Military, Housing, Legal Residency & Firearms Ownership

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Dec 23, 2002
Say I enlist. The given is I move out of my Orange County, CA apartment (goodbye CCW) and move all my belongings to my dad's place in Los Angeles, CA.

1. HOUSING. A couple questions, first, do military personnel live on or off the base, whether in the US, US territory, or abroad? Do officers get allowance for a place while enlisted guys stay on base, or how does it work?

2. RESIDENCY. Let's say I'm stationed in Nebraska for example, if I live on base, can I get a Nebraska legal residency or do I keep my last civilian residency, i.e. California? Or they move me to Germany or Korea, does my, last residence, Nebraska stand?

In other words, if I join the military and put in a few years, will I still be able to get some fun toys when I'm on leave, or will I be spending my off-time in California :barf:
Skunk join the military:what: :what: :what: Which branch? Coast Guard:D Army?:eek: Marines?:evil: Navy?:D Airforce?

How about the reserves?
ok i got over my shock enough to answer you.

1. Housing: if there is enough room on base, thats where you live. if not(or if your married/ have kids) they pay your rent of base up to a point.

2. ____________
Living on post or off post would depend on a few things. Your rank, if you had dependents (your Benelli doesn't count :D), if on post housing was avaiable (it's old and condemned in a lot of places, my son who is stationed at Ft Benning is being encouraged to move off post as soon as he gets a car, because the barracks are condemned, this as a PV2).

The military doesn't care where you claim as your legal residence. You could maintain your California residence (without maintaining property there) or claim any other state as your home of record. All you have to do is declare it. There are tax advantages to claiming certain states as legal residence as some don't tax active duty pay. Illinois for example has no state income tax on active duty pay. Some don't tax military retirement pay either.

I don't know about CCW. If you are stationed in a state with good CCW laws you could get a CCW using your military address instead of your California address. I have no idea if it's legal in all shall issue states, but I know soldiers who have done it.


Most base family housing allows weapons in it, subject to the parent state's laws. Military housing can be on and off base. Barracks life for single guys does not allow firearms in the rooms. Both O and enlisted get housing allowance. Allowance is pretty much for the asking for single military E-5 and up, sometime E-4 and up. Some of the junior troops don't get the allowance but get together and rent "out in town" to avoid barracks/boat life. Claim Florida, any state but Cali. Guns will always be subject to the host state's/country's laws.

Buying guns according to federal law: Military ID and copy of permanent duty orders. Deal w/ host state laws.
The Soldiers and Sailors Civil Relief Act gives you certain rights as to residency. You will continue to be a legal resident of California and can legally maintain California driver's license and plates no matter what State in which you are stationed. You also maintain California voter registration and can vote absentee in all elections in your home town. California does not tax military income for residents stationed outside the State.

Claiming another state residence for tax purposes without intending to live there is illegal and can get you in trouble, although it is quite common in the military. I was a legitimate legal resident of Nevada the whole time I was in the service. If everyone in the military that claimed Nevada residence for tax purposes was legitimate, Nevada could have gotten another representative in the House of Representatives.;)

A lot of States give military personnel stationed in their State resident privileges for things like hunting and fishing licenses and access to State services. For the purpose of purchasing firearms, Federal Law considers you a resident of the state in which you are stationed.
It takes more than just declaring your state of residency to make that your legal state of residency....otherwise, all service members would claim Alaska and get paid from the permanent fund every year.

You have to have some ties to that state, and having a residence there will count. THEN, once you move away pursuant to military orders, you can continue to claim that state. Lotsa folks who've been stationed in TExas or Florida will establish legal residency there while stationed there so they can take advantage of the lack of state income tax.

Lots of states will say that for firearms purchases, military orders stationing you in that state will allow you to purchase as if you were a legal resident of that state, even if you still claim residency in a former state.

I don't know about CCW; varies from state to state.
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