire fense is good enough. if they cut through, fix it. we fix the fences at my HS every week. if they get through, let em. if they die in the desert, let them. if they make it through and get a job, good for them. if they cause problems, send them back and bill the mexican govt. if they turn criminal, SSS.
I doubt that terrorists are cutting your school fence to gain illegal entry. I don't doubt that terrorists have, and will continue to, enter our country through it's open borders.
"This occurrence does no more than provide evidence that only a law that guarantees legal entry and is respectful of human rights can resolve the migratory problem both countries face," Aguilar said.

Umm. I believe we are the country with the problem, they get less strain on their resources, and receive dolares back into their economy.
silverlance said:
... i don't understand what people mean by "libery is dead" in relation to this incident. personally, i think a cheap 16ft chain link, barbed wire fense is good enough. if they cut through, fix it. we fix the fences at my HS every week. if they get through, let em. if they die in the desert, let them. if they make it through and get a job, good for them. if they cause problems, send them back and bill the mexican govt. if they turn criminal, SSS.

You forgot something. The 20KV generator we should hook up to said fence.... We could probably either make it solar powered or wind fan powered, so there'd be little cost involved....

What, the mexican "government" doesn't like this idea? Since when should we care?
Order of the OMT

Phyphor, if your M1 Thumb was anything like mine, the first thirty seconds were a real awakening!!!

Welcome to the group.

Vicente Fox is corrrreeectoo!!

He's right. Walls won't stop ilegal immigration.

It wasn't a wall that stopped the illegal immigrant in California. It was a bullet.

Are we on to something?

NorthernExtreme said:
Can we just vote California out of the union? Something, Anything, Please!
I know it's always in fashion to get in a California shot, but Arizona and Texas would have to go as well. They get their fair shair of illegal entry.
Jorge Bush is spending billions upon billions of dollars in Iraq, but nothing to defend the nation's borders. Is Mrs. Snopes Clinton shrewd enough to hire people who are bright enough to make an issue of that?
The Republic is dead. To bad King George and the rest of the nit wits in DC don't worry about are borders as much as they do the borders in Iraq. Over 1 million a year just walk into this country. All of the politicans and King George himself should be tried for treason. Brave Americans getting killed to protect the borders in Iraq and we have leadership that cares nothing about are sovereignty. With a million just walking into this country anyone really believe the war in Iraq has anything to do with Terrorism? I'ts all about control of their oil.

Shhhhhhhhhssssssh. That's classified.

A wall can be very effective, especially one made of illegal aliens.
silverlance - Don't them in, make them all die in the desert. If they want to do it legally and become a U.S. Citizen, then what do they have to fear? But most of them are doing it illegally, with no intention to become actual citizens. And then they want our, as in actual citizens, benefits. They don't deserve those. I don't about you, but I don't want to pay out benefits to people that do nothing for them other than jump a fence to come here. And an HS is a little bit more different than the protection of the United States.
The Republic is dead. To bad King George and the rest of the nit wits in DC don't worry about are borders as much as they do the borders in Iraq. Over 1 million a year just walk into this country. All of the politicans and King George himself should be tried for treason. Brave Americans getting killed to protect the borders in Iraq and we have leadership that cares nothing about are sovereignty. With a million just walking into this country anyone really believe the war in Iraq has anything to do with Terrorism? I'ts all about control of their oil.
Good points that get lost when you start in on Iraq and oil. If oil was the issue, it would a sight easier to go to Mexico and take their oil. Nope, oil is a bad excuse for impeachment.

Now let's talk about failure to protect the border. Let's talk about failure to enforce duly constituted law. Let's talk about suborning national sovereignty with his endorcement of the North American Community proposal. Let's talk about national sovereignty and the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas "agreement" which is coming up for a vote most likely after the election. Let's talk about Bush's "guest worker program" and social security totalization. Let's talk about a lot of what I consider to be at least unAmerican proposals coming out of this president. Instead we get "Iraq for Oil" blather. You guys want to nail Bush? Change the hammer and you'd be surprised at the support you will pick up.
Make it a civil offense with a set rate of damages to hire an illegal alien and allow anyone to sue the person or company who hired an illegal alien. That would dry it up pretty quickly.
another okie said:
Make it a civil offense with a set rate of damages to hire an illegal alien and allow anyone to sue the person or company who hired an illegal alien. That would dry it up pretty quickly.
Come on now.... that's way too logical. Get real.

I know the border patrol is hurting for money these days, but if they're going to do more of this kind of enforcement I'd like to send them a case of ammo.
That wall needs to be me made entirely of lead. That would deter it a bit.

Not to mention eliminating any and all access to public services.

Perhaps even get brutal enough to revoke citizenship for those who aid and abet these illegals.

But I will come out and say taht we have to reform our legal immigration policy.

It took me over a year to get my wife legally into the US. That's just a load of freaking crap and makes me even madder that politicians would turn a blind eye to the illegal immigration.
Which is cheaper Bullets or fence. Make it a million bucks fine per illegal hired for company and mantory 10 years for person doing hireing per person.
i 'll be the first to admit. i have not researche the topic yet...i've heard some comments and opinions so far...if i'm not mistaken, it will "cost"/budgeted $41 billion dollars...:what: isn't there a better way to spend that money on America/ns to know who will truly benefit? i do...but "it's to keep the immigrant out of our soil"...yeah! right...where have i heard that story before...uhmmm! what do i know, anyways..:scrutiny:
The death of a Mexican man shot by U.S. authorities while trying to sneak into California proves that extending border walls will not curb illegal immigration, President Vicente Fox's office said Monday.
Now shooting them, on the other hand...:D

+1 to Buddyone. It's becoming obvious that a more physical and permanent response to illegal 'immigration' is needed. I think the wall is a great symbolic gesture merely by the fact that the bill met with such overwhelming support. Should tell our leadership (ala Bush) that the 'guest worker' program is NOT going to be good enough.
I may be fuzzy on this, but as I recall, we didn't ratify/sign the last int'l land mine treaty. We could transplant a few from the Korean border....just a thought.
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