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Model 700 Internal Safety

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Sam C

Feb 12, 2003
Upstate New York
Are Remington 700 rifles still manufactured with that stupid internal safety? I think it locks the bolt or something. I heard they did away with it, true?
No. The locks are gone.If you buy a new rifle and it has a lock,then it has been collecting dust for a while.
On 700 Rifles (I don't know about other guns) they did away with it, but there are still a lot rifles out there that are new, that have the lock, that just haven't sold yet. If you don't mind the lock, you may talk the price down a bit because you can prove it is an older "discontinued" model.
Damn didn't know this. My 700 VLS has the j-shaped keyhole on the left side of the bolt. Guess it's been lying around for a while. I got it as recently as a few months ago on mexican boycott day.
Ahh the scorned J-lock. My 700VLS has this, usually left off. Still a pain to have to remember the green key 'just in case'.
I also don't like the J-lock, but it seems they're gone, so ... good riddance!

I just leave mine unlocked (on the "red" dot) and that's that.
From what I've picked up at gun shows and gun shops (so... grain of salt here) those dastardly green keys are prone to breaking if you don't insert them 100% - very easy to do - and try to exert the turning pressure. Feeling the two keys I have, that seems possible.
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