Most accurate drop in 1911 barrel?

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No particular drop-in can be best as it depends on the tolerances of your gun and how any given barrel sets in them. The Kart Easy-Fit is closest to being drop-in (still some work but very doable).
I'd expect the cheapest of barrels gunsmith fit to beat the best dropped in.

I'd expect the cheapest of barrels gunsmith fit to beat the best dropped in. Taking cheapest to mean something like a stock Stormlake and best to be Kart or Barsto depending on a preference for steels. By no means suggesting that Stormlake is bad just suggesting that a less expensive barrel properly fit will do better than a more expensive barrel dropped in - so the way to go for the money is the gunsmith fit.

Kart easyfit as mentioned would be my suggestion for an owner fit.
My most accurate .45 ACP, and a Combat Commander at that, has a Wilson "drop in" barrel. The thing is, it didn't really drop in for normal reassembly of the gun, it was oversize in every dimension. My FLG (Friendly Local Gunsmith) said he had to take metal off every place that he would have a "gunsmith fit" barrel, just not as much.

Any decent barrel will be as accurate as its installation allows. Whether a drop-in barrel really drops in and if it does, whether it fits well enough to get improved accuracy for your money is largely a matter of luck.
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