more from credo and Brady

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Dec 27, 2007
western NY
Im On the brady bunch mailing =
Just got this

No More Second Amendment Extremist Judges

Tell Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Leahy to block the appointment of federal judges who are hostile to reasonable gun control laws.

Dear Brady Campaign Member,

George Bush has only nine months left in office; he and his allies are still trying to ram through a set of judicial nominees that could run the courts for the next 50 years.

The Heller case before the Supreme Court is a reminder of the importance of federal judicial nominations to preserving hard-fought legislative victories against the gun lobby. The battle against gun violence is fought in courts as well as in legislatures. We must be vigilant to prevent the appointment of judges who will enforce an extremist reading of the Second Amendment.

So I hope you'll take action today to ensure that Congress will block the appointment of federal judges who are hostile to reasonable gun control laws.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Will Easton, Activism Manager
CREDO Mobile
Dear Brady Campaign Member,

George Bush has only nine months left in office; he and his allies are still trying to ram through a set of judicial nominees that could run the courts for the next 50 years.

The Heller case before the Supreme Court is a reminder of the importance of federal judicial nominations to preserving hard-fought freedoms of the Constitution. The battle against gun violence is fought in daily life, by people who can defend themselves. We must be vigilant to ensure the appointment of judges who will enforce a Constitutional reading of the Second Amendment.

So I hope you'll take action today to ensure that Congress will block the appointment of federal judges who are hostile to any gun control laws.

Thank you for working to build a better world.

Will Easton, Activism Manager
CREDO Mobile

There, fixed it.
So I hope you'll take action today to ensure that Congress will block the appointment of federal judges who are hostile to any of our Constitutional freedoms.

There fixed it for ya. :D
Nonprofits can't act on legislative action, I don't think...

But is it legal for them as a nonprofit group to do this?
Nonprofits can't act on legislative action, I don't think...
But is it legal for them as a nonprofit group to do this?
CREDO Mobile is a for-profit company. They're sending the money to the Bradys, IIRC. They're subsidiary of Working Assets, who are managed by the Tides Foundation, who exist to launder and obfuscate activist money.

Yeah, they can get away with it. The managing director of Tides is Danica Remy, a protegee of Michael Milken, who knows a thing or two about shady financial practices.
"Nonprofits can't act on legislative action, I don't think..."

I don't know about 'non profits', but tax exempt organizations can't. This begs the question: How does the VPC maintain it's tax-exempt status? They are clearly trying to influence legislation, so Sugarmann must be lying to the IRS. The weasel claimed zero contributions to the VPC from 2001-2004. Who pays his salary, Nazi collaborator Soros? I'd also like to know how Sugarmann maintains a FFL, since he doesn't qualify for any of the classes, according to ATF regs.

I used this "activist judges" email to beat the BC up with on Huffpo the other day (I get them too). I guess you're an "activist judge" if you read the 2nd Amendment as written, instead of 'interpreting' it to parrot the BC's nonsense that the RKBA is not an individual right.
Tell Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Leahy to block the appointment of federal judges who are hostile to reasonable gun control laws.

I would love to know what they think is a reasonable gun control law. I don't mean the BS they say, I mean what they really think.
"I would love to know what they think is a reasonable gun control law. I don't mean the BS they say, I mean what they really think."

You're right about the BS. The BC wants to ban guns. Period. They say otherwise, but actions speak louder than words, and they lie a lot. They support every gun ban that ever existed.

They know that SCOTUS is about to hand them their heads re: individual RKBA, so they're stepping up some of their other campaigns. They are pushing for renewal of the AWB (nothing new), "gun show loopholes", 'Smart Gun' laws :)cuss:), and micro- stamping, for example.

