More dumb posts lately?

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Dec 24, 2002
North Central Florida and Miami Florida
Phasers, Zombie guns, "pimp my gunship". Wow. There are a lot of just plain goofy posts these days.
Maybe we should have a sub forum for air soft, paint ball, and electronic game playing members. That would channel all that stuff into a place where it might be appreciated. :eek:
an "old fogey" forum, does that mean WE'D HAVE TO SHOUT ALL THE TIME SO THEY COULD UNDERSTAND WHAT WE'RE SAYING? :evil:

(just kidding :D )

On a more serious note though, I think a good point was made on the phaser post. If hollyweird and the like are going to portray something as a weapon then they should treat it like a weapon (four rules, etc). There are an awful lot of people out there watching who get their ideas from TV and Movies, wouldn't it be great if that idea was more accurate?
it's all a state of mind....

vidio game forum.....state of mind = not challenged by dummed down school system nor given any meaningful responsibilities, living in sci. fi. la-la land

old fogey forum.......state of mind = has job, pays bills and lives in the real world (or has been responsibly parented by someone who does)

guess which one I'm signing up for? ;)

You kids and your "forums" on the "internets" and wanting to complain about other threads!

In my day we didn't have "internets" to talk about zombies and complain about how kids wear sagging pants these days. We had to go down to the local barber shop...and we liked it that way!

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