"More on my quest to make liberal less of a dirty word...."

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Liberal once meant people who were for individual freedom. Now they'd be "classic liberals" or libertarians.

I consider our opponents to be collectivists, of all stripes, secular, religious, and in-between.
Yes, it is a shame that the meaning of the word "liberal has been turned upside down to describe people whose political philosphy often is based on control rather than liberation.
WE'UNS = Members of THR and other such organizations that promote freedom as defined, enumerated and confirmed by the Constitution and BoR. Generally sentient folks that are aware of more than their immediate surroundings for a time period longer than a 30 second soundbite.

WOLVES = Socialist Elitist Statists who believe that the only proper rule is one that they force upon others regardless and in spite of any other opinion or document (such as the Constitution and BoR).

SHEEPLE = Everybody that is left over.

BLISSNINNIES = Sheeple that are trying to be Wolves.
LIBRAL as opposed to whatever else you've been using. It's a coined term that I've been using for years now. It's a term that was used by a few individuals on a catholic newsgroup I used to inhabit back then. It connotes the touchy-feely PC mindset of the many "socially progressive" in America today.
Anti gunnner is far more appropriate
That would assume that the gun issue is your only criterion for defining neo-liberals. I kinda lean towards "Statist" myself regarding people who won't leave me the hell alone.
I've always been partial to "looter". ;) It nicely describes the various members of the pantheon of statists, collectivists, and other varieties of control freaks that have a burning desire to tell me what to do and take my stuff, like Bill Clinton or George W. Bush. :)
Draconinans may be a copywrited term as it's used in a series of fantasy novels collectively known as "Dragon Lance" to describe a mythical race.



Exceedingly harsh; very severe: a draconian legal code; draconian budget cuts.
[After Draco.]

Dra·co, Seventh century B.C.

Athenian politician who codified the laws of Athens (c. 621). Lauded for its impartiality, his code was unpopular for its severity.

But it's not a good term for gun-grabbers.

Hey, how about gun-grabbers?
Yes, it is a shame that the meaning of the word "liberal has been turned upside down to describe people whose political philosphy often is based on control rather than liberation.
It is a shame...but you could blame also those that allowed such a co-opting of the term to take place...

While in Russia, did you ever contemplate ditching the word "moujchina" as a way of address? It's the ugliest possible choice, means something else, there is a choice of alternatives any of wich is better. Nothing helps, though. There goes the world "liberal", likewise, to it's misapplied destiny :).

Best regards
After rereading the original post, either I or 90% of the respondents so far don't understand your question. What do you mean by "the critters we dislike?" If you are asking, as it seems to me you are, what to call people who disagree with us on the RKBA issue, I would wonder what the word "liberal" has to do with it at all. The begining of political stupidity is to generalize from one issue to a whole imagined suite of beliefs that a word like "liberal" (or socilaist, commie, blissninny, etc) implies. As ably demonstrated here, not too many people can agree to what those beliefs are. So why would you ever consider ever using such an imprecise term when you are trying to make a more precise argument? All you do is sow disinformation and alienate readers. (Also ably demonstrated in the foregoing posts.)
The fact is that we (pro gun people) really need to be careful of developing an "US" versus "THEM" attitude. Especially when we attach labels like "liberal" and "conservative" to the two groups. The fact is that even the people on the Pro-gun side of the issue cant be painted with that broad of a brush. For example, most people here could be safely called "pro-gun". But thats about our only really common politial belief. Start a discussion about religion, abortion, taxes etc. on this board and all of a sudden we have a broad range of opinion. Ive not a lot of "liberals" who were pro-gun and a lot of conservatives who were "card carrying" gun grabbers. Our common enemy (with regards to gun ownership) are the anti's. And thats about it. If we start broadly accusing all Liberals as being our enemies eventually we will make it a reality.
Oleg, I'm glad to see my quote on "making liberal less of a dirty word" caught your attention.

