Mike Huckabee is Pro-Second Amendment!

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May 17, 2007
I heard Mike Huckabee on Michael Medved's show. He said the 2nd Amendment is not about hunting, but about the people being able to over-throw a corrupt and oppressive government. He would never vote for an assault weapons ban.

I also heard him Hugh Hewitt's show, about 3 weeks earlier, make the same statements and that he knows people who own legally registered M-16's

This guy is the REAL DEAL on the 2nd Amendment.

He said this might sound radical to some, but its what he truly believes.:)
you are probably right . and i think fred thompson is the best candidate by a mile .it is just that i wanted to get some info out on other people running.and i have heard that he is weak on illegal immigration among other things,but i have not heard anyone else speak that way about the second like that.except maybe ron paul.
I don't care if he's a Christofascist (whatever that means), I don't think he's a good candidate because we can do better than electing someone to office who is probably dieing.

Plus, while he seems okay on guns, he sucks on alot of other issues like the Iraq war.
glad he's pro gun...

but America would be such a great and propserous country if we had real money...and we traded will all countries but had a STRONG DEFENSE ONLY military...made up of the people(militia) and the regular army....all free to keep and BEAR ARMS! :)

I wouldn't get too excited about that guy. Though he may be ok on one issue, he wants way too much control over our lives. I used to live next door to him, though I never met him personally. I did know some of his employees, and I serviced 'his' airplane, and I was given to understand that he's a real supporter of the nanny state.
I'll vote for Ron Paul if he gets the nomination, otherwise the republicans can forget my vote.

...and Rudy.. he's a joke. Wraps himself up in 9/11 like a cloak, and claims to know *all* about terrorism because he just happened to be mayor. McCain has done his best to trash the Bill o' Rights, and I'm just not all that excited about anyone else in that debate.
Ah, well. I wonder who'll get the libertarian nod.
Originally posted by outerlimit:
I don't care if he's a Christofascist (whatever that means), I don't think he's a good candidate because we can do better than electing someone to office who is probably dieing.

Plus, while he seems okay on guns, he sucks on alot of other issues like the Iraq war.

A Christofascist is someone who would impose a Christian based government on us. Basically they would use the Christian moral code as a compass to create the laws that would govern our country.

Who is dying? And are you reffering to Ron Paul, Fred Thompson, or Mike Huckabee when you write they are dying and suck in regards to the Iraq war?
Agree with above.
Huck is out for Huck.
Southern Baptist Preacher that knows how to "sweat and cry" to get the coffers filled.
He looks good on paper, sweats and cries like a thieving preacher should, but he ain't worth spit for anyone but himself.
Check out his record.
Computer System for the State, DHS for starters.

Clinton sounded good too remember?

If a politician opens mouth, and an utterance is heard, that sound is a lie - me
There is one sure thing politicians from Hope, Arkansas, have in common - they know how to talk. Admittedly, this is some of the best talking I've heard in regards to the Second Amendment, but it's still just talk.

I love Huckabees stance on some social issues - a stance he's proven to stand by repeatedly - but some of his other actions scare me...not as much as the "top-teir" candidates, but enough that I can't vote for him.

He did a great job in the last debate, though. I think that really helped him.
Basically they would use the Christian moral code as a compass to create the laws that would govern our country.

You mean like the founding fathers? Remember, the guys who were all about liberty to believe or not believe as you see fit? Help me out with some examples of Thompson's fascism in action.
I put Huckabee in the acceptable category. His chances of being nominated are terrible but if he gets the nod I will vote for him over any Democrat, except (maybe) Richardson (whose odds are just as long).
I think a person being a Christian shouldn't automatically disqualify them from holding public office and am disappointed at the language being used to describe Gov. Huckabee. His message of personal responsibility would do this country alot of good if people would take it to heart.

1. STOP Procrastinating.
2. STOP Making Excuses.
3. STOP Sitting on the Couch.
4. STOP Ignoring Signals from Your Body.
5. STOP Listening to Destructive Criticism.
6. STOP Expecting Immediate Success.
7. STOP Whining.
8. STOP Making Exceptions.
9. STOP Storing Provisions for Failure.
10. STOP Fueling with Contaminated Food.
11. STOP Allowing Food to Be A Reward.
12. STOP Neglecting Your Spiritual Health.

Nothing fascist there at all. He is a fine leader as he leads by example. Rather than rant at everything that is wrong.
Basically they would use the Christian moral code as a compass to create the laws that would govern our country.
Hmm.. I have the opposite problem with him/others.

I believe everybody in the debate is a Christian, yet only Ron Paul and McCain understand the Golden Rule enough either not to torture, or to leave others alone in peace.

Watching the others try and lambaste each other over whom is the "better Christian" on abortion and other social issues is one thing. Then, while listening to how they would out-torture the other and pre-emtively bomb/nuke king-hell out of Iran or anybody else they didn't like... well, that just didn't convince me their views (on Christianity) were sincere.

Last I checked, Christianity isn't about pre-emptively disembowling, dissapearing, torturing, or tagging and numbering people (real ID). I found very little to like from any of the Candidates when trying to square their views with Christian values.
Admittedly, this is some of the best talking I've heard in regards to the Second Amendment, but it's still just talk.

Actually, I think Huckabee walks the walk. I was at an NRA rally in Springdale a couple years ago, and he was one of the speakers. The first words out of his mouth were "How many of you are packin' tonight?" Any politician who will stand in front of a crowd knowing that most are armed and haven't gone through metal detectors (I was packing, my wife was packing, and all our friends who were there were packing) has enough cojones to get my respect. It's well known that he has a CHL and is proud of the fact.

Think Bloomberg, Clinton, Obama, Edwards or anyone else would do that? :evil:

I'd love to see it... just to have them prove whether they trust us or not.
Huckabee is the real deal when it comes to gun Rights. I've also heard him praising the FAIR Tax. His FAIR Tax support probably gets him ranks in insanity with a lot of posters here since it would require a change from the status quo. Personally, I would find such a change refreshing right about now, but I don't think Mike is the way to go. While Guv, he oversaw the smoking ban that basically told private business owners to screw themselves, and he also pushed this BMI tracking crap that makes the school system keep track of just how fat our kids are. Thanks, but I think I can handle it.
The ONLY "Fair Tax" is NO tax.
If we take away the checkbook, the runaway congress would be reigned in significantly.

He is screaming all the way up to 3% in the polls. If you add him and Ron Paul together; combined they are no longer in "Margin of Error" Category. Clearly an out of control freight train.
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