They are like green-headed flys. They won't give up until they get stomped on.
How does the VPC maintain it's tax-exempt status? They are clearly trying to influence legislation, so Sugarmann must be lying to the IRS. The weasel claimed zero contributions to the VPC from 2001-2004. Who pays his salary, Nazi collaborator Soros? I'd also like to know how Sugarmann maintains a FFL, since he doesn't qualify for any of the classes, according to ATF regs.
Sugarmann also has an FFL, which, despite my efforts, was renewed on March 1st. His FFL is based in Virginia. I asked the ATF why he had one when his books hadn't been audited since February of 2002, and they could not answer.

His FFL # is 1-54-000-01-8C-00725.

They get their money from the Joyce Foundation. The VPC is actually 501(c)4, which does allow for some lobbying.

Yeah, the whole thing's corrupt as hell.
I support many of the environmental and social justice programs Credo works on, but I was unaware of their recent affiliation with the Brady Campaign. I have made this a point of activism and our email exchange is posted below. I will share with THR any response I get from the company.

From: Jay XXXXX
Posted At: Saturday, June 07, 2008 12:17 AM
Posted To: Chastity
Conversation: Information needed
Subject: Information needed


My name is Jay XXXXX. My member number is XXXXXXX and my cell# is XXX-XXX-XXXX. I could not find anywhere on the Credo site the date my contractual obligation ends. Please advise me of the date.


--- On Sun, 6/8/08, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Information needed--XXXXXXX
Date: Sunday, June 8, 2008, 2:16 PM

Dear Mr. XXXXX,

First we’d like to thank you for your continued support. With the support of customers like you, we’ve donated over $60 million to progressive causes.

Upon reviewing your account, I show you have been speaking with Robert today and he has provided this information. Is everything ok with your service Mr. XXXXX? If you have any feedback that you can provide that will help to improve the level of service we provide, please advise.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please feel free to email me directly. Or call us at 1-800-411-0848 and a friendly customer service representative will assist you. Our phones are staffed 5am-8pm Monday-Friday and 7am-5pm Saturday-Sunday or go to

Thanks for your continuing support for CREDO Mobile, where you make a difference every day.

Customer Relations
CREDO Mobile

Hello, Chastity.

My service is fine. I've been very happy with it and have enjoyed being able to easily contribute to causes with which I share beliefs.

Unfortunately, I've become aware that my contributions are now supporting a cause I do not believe in and am on the verge of discontinuing my support of Working Assets/Credo because of it.

Not only do I support environmental and social justice issues, but I also happen to strongly support the Bill Of Rights. In its entirety, including the Second Amendment. Will Easton's communication with the Brady Campaign has been a rude awakening for me. Having served in the US Armed Forces and being a combat veteran, I am painfully aware of what we risk in allowing our Second Amendment rights to be weakened.

In putting greater restrictions on our right to keep and bear arms, we only further disarm the law abiding citizens because the lawless and criminal people will continue to acquire weapons no matter how many laws and restrictions we enact.

A popular saying in the Second Amendment circle is that, "When seconds count, the police are only minutes away." If the Brady campaign is successful, only the bad guys and police will be armed and the law abiding will be robbed, raped or murdered by the time police arrive on the scene.

I am a law abiding citizen and I legally own firearms and have never used them or allowed them to be used unlawfully. Should a criminal assault me or my wife or you while I am present, I will be in the rightful position to neutralize the threat.

The laws in place already will work if properly enforced. The Brady campaign would have all of us like Washington DC, at the mercy of the criminal element. Had ONE legally armed citizen been present at Columbine or Virginia Tech, the outcome may have been quite different and less tragic.

The less talked about and likely more urgent reason to protect our Second Amendment rights pertains to government and freedom. It's hard for us to be mindful of it these days with our refined lifestyles, but this country exists because armed persons revolted against a governing force they found unjust.

Every historic instance of tyranny began with the tyrant disarming the general populace. Having enjoyed a relatively peaceful 200 years in this country has caused a disconnect for most U.S. citizens from the reality of what could happen. One only needs to visit one of the many disarmed dictatorships to be reminded of what could be.

I appreciate your concern over my service and would also appreciate it if you would forward this email to Mr. Easton. A response would also be welcome.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

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