More Reason to Rally Against the Socialist Obama

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Obama makes me SICK.

I sent him two messages via email abount different issues, one was pertaining to the NICs system.

I received replies to both of those emails (surely typed by someone else) stating how he supports these new regulations and blah blah blah.

After the school shooting, I sent him another email asking how regulating concealed carry would have helped students in this situation. I also asked how he thought the situation would have been different had students actually been carrying.

I received no reply to any of those later issues.

That slimebag really upsets me.
Most people that tell me they are voting for Obama beacuse they "like what he says" are dumbfounded when I question them about his actually policies and opinions on issues.

same here. A woman I work with supports Obama because "he's for the environment"?

Just the same, she will probably forget to vote.
OK, so how about we plan some activism? You know, what we're supposed to be doing here, as opposed to going ZOMG OBAMA SUXXORS!!!!!!11111one!!!!

If you have some activism in mind, feel free to open a new thread.
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