MO CCW update

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Dec 31, 2002
Close by the Elk Fork of the Salt River
The current legislative session is in full swing. HB 120 and SB 0083 are just two of the CCW bills being proposed. Neither bill has been assigned to committee yet.

In the background, meetings between representatives and senators in favor of the bill are planned. What is hoped to come out is a re-write of the bills that are acceptable to both sides. Interesting that this is a bi-partisan effort. Republicans entered the bill in the Senate and Democrats in the House. This really is an urban versus rural issue.

The real sticker is of course the governor. Is he going to veto the bill or not if it is passed. The representative that introduced the bill in the house is working hard trying to find the substance of a bill that the governor will sign. Remains to be seen if that will be palitable with the other senators and representatives. A showdown could happen and the feeling is there is enough support to override. The govenor is still in a precarious position politically and must maintain a working relationship with the legislature to get anything done. It is hoped that this will be the motivation for a compremise.

The current session ends at the end of April. Both pieces of legislation call for an Aug 28 effective date. Here's hoping ;)
I hope you guys get it, I live in Arkansas about 20 miles south of Branson and I travel a lot into Missouri, it would be nice if Arkansas and Missouri would recognize each others permits.
There were only a handful of counties where it was negative. Unfortunately they were the populated areas like st louis and KC. This is why i really wanted talent to win governor, so we wouldnt have another bunch of passed CCW bills vetoed by an ******* Democrat. :cuss:
Holden will veto it...

and has already said so. He is a total liberal jackass, and on top of that the Highway Patrol (as an organization) opposes it. The patrol exerts an inordinate amount of leverge on political issues in this state considering the minimal overall role they play in statewide law enforcement, other than typical traffic enforcement. You can also rest assured that the LE bigwigs in St. Loopy and Columbia will lobby hard against it, along with their more liberal counterparts in KC.

This is too bad, because there are a lot of us in law enforcement who do not fear an honest man or woman who carries a gun. We already know that we cannot be everywhere at once, and we have no desire nor intent to deprive anyone of the means to protect themselves.

For this thing to pass, there will have to be enough votes in the legislature to override the Gub'ners veto. Holden is indeed in a precarious position at present, more on the grounds of budget deficit than anything else. When the voters here refused to finance 10 more years of the Department of Transportation's lame-brained mismanagement of the highway (non)repair debacle, His Excellency the Gub'ner began looking for political favors to call in so he could dissect the programs he dislikes, while protecting the ones important to his political cronies. The voters also turned down the proposed "sin tax" on tobacco products, which was intended to fill much of the gap left by the turned-down DOT tax.

There will be much "alley-trading" on this bill, and you can just about bet that any version that Holden would sign won't be worth a tinker's dam to the average man or woman looking to protect themselves or their families from criminal assault. The way to win this, if it can be won at all at present, is to convince a substantial number of the legislature that the many hunters and shooters of Missouri will hold their individual feet to the fire next election, if they vote for CCW- and we better make it clear from the outset that a ridiculously watered-down version will not be an acceptable 'compromise' any more than a 'no' vote would.

We need to get busy.
The way to win this, if it can be won at all at present, is to convince a substantial number of the legislature that the many hunters and shooters of Missouri will hold their individual feet to the fire next election, if they vote for CCW- and we better make it clear from the outset that a ridiculously watered-down version will not be an acceptable 'compromise' any more than a 'no' vote would.


If the last election didn't clue them in, then they are brain-dead morons and need to get booted anyway. I expect One-Term Bob to offer to restore some education funding, under the table, to buy enough votes to make his veto stand, if any ccw bill passes the legislature and lands on his desk. He is such a predictable weasel.:banghead:
Brain-dead morons in politics...

Heck, I thought that was a requirement to be a member of the MO. legislature. From the looks of some of the laws they've passed in the last 8-10 years, you'd think that Ms. Pucker's 7th grade American Politics class had drafted them between spitball fights.

The biggest problem we face is the fact that whenever these people aren't sweating an imminent election, they don't think much about us mere tax-producing units; and during this 'off-season' you have to fight politicians with other politicians. This is roughy akin to keeping a pet skunk in your garage, to let outside to chase other skunks away when they show up. The ailment and the cure are nearly the same.

No offense intended, Skunkabilly; it was just a handy critter for illustration purposes. You are one skunk I'd actually vote for!
Gun Rights Rally!


How much are your GUN RIGHTS worth, $10.00, $20.00, a day off work?


To the

Gun Rights Rally!

Jefferson City, Missouri

March 4, 2003

9:00 am until Noon

There will be displays by state and local conservation, hunting and pro-freedom groups.

Buses will be available from the St.Louis area.

There will be a $15.00 charge for the bus ride to and from Jefferson City.

How much are your GUN RIGHTS worth, $10.00, $20.00, a day off work?

Buses will be leaving from the pick-up areas promptly at 6:30am

#1 St.Charles County #2 West St.Louis County

Commuter lot Commuter lot

1-70 @ Zumbehl Rd. 1-44 & Rt. 141 (NW corner)

Need more information? Call Gil Pyles 314.346.8629, E-mail [email protected]

Go to: for all the latest info.
Buses From Kansas City Area

Buses will also be available from the Kansas City area for the March 4th rally at the Capitol. They will depart from the commuter parking lot at Blue Ridge & I-70 at 6:30 AM.

Call Gary Davis @ 816-924-7170 to reserve a seat.
Ms. Pucker's 7th grade American Politics class


They used to have a requirement in MO that you had to pass a class on the Missouri Constitution, gov't, etc. In my school, it was called 'Civics', and you took it in the 9th grade. I think it's still a requirement, except for people who hope to run for public office in Kansas City or St. Louis, or as a Democrat for Governor, apparently.
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