I myself am a liberal and dispise when people use the term to describe anti gunners. Some of the most pro gun people i know are liberals. We are not the americanized version of the term, but REAL liberals.

I like athoritarians, because athoritarians are, by their nature, anti-gun. They seek to ban anything that would pose a threat to their athority. It describes both liberal and conservative anti-gunners.

Left-Wing doesn't work because it's a dated term that is too close to liberal, and not all american liberals, even those who describe themselves as liberal Democrats are left wing. Many of them are, in fact conservative athoritarians.

Socialist doesn't work either because gun ownership has nothing to do with REAL socialism. In a real socialist or communist system, gun ownership would be perfectly fine. Unfortunately, the only socialist or communist governments we see in this world are bastardized.

Don't group all anti gunners as of one group (unless that group is: anti gunners) unless you want to alienate that group.
First time posting, so take it easy on me people. Please.
It seems to me that the word you are all looking for is "fascist"
It is, if I am not mistaken, the word used to describe Hitler's politics. Again, if I am not mistaken the first Federal Firearms legislation in th U.S. was the "1967 firearms act." IIRC it was translated verbatim from the "1937 firearms act" in Germany. I'm not totaly sure if that means anything, but it is interesting. Considering that we have "two parties" to vote for and neither is willing to challenge even the 1967 firearms act, doesn't there at least appear to be a problem? Ok. End soap box. Question: what is the most effective means of converting an "Anti" to a "Pro" in terms of guns? Is it by calling names or by discussing issues? In other words, I think that you have to deal with other people on their own terms rather than make them conform to your definitions. Just my 440 cents worth.

The Grewsome Drewsome
Hitler wasn't really a fascist.

Fascism is the blending of corperations and state, much like america under the current leadership. Once again, has nothing to do with gun control in its purest forms.
Fascism is the blending of corperations and state, much like america under the current leadership. Once again, has nothing to do with gun control in its purest forms.
The word that describes that particular political construct is not facism, but socialism.
Fascism has more to do with a nationalistic dictatorship or an otherwise autocractic government (which would describe Hitler).
Again, if I am not mistaken the first Federal Firearms legislation in th U.S. was the "1967 firearms act." IIRC it was translated verbatim from the "1937 firearms act" in Germany.
With all due respect, that is simply untrue. :) (I'm certainly not defending the 1968 GCA, BTW).
I understood that while not a verbatim translation, certain sections were very similar in order and phrasing.
I understood that while not a verbatim translation, certain sections were very similar in order and phrasing.
The fact is that most gun laws have similar provisions.

Yes I'm aware of JPFO's work regarding Thomas Dodd, but in the end JPFO only provides circumstantial evidence at best that Dodd based the 68GCA on the nazi law.

In any event -- and back to the topic of this thread -- not all gun controllers are fascists and we would risk at least two tactical mistakes by taking that position.

** (less likely) We ignore the gun control threat from other quarters.

** (more likely) By throwing around terms like "Nazi," we destroy our ability to communicate and convert the non-hardline gun controllers who believe in it without ever actually thinking it through.
WE'UNS = Members of THR and other such organizations that promote freedom as defined, enumerated and confirmed by the Constitution and BoR.
I certainly hope you are not construing the enumeration of certain rights to disparage or deny other rights retained by the people :neener:
Oleg- we would be better off judging people by their actions rather than attatching a label to a person like a jar placed on a shelf. What's liberal or conservative to me may not be to you. I take exception when I am described as liberal or conservative based on my opinion of a singular issue. Let's see....I'm pro environment-so I must be liberal. But wait....I'm pro capitalism and anti-union, so I must be conservative. Hold on...I'm pro-choice, so I must be liberal. Not so fast because I'm staunchly pro-gun...so I must be conservative. What am I? Independent, and damn proud I'm able to think outside so called liberal or conservative idealogy. Lots of people know the difference between left and right, yet don't know the difference between right and wrong!
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