Montana Wolf And Coyote Comparison

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Wolf Bounty

Has anyone collected the $100 reward for a photo of a legally killed wolf in Montana? "The Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife is offering $100 and an annual membership for photographs of wolves killed in any open wolf hunting district between Dec. 19 and the end of the season, or until a quota is filled."

I love it when a private entity steps in and does what FWP should be doing. I'd gladly contribute to the cause. In fact, I am going to become a member of Montana Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife right now. You can do that here: Please consider joining with me. They work very effectively to get wolves and other predators under control, despite the tree huggers efforts to have them manage themselves contrary to human interests. Yes, God put them here. He also made us the managers. Gen 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

First of all to let you all know where I stand. I am not a tree hugger or a hunter. I was working on the Wyoming-Montana border when they started introducing the wolf, along with a whole bunch of promises that they wouldn't spread to populated areas and the Fish and Game would manage them. From the start there were stories of foals and domestic cattle being taken. I feel the powers that be dropped a major fubar on Montana with the wolf. They introduced a smart pack of predators into an area populated with wildlife and domestic animals that had no clue what a wolf was. With that the wolf grew fat and fast. Back then everyone practiced the three S's - shoot, shovel and shut up. Thankfully the FWP have allowed hunting.

I live in Georgia in area known for its Black Bear population. But they are still a rare sight. The largest predator I see around the house is wild domestic dogs, I have a fox who hangs around but does not bother anything. But trust me if any of them came near my livestock or family I would shoot without hesitation. If I saw a wolf within a hundred yards of my place I would shoot it too. Its just too smart to mess with, especially in a pack.

We have an instinctive fear of wolves hardwired into us, we need to manage it and not allow it to make us hysterical about the wolf. It is without doubt a threat to our domestic livestock and they need to be protected but like the Great White Shark keep it in perspective and real. The idiot texting in the car next to you is more likely to kill you.
Tin Foil Etc.

As I said earlier please contact the Montana FWP wolf biologist. You can reach her by calling the main number (406) 444-2950 and ask to speak with the (woman) wolf biologist (she has a dog that she regularly takes out with her hiking, which was how we got into the discussion). I am also certain she knows of the wolf in my original post. If you can't afford to, or don't know how to contact them by telephone, as I suggested and instead obtained general information from their website, I tried to reach her today to get more specifics to post here but the enforcement office is closed. I am certain she will be happy to tell you what she volunteered to tell me about the infant taken from the swing. I believe she said it happened up near Glacier and it was not a recent event. Cheers.
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If I had known anybody was interested I could have shown you a pic of a 60 pound coyote just a few weeks ago...I shot it while I was deer hunting, and its not the only one I've killed at that include one female.

They say they have mixed with domestic dogs, hence the larger size...makes sense, but I'm no scientist.
Here is an interesting referenced paper by the BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW covering the history of wolves in the United States. Note in one of the references there is a discussion of packs of wolves taking babies in other countries. The paper is detailed and not an Internet sound bite and takes time to read.
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Are you aware of the golden shovel award? That is the one you get when instead of regrouping and getting your facts straight you just keep digging. The first rule when finding yourself in a self dug pit is to STOP DIGGING!

If you do in fact have a factual account of a baby being taken by a wild wolf near Glacier NP please get your information together and post it here. But "call the MFWP and ask the the female biologist who likes to walk her dog." I'm afraid somebody might have told you fib even if she really was a biologist for the state on Mt.

News like that doesn't stay quiet and it would have been world wide sensational. Remember the baby that got taken by the Dingo at Ayers Rock in Australia? Yeah they even made a movie about it!

Are you aware of the golden shovel award? That is the one you get when instead of regrouping and getting your facts straight you just keep digging. The first rule when finding yourself in a self dug pit is to STOP DIGGING!

If you do in fact have a factual account of a baby being taken by a wild wolf near Glacier NP please get your information together and post it here. But "call the MFWP and ask the the female biologist who likes to walk her dog." I'm afraid somebody might have told you fib even if she really was a biologist for the state on Mt.

News like that doesn't stay quiet and it would have been world wide sensational. Remember the baby that got taken by the Dingo at Ayers Rock in Australia? Yeah they even made a movie about it!
H&H; with all do respect I provided a telephone number and there is only one female wolf biologist at FWP. All someone has to do is call the number and ask for that person and they will know who is requested. My mistake, which I now realize, was I should not have wasted my time with the post to begin with. If you do a search on the Internet covering the subject matter over 14,000 hits are reported (when I did this a few moments ago). I find it hard to believe that most of those hits have been reviewed by anyone here. I just contacted a friend in Montana to see if he had heard of this story and he said yes but the event occurred in the mid to late 1990s, i.e. it is not a recent event. Finally, I have always endeavored to keep to the ideals of THR while I have been a member. And frankly I am surprised that you, who I respect, would defend such a crass post, i.e. toilet paper, not high road.
Dad gummit H&H you beat me to it!!! Just fer that, when I take you up to Pa for some yotes, I'M TAKING THE FIRST SHOT!!! :D

Guess I have to take up on where you didn't. PolymathPioneer, I don't think there has been a single one of us that has stated that Wolves have not killed human beings anywhere. We have stated, that in the past 200 years, NO HUMAN HAS BEEN KILLED IN NORTH AMERICA BY HEALTHY WOLVES Now, there is one case in Alaska where a 22 year old grad student POSSIBLY was killed by Wolves but it is under investigation still as there were many different types of tracks in the area that the body was found. It was also around a dump site where idiots were not properly disposing of their trash and attracting predators. Now, earlier you saw I stated in bold type HEALTHY WOLVES. 95% of the recorded Wolf attacks on humans both in Europe and North America back in the 1800's were attacks by Rabid Wolves. Healthy Wolves will avoid human contact like the plague. They are smart like that. Now, in some parts of India there have been some Wolf attacks on children. They send their children out to tend and herd the animals. They are made easy targets and the Wolves there have slowly caught on to this. As I said, they are smart like that.

