Microstamping Bill causes STI to pull out of California

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Again, when I go to other states' average typical gunshops (something I do whenever I can) the product skew is clearly different: as an example, look in the pistol case of most CA gunshops and it's full of Sigs, HKs, Kimbers, S&W 629s, etc. and a few lonely Ruger P89s and P345s in the corner; when I travel to other western states it's usually (not always, though) the converse: tons of Rugers and S&W Sigmas, Charter Arms, etc. and more used guns, and just a few HKs and Sigs.

Yes, because the rest of us poor bumpkins can't afford none of them there fancy guns out here in flyover country. I done gots to pay for my Pillsner and smokes and the lease on my doublewide -Correia pauses to spit on floor- whhoooeee, I wish I could afford them thar fancy guns like California! 'Cause they done got the bestest economy on the whole world ever!

Oh man, I just rolled my eyes so hard I think I actually hurt myself.

Ironically, I own a gunstore ou there in flyover country. I don't have a SINGLE Ruger in my case. I have one Kel-Tec. I have two Tauri. Ironically I have 24 Sigs in the same case. Yep, bumpkins only buy them cheap guns.

Yep, us poor bumpkins, WISH SO VERY HARD that we could be super snazzy rich like all them Californians with their 7th largest economy in the world and all that nice weather. :scrutiny:

Look, there's a lot of guessing and misinformation in this thread. I know the guys at STI pretty well. They orginally bagged California because it was just a royal pain in the butt. They made their statement, and they found that a lot of people really appreciated it. It was never meant as a publicity stunt, rather just a business saying that enough is enough.

STI is a small company, that makes really good stuff, and is populated by a bunch of hard core gunnies.

If you read my commentary more deeply, you'd see I said I foud that to be a general trend, but not a rule. Your shop may well in fact be stocked with Dakota Arms, Armalites, and Sig P210s - but from my travels in OR, ID, KY etc. this is what I "in general" see.

I'm just saying (1) STI is stupid for doing this cuz they lose $money$, far more than any certification would cost, and (2) helping gun control in CA.

Someone truly progun should want to fight gun control in CA should be helping to exploit any loopholes in any problem state, and keep the antigunners busy instead of handing them a fait accompli. Because of the limited reading skills of STI mgmt - and not contacting CA gunnie legal-eagles, who really know the skinny, their statement about microstamping was just laughable (microstamping is not enforceable law, nor does it affect STI products).

That's why I love S&W: they're committed to supporting Californian gunrights as a cause and because it's a large marketplace. Even their small production-run (say, 300-500 units) variants of Perf Ctr guns get submitted for CA sales.

For the record, I was one of the 4-5 guys that, in 2005, laid the groundwork to get AR15-type rifles back into CA when our CA DOJ said it was impossible & illegal.

Bill Wiese
San Jose CA
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