I'm going to repeat what H&H said just in case you didn't get the point. I, nor most anyone else of intelligence, will not be calling the Montana FWP and ask for "the (woman) wolf biologist that likes to walk her dog". Personally, I do not like to call officials and sound like a complete idiot. Which if I did call and ask that, I would be asked if I had a mental health issue I'm sure. I, like everyone else on this board including you, have the most powerful informational tool known to man right here at my fingertips. If the "story" you are alluding to is in any way true, I could simply type in "child attacked by Wolf in North America" and I would get 1000000000000 hits instantly. A story like that would be world wide news within minutes. North America has not seen a HUMAN death by wolves in over a century so it would be a media frenzy instantly. It would ESPECIALLY hit every forum board with hunters like wildfire.
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The ONLY attack registered in the 1990's of a child was a 19 month old child in Algonguin Ontario (nowhere NEAR Montana by the way) and the child was a little tore up and required a couple of stitches and a couple of staples but otherwise fine and healthy. Story here:

Two years later, on September 25, 1998, another Algonquin wolf circled a little girl and despite blasts of pepper spray, didn't leave until the child entered a trailer. Two days after that, a nineteen-month-old boy sat playing in the middle of camp, with his parents twenty feet away. The father thought he saw a dog emerge from the brush. He turned away for a moment and when he looked back, he saw his son in the jaws of a wolf. The wolf held the boy for a moment and then tossed him three feet. A local newspaper quoted the parents, "It wasn't hit and run. He hit him [the infant] and then it was wait and see. He [the wolf] circled the picnic table a number of times before he was scared off enough to leave." The infant received two stitches for minor injuries.
The ONLY attack registered in the 1990's of a child was a 19 month old child in Algonguin Ontario (nowhere NEAR Montana by the way) and the child was a little tore up and required a couple of stitches and a couple of staples but otherwise fine and healthy. Story here:
When I wish to confirm a story I am not afraid to make contact with public officials because I believe the only stupid question is the one that is not asked. With all do respect, your absolute belief in the information quality of the Internet is naive. Cheers.
It's not absolute belief in the information network, It's plain old common sense. I've hunted the Western states for going on 4 decades and been in the Eastern woods for OVER 4 decades there youngun. I know the outdoors better than a lot of folks. I also keep my "ears open" for anything having to do with the outdoors such as this "story" you are trying to pass along. If it happened, I or many others on this forum would have heard about it. Even way back in the 90's. (Lord did I just type "way back in the 90's? God I'm getting old)

Listen, most every person on this forum agrees that the Wolves desperately need to be managed and their numbers kept in serious check. But demonizing the Wolf and trying to instill fear of them is seriously the wrong way to go about things.
It's not absolute belief in the information network, It's plain old common sense. I've hunted the Western states for going on 4 decades and been in the Eastern woods for OVER 4 decades there youngun. I know the outdoors better than a lot of folks. I also keep my "ears open" for anything having to do with the outdoors such as this "story" you are trying to pass along. If it happened, I or many others on this forum would have heard about it. Even way back in the 90's. (Lord did I just type "way back in the 90's? God I'm getting old)

Listen, most every person on this forum agrees that the Wolves desperately need to be managed and their numbers kept in serious check. But demonizing the Wolf and trying to instill fear of them is seriously the wrong way to go about things.
I am not demonizing the wolf and before I lived in Montana I thought it was good that they were being re-introduced into the west. Not anymore, they come to within 100 yards of our house in Montana almost on a nightly basis looking for prey animals. We have had moose that bed 50 yards besides the house due to the wolves. I have been recently warned by FWP to not let my young children play on our property unescorted. When I take my dogs out at night they spend several minutes testing the wind before relieving themselves (my daughter used to take them out but no more). I do not know of a single hunter or rancher (and many others who are neither) living here in Montana that have not said openly to me they will kill them on sight. I don't know if people actually mean this but the intent is clear. When wolves loose fear of humans here they will certainly be a threat to children, as heavily documented in India as an example. New wolf packs are establishing themselves every six months in the area where we live according to FWP. You see bumper stickers here that say "smoke a pack a day" and its not talking about cigarettes. Its one thing to be an outsider and hunt here and its another to have to live with this wolf problem on a daily basis. The wolf problem here is very bad. Finally, please note, the picture I posted is the norm here for wolf size its not "above average" as you said in your posts. If you talk to hunters who live in Montana and hunt the thick and nasty areas where the bull elks stay after the rut (like I do) they will tell you wolves can go over 200 pounds, the tracks are massive (and disconcerting when by my house). I can tell by the track that wolves, (which are incredibly smart, they will drive elks off ridges to kill them), are "thinking" how close can they approach. I often will follow the tracks at night and know they are watching me.
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